Judit Neddermann - Fal·làcia d'amant - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Judit Neddermann - Fal·làcia d'amant

Fal·làcia d'amant
Mistress's fallacy
Ploraràs al adonar-te
You will cry when you realize
Que aquell aire que ella et dava
That that air that she gave you
Aquell aire, era la vida
That air, it was life
Ploraràs plè d′enyorança, el seu fer foll
You will cry full of longing, her crazy way
Que a aquella edat tu censuraves
That at that age you criticized
Ploraràs la ingrevidesa de sa dansa
You will cry for the lightness of her dance
De peus antics, de polca nua
Of ancient feet, of naked polka
Ploraràs la menudesa de sa veu
You will cry for the delicacy of her voice
I ploraràs amb plor de gran
And you will cry with tears of an adult
Si sa mirada no t'acusa
If her gaze does not accuse you
Quan plorava, pensaràs
When she cried, you will think
Era goig l′ànima infesta
It was joy, the infested soul
Si el seu abraç n'era el sedant
If her embrace was its sedative
Ploraràs, ploraràs fidel amant
You will cry, you will cry, faithful lover
Ploraràs, ploraràs
You will cry, you will cry
Ploraràs de por i de ràbia
You will cry with fear and rage
Per haver invocat coratje
For invoking the courage
Quan calia sols ser amant
When you just had to be a lover
Sense espasa ni escudan-te
Without a sword or a shield
D'un deliri assetjador
From an obsessive delirium
Que fins veies en somriures
That even makes you see in smiles
Esverats temptant favors
Shades trying favors
Potser hi ha oblit d′hores d′insòlits
Perhaps there is forgiveness of unusual hours
Potser hi ha oblit pel frenesí
Perhaps there is forgiveness for the frenzy
Oblit del gust de quan tot juga
Forgiveness of the taste when everything plays
De quan el seny perd tot sentit
Of when reason loses all sense
Però aquest plor que ja s'impera
But this cry already imperious
bon recer, és exaltant
Has a good shelter, is exhilarating
Com sobirà dins el seu regne
Like a sovereign within its realm
S′otorga estançes i esdevé vital
It grants itself rooms and becomes vital
Ploraràs sota el seu setge
You will cry under its siege
Gestes on vas ser sever
Gestures where you were strict
Creien-te farsa acomodada
Believing yourself to be acting comfortably
Creien-te a tu mateix valent
Believing yourself brave
Era sospita de feblesa
It was a suspicion of weakness
I insistires en fingir
And you insisted on pretending
Eren maldestres ses paraules
Her words were clumsy
I t'havies d′encobrir
And you had to hide
Ploraràs ja sense vida
You will cry with no life left
Doncs l'alè has refusat
For you have refused the breath
I et semblarà una gran fal.làcia
And it will seem to you a great fallacy
No ser imprudent, fidel amant
To not be imprudent, faithful lover

Writer(s): Judit Neddermann

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