Hey ¿Dónde está? ¿quién la tiene? dime, no la encuentro
Hey, where is it? Who has it? Tell me, I can't find it.
Algunos dicen que no existe, dime tú si es cierto
Some say it doesn't exist, tell me if it's true.
Rick despertando del coma rodeado de muertos
Rick waking up from a coma surrounded by the dead.
Estuve con Mariano hoy hablando de esto
I was with Mariano today talking about this.
Y escuchamos a dos tías al lado afirmandome el cuento
And we listened to two girls next to us confirming the story.
Decía que tenía novio pero nada enamorada
She said she had a boyfriend but wasn't in love.
Que había otro, que si no se enteraba no pasa nada
That there was another one, that if he didn't find out, nothing would happen.
Todo tan frío, tan cínico
Everything so cold, so cynical.
Lo he visto tanto que aunque sea triste ya es típico
I've seen it so much that even though it's sad, it's already typical.
Luchando por creerme algo entre principios tímidos
Struggling to believe something between timid principles.
Prometiendo cosas que no cumple como un político
Promising things she doesn't deliver like a politician.
Folle con ella ahora hace unos seis meses
I slept with her about six months ago.
Hasta hace uno sigue insitiendo volver a verme
Until a month ago she kept insisting on seeing me again.
Desde hace uno tiene novio o eso quiere hacer ver
She's had a boyfriend for the past month, or that's what she wants people to think.
Pero por la foto que pasó nada es lo que parece
But from the photo she posted, nothing is what it seems.
Ya no hay confianza, no estás, ya no queda fe baby, sólo hay mentiras entre tú y yo
There's no trust left, you're not here, there's no faith left baby, there are only lies between you and me.
No bitches no fakes
No bitches no fakes.
Aprendí de eso, ya no sé lo que creeis
I learned from that, I don't know what you believe anymore.
Ya no hay confianza, no estás, ya no queda fe baby, sólo hay mentiras entre tú y yo
There's no trust left, you're not here, there's no faith left baby, there are only lies between you and me.
No bitches no fakes
No bitches no fakes.
Aplícate el cuento ¿no crees?
Apply the story to yourself, don't you think?
¿Tú no estabas en casa? ¿ayer dónde fuiste?
Weren't you at home? Where did you go yesterday?
¿Quién te ha comentado esa foto que pusiste?
Who commented on that photo you posted?
Cree el ladrón que todos son de su condición
A thief believes that everyone is of his condition.
Por eso pregunta por tu puta última hora de conexión
That's why he asks about your last connection time, you whore.
No te fíes de quien deja que veas su cuerpo en la cama y después se gira para que no veas que hay en su pantalla
Don't trust someone who lets you see her body in bed and then turns over so you don't see what's on her screen.
Pero tú también planteas si algo falla
But you also question if something goes wrong.
Si no puedes enseñar la bandeja de entrada sin borrar nada
If you can't show the inbox without deleting anything.
Acciones cuentan más que las palabras ¿veis?
Actions speak louder than words, you see?
Hay quien sospecha pero calla, como tía May
There are those who suspect but remain silent, like Aunt May.
O se rompen familias, no hablo de jovenes
Or families break up, I'm not talking about young people.
Padres buscando falso autoestima van con dos móviles
Parents seeking false self-esteem walk around with two phones.
Mi colega el finde pasado se me acercó mientras su novia estaba fuera y pediamos algo
My friend last weekend approached me while his girlfriend was away and we were ordering something.
Y el cabrón me enseñó una conversación mamoneando con otra, en fin, no sé, tenía que contarlo
And the bastard showed me a conversation flirting with another girl, anyway, I don't know, I had to tell someone.
¿Dónde hemos aprendido esto? ¿Quién nos ha inculcado estos valores poco honestos? Confieso que tiento a tías en una relación para recuperar la fe deseando que digan que no, mierda, casi nunca dicen que no, mierda, casi nunca dicen que no, mierda, casi nunca dicen que no, la fe no vuelve, se despidió sin decir adiós
Where did we learn this? Who instilled in us these dishonest values? I confess that I tempt girls in a relationship to regain faith, wishing they would say no, shit, they almost never say no, shit, they almost never say no, shit, they almost never say no, faith doesn't come back, it left without saying goodbye.
Ya no hay confianza, no estás, ya no queda fe baby, sólo hay mentiras entre tú y yo
There's no trust left, you're not here, there's no faith left baby, there are only lies between you and me.
No Bitches no Fakes
No Bitches no Fakes.
Aprendí de eso, ya no sé lo que creeis
I learned from that, I don't know what you believe anymore.
Ya no hay confianza, no estás, ya no queda fe baby, sólo hay mentiras entre tú y yo
There's no trust left, you're not here, there's no faith left baby, there are only lies between you and me.
No Bitches no Fakes
No Bitches no Fakes.
Aplícate el cuento ¿no crees?
Apply the story to yourself, don't you think?
Algunos tíos necesitan reafirmarse
Some guys need to reaffirm themselves.
Saber que pueden seguir cazando y llegar a primera base
To know that they can keep hunting and get to first base.
Y hay tías que les gusta maquillarse
And there are girls who like to wear makeup.
Salir y que se les tiren encima aunque después los rechacen
To go out and have guys hit on them, even if they reject them afterwards.
Pero juega con fuego y te quemas la mano, también existe el modo premeditado
But play with fire and you'll burn your hand, there's also the premeditated way.
¿Cómo quieres que te tome en serio? yo en la cama desnudo llamándote y tú "nene te quiero"
How do you want me to take you seriously? Me naked in bed calling you and you're like "baby I love you".
Los tontos con las listas
The fools with the lists.
Que buscan que no las juzguen por la mierda pasada
Who seek not to be judged for their past shit.
Los listos con las tontas
The smart ones with the dumb ones.
Que en realidad están inseguros y quieren tenerlas controladas
Who are actually insecure and want to control them.
También en viceversa pero así rimaba distintos entre las piernas y todas las cabezas sin nada
Also vice versa but that's how it rhymed, different things between their legs and all the heads with nothing.
La eterna lucha que nunca para "ni contigo ni sin ti" hasta que todo acaba
The eternal struggle that never stops "neither with you nor without you" until everything ends.
Y cuando salga este tema dirán "tiene razón de verdad
And when this song comes out they'll say "he's right, really.
Hey, yo pienso igual" falsos, camuflajeados ante los demás
Hey, I think the same" fakes, camouflaged before the others.
Como cuando salió Get Lucky y todos eran viejos fans de Daft Punk
Like when Get Lucky came out and everyone was an old Daft Punk fan.
Observo dos tipos de gente andando
I observe two types of people walking.
Las que están con su ser amado
Those who are with their loved one.
Y las que intentan olvidarlo
And those who are trying to forget them.
Y todas al principio "no cambies jamás" y después "prometo que cambiaré, fue un fallo" punto y final.
And all of them at first "don't ever change" and then "I promise I'll change, it was a mistake" period.
Javier Marín Monreal, Sevilla
Javier Marín Monreal, Sevilla
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