Judopoiss - Liblikad - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Judopoiss - Liblikad

Ja need liblikad mu kõhus
And those butterflies in my stomach
Neist lahti ei saa
I can't get rid of them
Seda sa tead
You know that
Mängid minu tunnedega
You play with my feelings
Nagu oleks hea
As if it were good
Tulid ju siia
You came here
Ja tegid suure vea
And made a big mistake
Ja kui tulid
And when you came
Siis ma läksin
I left
Ei hoolinud sa must enam
You didn't care about me anymore
Ja mu tunded su vastu kadusid ära
And my feelings for you disappeared
Lugu on nüüd nii
The story is now
Et sind pole siin
That you are not here
Ma ei taha sind
I don't want you
Ja sa ei vaja mind
And you don't need me
Ja nuud on nii et see koik jaab pooleli
And now it's like this, everything will be left unfinished
Ja mu suda on murdunud
And my heart is broken
Kui katkine klaas
Like broken glass
Mulle sa kirjutad
You write to me
Ikka ja taas
Again and again
Tahad mind tagasi ei või ja
You want me back, you can't, and
Küsimus lihtne
The question is simple
Mõtlema pead
You need to think
Ja need liblikad kõhus
And those butterflies in my stomach
Neist lahti ei saa
I can't get rid of them
Seda sa tead
You know that
Mängid minu tunnedega
You play with my feelings
Nagu oleks hea
As if it were good
Tulid ju siia
You came here
Ja tegid suure vea
And made a big mistake
Ja kes sa oled
And who are you
Ja kuhu sa lahed
And where are you going
Tormasid minema kaugele siit
You rushed away, far from here
Siiski olid sa mu fevoriit
Still, you were my favorite
Seda sa tead
You know that
Meil koigil omad vead
We all have our mistakes
Ja nii ma ei sa
And so I can't
Tunnetedaga mängid
Play with feelings
Seda ma tean
I know that
Ja ma ei suuda enam nii
And I can't do it anymore
Tahtsin ju hoopis teisiti
I wanted it completely differently
Ja hüüdmas mu nime
And shouting my name
Karjumas neid sonu
Yelling those words
Mis su suust valja tuleb
That come out of your mouth
Ja kui oues oli pime
And when it was dark outside
Jatsid mind sa siia
You left me here
Kas seda oli liiast
Was that too much?
Ja need liblikad mu kõhus
And those butterflies in my stomach
Neist lahti ei saa
I can't get rid of them
Seda sa tead
You know that
Mängid minu tunnedega
You play with my feelings
Nagu oleks hea
As if it were good
Tulid ju siia
You came here
Ja tegid suure vea
And made a big mistake
Ja need liblikad mu kõhus
And those butterflies in my stomach
Neist lahti ei saa
I can't get rid of them
Seda sa tead
You know that
Mängid minu tunnedega
You play with my feelings
Nagu oleks hea
As if it were good
Tulid ju siia
You came here
Ja tegid suure vea
And made a big mistake

Writer(s): Ott Raud

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