Julio Jaramillo - Dolor de Ausencia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Julio Jaramillo - Dolor de Ausencia

Dolor de Ausencia
Pain of Absence
¿Por qué te has alejado buscando los placeres?
Why have you gone away looking for pleasures?
Que yo con mi pobreza no te he podido dar
That I with my poverty I could not give you
Dejándome tan triste, dudando que aún me quieres
Leaving me so sad, doubting that you still love me
Viviendo la esperanza de verte regresar
Living the hope of seeing you return
Yo sufriré tu ausencia y no podré olvidarte
I will suffer your absence and I will not be able to forget you
Aunque todos se rían de mi fatal dolor
Even if everyone laughs at my fatal pain
Por más que me aconsejan que debiera matarte
As much as they advise me that I should kill you
Solo perdón, ingrata, ha de darte mi amor
Only forgiveness, ungrateful, will give you my love
Volvé, mujer querida, a calmar esta pena
Come back, dear woman, to soothe this pain
Este dolor de ausencia que yo no vivir
This pain of absence that I don't know how to live with
Que al calor de tus besos renacerá la vida
That in the warmth of your kisses life will be reborn
Mi corazón herido que no quiere vivir
My wounded heart that does not want to live
Volvé, porque mañana tal vez ya sea tarde
Come back, because tomorrow maybe it will be too late
Y me hallarás dormido al pie de una cruz
And you will find me asleep at the foot of a cross
Yo sabré olvidar todo lo que por ti he sufrido
I will know how to forget everything I have suffered for you
Porque vendrá conmigo nuevamente la luz
Because the light will come with me again
Muchas noches de frío te han visto mis amigos
Many cold nights my friends have seen you
Buscando por las calles a quién tu amor vender
Looking in the streets for someone to sell your love to
Sin recordar siquiera que el tiempo ya ha pasado
Without even remembering that time has passed
Que ya no eres la hermosa mujer que fuiste ayer
That you are no longer the beautiful woman you were yesterday
Si quieres el consejo del hombre que te quiso
If you want the advice of the man who loved you
Ya que nunca quisiste volver de nuevo a
Since you never wanted to come back to me
Regresa con tu vieja que te estará esperando
Go back to your old woman who will be waiting for you
Para morir contenta, abrazada de ti
To die happy, embraced by you
Volvé, mujer querida, a calmar esta pena
Come back, dear woman, to soothe this pain
Este dolor de ausencia que yo no vivir
This pain of absence that I don't know how to live with
Que al calor de tus besos renacerá la vida
That in the warmth of your kisses life will be reborn
Mi corazón herido que no quiere vivir
My wounded heart that does not want to live
Volvé, porque mañana tal vez ya sea tarde
Come back, because tomorrow maybe it will be too late
Y me hallarás dormido al pie de una cruz
And you will find me asleep at the foot of a cross
Yo sabré olvidar todo lo que por ti he sufrido
I will know how to forget everything I have suffered for you
Porque vendrá conmigo nuevamente la luz
Because the light will come with me again

Writer(s): Natalio Sedini

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