Juice - Beli Grom (feat. Ila) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Juice - Beli Grom (feat. Ila)

Beli Grom (feat. Ila)
White Thunder (feat. Ila)
Sada alarm je u fulu
The alarm is now full blast
E slusaj ovo
Hey, listen to this
E, stavio sam nitro
Yeah, I've put in the nitro
Tehnicki pregled Gistro brate
Technical inspection, Gistro, bro
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Golf kec GTI, Golf dva GTI
Golf Mk1 GTI, Golf Mk2 GTI
Golf tri GTI, ninety three TDI
Golf Mk3 GTI, ninety-three TDI
Prvo ubacim kljuc, okrenem krug
First, I insert the key, turn it around
Da benzinska pumpa odradi bzzzz
Let the gas pump do its bzzzz
To je ubica kada napravi Svaba
It's a killer when the German makes it
I posle dva'es godina svaka masina mu je slaba
And after twenty years, every engine is weak compared to it
1.8.16V usis dve hiljade
1.8, 16V, intake two thousand
Sve je stegnuto na trapu
Everything is tightened on the chassis
Gorivo samo na Slapu
Fuel only at Slap
Na haubi buseni osiguraci
Drilled fuses on the hood
Momo volan rolam i el. podizaci
Momo steering wheel, I roll and electric windows
Beli grom je na ulici, beli grom je stigao
White thunder is on the street, white thunder has arrived
Da li vidis kako prasinu sad je digao
Do you see how it raised the dust now
Beli grom, cuje se sve jace
White thunder, it's getting louder
Temperatura mog motula skace
My oil temperature is rising
TDI-jevi, GTI-jevi, SD ugradnja gasa
TDIs, GTIs, SD gas conversion
Jer mnogo pije mi
Because it drinks a lot
Od Danka imam felne i cetri nove gume
I have rims and four new tires from Danko
Kad se potpisem svako da me razume
When I sign, everyone understands me
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Volim kada jako dajem gas
I love it when I give it full throttle
Volim kada pacijenti ostaju iza nas
I love it when patients stay behind us
Volim kada moj auto tako jako bruji
I love it when my car roars so loud
Volim kada motor preko sedam soma zuji
I love it when the engine buzzes over seven grand
Da l' je prednja ili zadnja vuca
Whether it's front or rear-wheel drive
U svakoj krivini vuce se rucna
The handbrake is pulled in every corner
Moj auto u krivini kao pegla lezi
My car lies like an iron in the corner
Ispod haube besan pas rezi
An angry dog growls under the hood
Ovih dana obisli smo razne otpade
These days we've been visiting various junkyards
Hocu opruge i amortizere
I want springs and shock absorbers
Cekamo po mesec dva da stigne nesto dekrano
We wait a month or two for something decent to arrive
Imaju samo neke leseve Dizele
They only have some Diesel corpses
Zato brate ti, nemoj da se kurcis
So bro, don't show off
Na semaforu dzabe ti se mucis
You're struggling in vain at the traffic light
Kao dajes gas i bacas mrki pogled
Like you're giving it gas and throwing a mean look
Kad upali se zeleno trebace ti dvogled
When the green light turns on, you'll need binoculars
Jer moj auto mnogo konja ima
Because my car has a lot of horses
Prva potpis druga i u oblaku si dima
First gear signature, second gear, and you're in a cloud of smoke
Zato kad me vidis, bolje bezi od mene
So when you see me, you better run away from me
Ja sam narkoman, benzin tece mi kroz vene
I'm a junkie, gasoline flows through my veins
Razbijam blokadu od osam soma
I break the eight grand blockade
Oseti snagu beloga groma
Feel the power of the white thunder
16 ventila GTI, Juice i Cvele
16 valve GTI, Juice and Cvele
Znaju nas svi
Everyone knows us
Gang, land everybody understand
Gang, land everybody understand
Pravi sam sreckovic, jer tu je Petrovic
I'm a lucky guy, because Petrovic is here
Ceo Sparko program u Golfa je dodat
The entire Sparko program has been added to the Golf
Auto centru Boban vecno odan k'o Konan
Forever loyal to Auto Center Boban, like Conan
GSI je zmaj, ali GTI ga drzi
GSI is a dragon, but GTI holds it
Jebi ga brate, zna se ko je brzi
Fuck it, bro, you know who's faster
Svi ga gledaju, tu nema foliranja
Everyone's looking at it, there's no fooling around
Ni jedan dan ne sme da prodje bez poliranja
Not a single day can go by without polishing
Po neki VR6 ume jace da prasi
Some VR6s can dust harder
GTI kolona stize pozdravljaj i tapsi
The GTI column is coming, greet and clap
Razbijam blokadu od osam soma
I break the eight grand blockade
Oseti snagu beloga groma
Feel the power of the white thunder
16 ventila GTI, Juice i Cvele
16 valve GTI, Juice and Cvele
Znaju nas svi
Everyone knows us
Izduvana grana od gasova sija
The exhaust manifold shines from the gases
Svakog dana startuje me 'rija
Every day the 'ria' starts me up
Ne znaju sta se ispod haube krije
They don't know what's hidden under the hood
Opasna masina sve po gradu brije
A dangerous machine shaves everything around town

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