Jooks - Medicin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jooks - Medicin

Vi siger alt er fint
We say that everything is fine
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are happy
Vi har det sublimt
We feel great
Vi siger alt er fint
We say that everything is fine
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are happy
On medication
T sagde det
T said it
Alle skal have et fix
Everyone needs a fix
Alle søger det rene
Everyone seeks what's pure
I en verden der er beskidt
In a world that is dirty
Det nogen før fik hos en pusher for en fif
What some used to get from a dealer for a tenner
Det får vi recept
We get it on prescription
Apoteket er blevet et lykkeland
The pharmacy has become a land of happiness
Det er let at komme ind
It's easy to get in
Men skal du ud, held og lykke (mand)
But good luck getting out (man)
For alle har brug for støtte (mand)
Because everyone needs support (man)
Coaches, terapeuter, psykologer står i køen (mand)
Coaches, therapists, psychologists are queuing up (man)
Og de smiler når de lytter
And they smile when they listen
Og smiler stadig når du betaler det du skylder
And they still smile when you pay what you owe
Men hvorfor tro at det nytter
But why believe that it will help
I en verden hvor lykke er noget du køber
In a world where happiness is something you buy
pop det du har bitch
So pop what you've got, honey
Cipralex, zoloft og fontex
Cipralex, zoloft and fontex
Seroxat, cipramil
Seroxat, cipramil
længe det bare får dig til at smile når vi taler sammen
As long as it makes you smile when we talk
Sig vi har det fint
Say we are fine
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are happy
Vi har det sublimt
We feel great
Vi siger vi har det fint
We say we are fine
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are happy
On medication
hvad er din gift?
So what's your poison?
Hvis du forteller mig din, forteller jeg min
If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine
hvad er din gift?
So what's your poison?
Hvis du forteller mig din, forteller jeg min
If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine
Og lad os trippe (trip)
And let's trip (trip)
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are so happy
On medication
Vi er bange for at være bange
We are afraid of being afraid
Er det for meget at forlange
Is that too much to ask
I en verden der er skræmmende
In a frightening world
Er det bedre at bare glemme alt det grimme
Is it better to just forget all the ugliness
Vi gør, når vi nu ved hvordan
We do, when we know how
De siger angst er ubegrundet
They say anxiety is unfounded
Mens vi ligger endnu en soldat i hullet
As we lay another soldier in the grave
Og vi kaster liget kullet
And we put the body on the coals
Og lever videre som om lortet det virkeligt er begrundet
And live on as if the shit is really founded
Og plasker videre i suppen
And we continue to flounder in the soup
Og knepper udenom til firmafesten med dukken
And screw around at the office party with a doll
Kommer hjem og kysser børnene godnat
Come home and kiss the kids goodnight
Med regninger i lommen i bukser der går til vask
With bills in my pocket in pants that need washing
Og det er ikk' vendindernes beskeder der gør at hun klukker
And it's not the messages from the mistresses that make her cluck
Og hvem har ikk' brug for en dukkert i et bundløst glas med piller
And who doesn't need a dip in a bottomless glass of pills?
Vi ses bunden hvor vi.
See you at the bottom where we.
Sig vi har det fint
Say we are fine
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are so happy
Vi har det sublimt
We feel great
Vi siger vi har det fint
We say we are fine
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are so happy
On medication
hvad er din gift?
So what's your poison?
Hvis du forteller mig din, forteller jeg min
If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine
hvad er din gift?
So what's your poison?
Hvis du forteller mig din, forteller jeg min
If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine
Og lad os trippe (trip)
And let's trip (trip)
For vi er lykkelige
Because we are so happy
On medication
Fuck V.I.P
Fuck V.I.P
Vi er V.L.F
We are V.L.P
Verdens lykkeligste folk
Very lucky people
længe vi får vores fix
As long as we get our fix
Fuck V.I.P
Fuck V.I.P
Vi er V.L.F
We are V.L.P
Verdens lykkeligste folk
Very lucky people
længe vi får vores fix
As long as we get our fix
Trip sammen med mig
Trip with me

Writer(s): Johan Forsby, Jonathan Elk? Nielsen

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