Junia Bardo - Andersch, oder`? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Junia Bardo - Andersch, oder`?

Andersch, oder`?
Different, isn't it?
(Jaa jaa)
(Yeah yeah)
Lueg emal useh jaa
Look outside yeah
Lueg emal useh jaa
Look outside yeah
(Eeh eeh)
(Eh eh)
(Jaa jaa)
(Yeah yeah)
Lugemale es faht es nois jahr ah
Look it's driving, it's going crazy this year huh
Kennsch das?, das gfüühl wo seit für wer machsch das eigentlich?
You know that feeling, when you're doing this, but for whom actually?
Die unsicherheit wen öppis ned so verloffe isch wie erhofft
The uncertainty when something doesn't turn out as hoped
Alles wo wichtig isch isch das du dir bewusst bisch was passiert isch
Everything important is that you are aware of what happened
Und du s'nägstemal besser machsch und alles gisch seen
And next time you'll do it better, and give it your all, you see
Machis besser machis andersch du weisch 1A
Do it better, do it different, you know, 1A
S'chunntder bekannt vohr wie wemmer im chreis faahrt
It comes across as familiar like when we're driving in circles
Nüt isch vergäbeh diggeh ich glaub du weisch das
Nothing is wasted, believe me, I think you know that
Mer musses usprobiereh mängmal halt au zweimal
We have to try it out, sometimes even twice
Fu nüüt chunt nüüt aber mini lüüt legged sich is züüg
Nothing comes from nothing but my people are putting in the work
Ich überflüügs und fühle de beat und bechumme schüüb
I fly over it and feel the beat, and get a boost
Es isch die warheit jaah, ich schaffeh klaarheit daah
It's the truth yeah, I create clarity here
Letzt jahr ned eifach naah, doch das jahr zeigsch wast chasch
Last year wasn't easy, no, but this year you're showing what you've got
(Yawyaw eh) dänk ned nacheh
(Yawyaw eh) don't think about it
Du gseehsch mich trinkend und rauchend am lacheh
You see me drinking, smoking and laughing
Bin mitmer zfrideh, kei farbeh verblasse
I'm happy with myself, no colors fade
Blib positiv sälbst denneh wo hasse
Stay positive even to those who hate
Probieres mit allne, mittel und tateh
Try it with everything, means, and actions
Numeh eis läbeh wills schaffe ih allnem
Only one life, I want to make it in everything
Dochnüme am plane gangeh diräkt drananeh
Just going with the plan, directly at it
Chönd zämeh los fahre aber musch dich
We can go together but you have to
Buckle up
Und willich hüt läbeh, wett ich ned nah dänkeh
And if I want to live today, I don't want to think about tomorrow
Wenich dehmal stärbeh, hettichs andersch solläh mache
If I were to die sometime, I should have done it differently
Und willich hüt läbeh, wett ich ned nah dänkeh
And if I want to live today, I don't want to think about tomorrow
Wenich dehmal stärbeh, hettich andersch solläh ah
If I were to die sometime, I should have done it differently
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Lerne us deh fähler hüüt
Learn from the mistakes today
Machis besser machis andersch diggeh
Do it better, do it differently believe me
Nimmer das wasi verdiene
Never what I deserve
Dochned verbi cho zum striiteh
But not coming to argue
Si sägedmer oh bardo du bisch so guet usecho
They tell me, oh Bardo, you turned out so well
Doch khöör nümeganz zu deh liebeh
But I don't listen to love completely anymore
Wird trotzdem wiiter ich bliibeh
I'll keep going anyway
Bis ich dennemal stirbeh wird mini stimm ned verstummeh
Until I die someday my voice won't be silenced
Mit dene vibez am Schwingeh und all di lieder am summeh
With these vibes swinging and all the songs humming
Öbs der gfallt oder ned isch gfüüühls und personebezogeh
Whether you like it or not is emotional and personal
Blibmer witerhin troi ich han mich nonie betrogeh
I remain true, I have never betrayed myself
Möglichkeite blibed offe, nämed alles in chauf
Possibilities remain open, accept everything
Ei tür off di ander verschlosse, s'nimmt alles sin lauf
One door open, the other closed, it all takes its course
Hett meh uf mich sölleh loseh, wasich im nachinein glaub
I should have let go of what I believe in hindsight
Für mich ischs kei katastrophe, denn debi lernt mer au
For me it's not a catastrophe, because you learn from it too
Dieneh wie jede andreh für en zwäck oder?
Serving like everyone else for a purpose right?
Guet über bös haltemer ned fürdräck oder?
Good over evil, let's not suppress it, right?
Blööd wiener tuet paltemer dehrespäkt oder?
Stupid as he acts, let's deny him respect, right?
Susch werdemerdemganze ned würklich grächt oder?
We don't really get justice for all of this, right?
Und willich hüt läbeh, wett ich ned nah dänkeh
And if I want to live today, I don't want to think about tomorrow
Wenich dehmal stärbeh, hettichs andersch solläh mache
If I were to die sometime, I should have done it differently
Und willich hüt läbeh, wett ich ned nah dänkeh
And if I want to live today, I don't want to think about tomorrow
Wenich dehmal stärbeh, hettich andersch solläh ah
If I were to die sometime, I should have done it differently
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Nüt isch vergäbeh nüüt
Nothing is wasted nothing
Lerne us deh fähler hüüt
Learn from the mistakes today
Machis besser machis andersch du weisch
Do it better, do it differently you know
Ich machs ganz andersch du weisches ja
I'll do it completely differently, you know yeah
(Eh junia)
(Eh Junia)
Egal für wer was wie und wo du öpis gmacht hesch
No matter for whom, what, how and where you did something
Egal wiviel energy, schweiss oder gäld du investiert hesch
No matter how much energy, sweat or money you invested
Egal obes so usecho isch wie du es plant hesch
No matter if it turned out the way you planned it
Vergiss nöd us dine erfahrigeh öbis z'lerneh
Don't forget to learn from your experiences
Nüt isch vergäbeh diggeh bless
Nothing is wasted believe me, bless

Writer(s): Till Fried

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