Juanka - Uprising (Se Cayeron) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Juanka - Uprising (Se Cayeron)

Uprising (Se Cayeron)
Uprising (They Fell)
Uno, dos
One, two
Yo te vo' a enseñar cómo se hace un Rap
I'm gonna teach you how to make a Rap song
Deja correr la pista
Let the track play
El phillie
The Phillie
A el de arriba me bendijo sin tener que ponerme un crucifijo
The one above blessed me without me having to wear a crucifix
Y me dijo
And he told me
Que estos cabrone' iban a ser mis hijo'
That these bastards were gonna be my sons
A veces me aborrezco y me levanto
Sometimes I get disgusted with myself and I get up
A contar con los de'os to' los que he matao' pero es que ya son tanto'
To count with my fingers all the ones I've killed, but there are so many
Que siento que la mente se me turba
That I feel my mind getting cloudy
Ando con Oby, con O'Neill adentro 'e una Suburban
I'm rollin' with Oby, with O'Neill inside a Suburban
Escribiendo con sangre en las parede'
Writing with blood on the walls
Yo nombrando a ustede' si tienen
Me naming you, if you are
Miedo a morir que la vida no te hospede
Afraid to die, may life not host you
Porque la muerte es segura
Because death is certain
Yo me crié entre líderes, hijo de Torres de altura
I was raised among leaders, a child of high-rise towers
no ere' guerrero ni aunque trate' ponerte las armadura'
You're not a warrior even if you try to put on armor
En verdad te siento fuera de cobertura
I truly feel you out of coverage
Te van a dar cristiana sepultura
They're going to give you a Christian burial
La calle pasa factura
The streets take their toll
Y vas a ver el draco en miniatura (Prrr)
And you're gonna see the Draco in miniature (Prrr)
Lo que no sirve se ve en la costura
What doesn't work shows in the seam
Y yo sembrando semillas de opio, cabrón, parezco de agricultura
And I'm planting opium seeds, dude, I look like I'm in agriculture
Los pasé por el lao' con la corta, chambié y no me vieron (Prrr)
I passed them by with the shorty, I switched it up and they didn't see me (Prrr)
Se la puse defrente y de un botonazo se cayeron (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
I put it in front of them and with one trigger they fell (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
Salieron a cazarme
They came out to hunt me
Pero conmigo no dieron (Ja)
But they didn't make it with me (Ha)
Yo no vo' a dejarme, pa' yo morirme, te mato primero (Rrra)
I'm not gonna let myself, for me to die, I'll kill you first (Rrra)
Los pasé por el lao' con la corta, chambié y no me vieron (Prrr)
I passed them by with the shorty, I switched it up and they didn't see me (Prrr)
Se la puse defrente y de un botonazo se cayeron (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
I put it in front of them and with one trigger they fell (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
Salieron a cazarme
They came out to hunt me
Pero conmigo no dieron (Ja)
But they didn't make it with me (Ha)
Yo no vo' a dejarme
I'm not gonna let myself
El problema sin solución
The problem with no solution
El cerebro es la operación (Tú lo sabe')
The brain is the operation (You know it)
Las glopeta' las tengo por colección
I've got the Glocks as a collection
Que mata' gente
That you kill people
no tiene' esa aplicación
You don't have that application
Peines trasparente
Transparent mags
Pa' sacarte circulación (Ah)
To take away your circulation (Ah)
Si quieres aprender a maliantar te enseño (Avísame)
If you wanna learn how to handle yourself, I'll teach you (Let me know)
Eso es mentira que los muerto' te aparecen en los sueño'
It's a lie that the dead appear to you in your dreams
Más guerra, más bala' pa' que los rifles te gusten
More war, more bullets so you can like rifles
No importa cuántos soldados recluten
It doesn't matter how many soldiers they recruit
Si aprieto te lo voy a dar exacto
If I squeeze I'm gonna give it to you right
Si hay que morir morimo',
If we have to die we die,
Pero si nos toca te va' a morir en el acto (Te va a morir, cabrón)
