Josep Thió - Avui És Demà - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Josep Thió - Avui És Demà

Avui És Demà
Today is Tomorrow
Als carrers no ha sortit el Sol.
The sun hasn't risen in the streets.
Una cosa et fa sentir viu...
Something makes you feel alive...
Maleït despertador!
Damn alarm clock!
Obres els ulls; mires al teu voltant
You open your eyes; you look around
Esperant que algú hagi canviat...
Hoping someone has changed...
Tot segueix igual que ahir i que demà.
Everything's the same as yesterday and tomorrow.
Mentre et despertes i et vas vestint,
As you wake up and get dressed,
Poc a poc oblides que no ets feliç.
You slowly forget that you're not happy.
La rutina et mata; vols complir els teus somnis!
Routine kills you; you want to fulfill your dreams!
Vas esperant que demà serà un altre;
You're waiting for tomorrow to be different;
Que tot allò que vols arribarà.
That everything you want will come.
Potser hi ha algú a prop teu esperant-te...
Maybe there's someone close to you waiting for you...
Vols parar la roda i sortir d'aquí.
You want to stop the wheel and get out of here.
Van passant els dies...
Days are passing by...
I avui, avui és demà.
And today, today is tomorrow.
El cotxe, el soroll i el fum;
The car, the noise, and the smoke;
La gent que et mira amb cara de cul...
People who look at you with a bad face...
No vols viure enmig d'això.
You don't want to live in the middle of this.
Tu sempre deies que eres diferent
You always said you were different
Però et trobes, com tots, jugant al mateix joc
But you find yourself, like everyone else, playing the same game
On tothom oblida i ja ningú somia.
Where everyone forgets and no one dreams anymore.
Res està perdut si encara n'ets conscient.
Nothing is lost if you are still aware of it.
Has de tenir somnis per seguir vivint...
You need to have dreams to keep living...
Als carrers no ha sortit el Sol.
The sun hasn't risen in the streets.
Hi ha una cosa que et fa sentir viu...
There is something that makes you feel alive...
Per poder riure també cal aprendre a plorar.
To be able to laugh, you also have to learn to cry.
Vas esperant que demà serà un altre;
You're waiting for tomorrow to be different;
Que tot allò que vols arribarà.
That everything you want will come.
Potser hi ha algú a prop teu esperant-te...
Maybe there's someone close to you waiting for you...
Vols parar la roda i sortir d'aquí!
You want to stop the wheel and get out of here!
Somies despert que demà serà un altre;
You dream while awake that tomorrow will be different;
Que tot allò que vols arribarà.
That everything you want will come.
Potser hi ha algú a prop teu que ja marxa...
Maybe there's someone close to you who's already leaving...
Res està perdut si encara n'ets conscient,
Nothing is lost if you are still aware of it,
Perquè avui és demà; i encara queden dies...
Because today is tomorrow; and there are still days left...
Avui és demà...
Today is tomorrow...

Writer(s): Jofre Bardagi Grima, Josep Maria Thio Fernandez De Henestrosa

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