Juju - Yasashisa De Afureru Youni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Juju - Yasashisa De Afureru Youni

Yasashisa De Afureru Youni
Overflowing with Kindness
目が覚めればいつも 変わらない景色の中にいて
Waking up to the same scenery every day,
大切なことさえ 見えなくなってしまうよ
I start losing sight of even the most important things.
生きてる意味も その喜びも
The meaning of life, the joy of it,
You taught me all of that,
And now I feel like I can say, "I'll be okay."
今すぐ逢いたい その笑顔に
I want to see you right now, your smile.
あなたを包むすべてが やさしさで溢れるように
So that everything surrounding you overflows with kindness,
わたしは強く迷わず あなたを愛し続けるよ
I will continue to love you strongly and without hesitation.
どんなときも そばにいるよ
I'll be by your side, no matter what.
当たり前の事は いつでも忘れ去られがちで
The things we take for granted are so easily forgotten,
息継ぎも忘れて 時間だけを食べてゆく
We forget to breathe, just consuming time.
花の名前も 空の広さも
The names of flowers, the vastness of the sky,
You taught me all of that,
愛と呼べるもの 分かった気がする
And I feel like I understand what it means to love.
せわしなく進む 時の中で
In the busyness of passing time,
わたしの生きる世界が 光で満たされるように
So that the world I live in is filled with light,
あなたの生きる時間を わたしが輝かせるから
I will make your life shine brightly.
離れていても そばにいるよ
Even when we're apart, I'll be by your side.
雨に打たれても 風に吹かれても
Even if I'm beaten by the rain or blown by the wind,
寒さを感じない 今は
I don't feel the cold right now.
ぬくもりはいつも この胸の中に
Warmth is always within my heart,
決して失くさないよ ありがとう
And I will never lose it. Thank you.
巡る季節の中でも この手を離さないでいて
Please don't let go of this hand, even as the seasons change,
二人を繋ぐ想いが 決して色あせないように
So that the feelings connecting us two will never fade.
あなたを包むすべてが やさしさで溢れるように
So that everything surrounding you overflows with kindness,
わたしは強く迷わず あなたを愛し続けるよ
I will continue to love you strongly and without hesitation.
どんなときも そばにいるよ
I'll be by your side, no matter what.
離れていても そばにいるよ
Even when we're apart, I'll be by your side.

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