But if it's our turn you're gonna die on the spot (You're gonna die, dude)
No hay riversa después de que yo me enmuse
There's no reverse after I get in the mood
Te mando un botonazo y te parto por medio el collar y las cruce'
I send you a blast and split your necklace and crosses in half
Cuando el fuego se desate
When the fire breaks out
Te ponemo' en la barra
We put you at the bar
Y va' a ver el show de gratis en Guabate
And you're gonna see the show for free in Guabate
De esta generación soy el magnate
Of this generation, I am the tycoon
Y te dije una ve' que no era el peso de
And I told you once that it wasn't the weight of the
Las prenda', era el valor de los kilate'
Garments, it was the value of the karats
Los pasé por el lao' con la corta, chambié y no me vieron (Prrr)
I passed them by with the shorty, I switched it up and they didn't see me (Prrr)
Se la puse defrente y de un botonazo se cayeron (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
I put it in front of them and with one trigger they fell (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
Salieron a cazarme
They came out to hunt me
Pero conmigo no dieron (Ja)
But they didn't make it with me (Ha)
Yo no vo' a dejarme
I'm not gonna let myself
Pa' yo morirme, te mato primero (Rrra)
For me to die, I'll kill you first (Rrra)
Los pasé por el lao' con la corta, chambié y no me vieron (Prrr)
I passed them by with the shorty, I switched it up and they didn't see me (Prrr)
Se la puse defrente y de un botonazo se cayeron (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
I put it in front of them and with one trigger they fell (Pu-pu-pu-pu)
Salieron a cazarme
They came out to hunt me
Pero conmigo no dieron (Ja)
But they didn't make it with me (Ha)
Yo no vo' a dejarme
I'm not gonna let myself
Súbeme las voce', RKO
Turn up the vocals, RKO
Deja caer la batería pa' que to' mis clone' calqueen mi flow
Drop the drums so all my clones can walk on my flow
Elegido desde antes de nacer
Chosen since before I was born
Entre ser y no ser
Between being and not being
Yo soy
I am
El presente, el futuro, el ayer
The present, the future, yesterday
Un genio en el arte de compositor
A genius in the art of songwriting
El emperador
The emperor
Que se ganó su puesto con sangre y sudor
Who earned his place with blood and sweat
De sus película' yo soy el director
Of his movies I am the director
El género fuera una guagua, soy el conductor
If the genre were a baby, I'm the driver
A hay que darme la volanta
I have to be given the steering wheel
De donde yo vengo, se escribe y se vive lo que se canta
Where I come from, what is sung is written and lived
El día que la declare' no te salva'
The day you declare it, you won't be saved
Si 'tás vivo gracias al de la barba
If you're alive, it's thanks to the bearded one
Juanka El Problematik
Juanka El Problematik
El eslabón más grueso de la joyería
The thickest link in the jewelry
Esto es El Imperio De Las Misiones
This is The Empire of Missions
Matando en los controle'
Killing on the controls
Malianteo verdadero del que hace falta aquí
Real thuggin' that's needed here
Del que solo nosotro' sabemo' hacer
The one that only we know how to do
Porque ustede' cantan lo que vive aquel y el otro
Because you guys sing about what that guy and the other one live
De lo que estamo' hablando es vivencia, papi
What we're talking about is experience, baby
Indica, Season
Indica, Season
Dile' que nosotros somo' los de la presión
Tell them that we're the ones with the pressure
Bebo el de la cone
I drink the one with the cone
Oye, esto es fácil
Hey, this is easy
Demasiao' fácil
Too easy
eres bueno pero Juanka es otra cosa
You're good but Juanka is something else
Follow, follow me now
Follow, follow me now
I am legend
I am legend
Aprende de los que saben de esto
Learn from those who know about this
Nosotros sabemo'
We do know
Ustede' son seguidore' de lo que nosotro' hacemo'
You are followers of what we do
Follow me now
Follow me now

Writer(s): Juan Karlos Bauza Blasini, Egbert Rosa, Nydia Yera Laner, Ramon Otero

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