Judit Neddermann - Didi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Judit Neddermann - Didi

Has arribat i fas veure que no em veus
You've arrived and made it clear you don't see me
La cara ho diu i entre rialles ho comentem
Your face tells it all, and we laugh as we talk about it
Tinc tantes ganes que arribis on estem
I'm so eager for you to get to where we are
Per abraçar-te i tocar la teva
To hug you and touch your skin
Pell morena i feta de fang
Dark and made of clay
Palpar un moment
To feel for a moment
La tela del jersei blanc
The fabric of your white sweater
Mirar aquests ulls que són de mel i que brillen diferent
To look into those hazel eyes that shine differently
I és que ja ho diuen que aquest arriba sense avisar
And it's true what they say, that this feeling arrives without warning
I no, no t'ho negaré
And no, I won't deny it
L'amor és boig i em fa molta por l'adéu
Love is crazy and the thought of goodbye scares me
Però què puc fer si jo vull estar a prop teu?
But what can I do if I want to be close to you?
Quan neix el dia, quan brilla el sol
When the day breaks and the sun shines
Quan plou la sort i l'aigua pinta el nostre món de mil colors
When luck rains down and the water paints our world a thousand colors
Quan la nit arriba i tanques els ulls
When night falls and you close your eyes
Per fer-te mil petons
So I can give you a thousand kisses
Quan neix el dia, quan brilla el sol
When the day breaks and the sun shines
Quan plou la sort i l'aigua pinta el nostre món de mil colors
When luck rains down and the water paints our world a thousand colors
Quan la nit arriba i tanques els ulls
When night falls and you close your eyes
Per fer-te mil petons
So I can give you a thousand kisses
Morena i feta de fang
Dark and made of clay
Palpar un moment
To feel for a moment
La tela del jersei blanc
The fabric of your white sweater
Mirar aquests ulls que són de mel i que brillen diferent
To look into those hazel eyes that shine differently
I és que ja ho diuen que aquest arriba sense avisar
And it's true what they say, that this feeling arrives without warning
Quan plou la sort i l'aigua pinta el nostre món de mil colors
When luck rains down and the water paints our world a thousand colors
Quan la nit arriba i tanques els ulls
When night falls and you close your eyes
Per fer-te mil petons
So I can give you a thousand kisses

Writer(s): Judit Neddermann Vinaixa

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