Junior High feat. Kamélia - Inima Ta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Junior High feat. Kamélia - Inima Ta

Inima Ta
Your Heart
Inima ta, inima ta e un pic dezorientata
Your heart, your heart is a little disoriented
Nu stie ce sa faca
It doesn't know what to do
Inima ta, inima ta nu are cum sa taca
Your heart, your heart, it can't be silent
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Strofa 1
Verse 1
Uite am plecat de acasa
Look, I left home
Nu m-am uitat in urma, am lasat cheile pe masa
I didn't look back, I left the keys on the table
Trec zile, rup foi din calendar
Days pass, I tear sheets off the calendar
Prea multe file rupte, timpu-i singuru' adversar
Too many torn pages, time is my only adversary
Visu' n-are adapost
My dream has no shelter
Ii construiesti o casa indiferent de cost
You build it a house regardless of the cost
Stii ca poti sa faci tot ce iti doresti
You know you can do whatever you want
Desi tie ti se pare ca...
Even though it seems to you like...
Inima ta, inima ta e un pic dezorienta
Your heart, your heart is a little disoriented
Nu stie ce sa faca
It doesn't know what to do
Inima ta, inima ta nu are cum sa taca
Your heart, your heart, it can't be silent
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Strofa 2
Verse 2
Oriunde te duci ti se spune baga nitro
Wherever you go, they tell you to put the nitro in
Fara prezentari nu ne trebui' nici un intro
Without introductions, we don't need any intros
Hai baga munca, munca peste munca
Come on, work, work, work, work
In schimbul banilor o faci cat e ziua de lunga.
In exchange for money, you do it all day long.
Merge, esti ok o vreme
It works, you're ok for a while
Pe urma nu-ti mai place si-ncepi sa-ti faci probleme
Then you don't like it anymore and you start to worry
Nu stii ce sa faci, stiu...
You don't know what to do, I know...
Culorile se pierd, totul pare pustiu.
The colors fade away, everything seems empty.
Daca ai intrat in hora dansezi
If you've joined the dance, you dance
De ce te crezi special, spune-mi cine te crezi?
Why do you think you're special, who do you think you are?
Propun sa ai rabdare daca vrei
I suggest you be patient if you want
Ca totul sa fie ok
For everything to be ok
Inima ta, inima ta e un pic dezorienta
Your heart, your heart is a little disoriented
Nu stie ce sa faca
It doesn't know what to do
Inima ta, inima ta nu are cum sa taca
Your heart, your heart, it can't be silent
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Strofa 3
Verse 3
Asculta ce-ti spun acum
Listen to what I'm telling you now
In viata ai doar un drum
In life you only have one path
Conteaza sa stii ce vrei
It matters to know what you want
Asculta nu mai astepta
Listen, don't wait any longer
Si orice faci nu te lasa
And whatever you do, don't give up
Lupta pentru ce visezi
Fight for what you dream of
E mult mai bine cand ai inima impacata
It's much better when your heart is at peace
Daca se rupe vezi sa nu pierzi vreo bucata
If it breaks, be careful not to lose any pieces
Trebuie sa stii cine esti si fara buletin
You need to know who you are even without an ID
Atunci cand nu esti sigur mai risca si tu putin.
When you're not sure, take a risk and try.
E clar ca fiecare are frate drumul lui
It's clear that everyone has their own path
Nu poti sa te iei dupa opinia oricui
You can't follow everyone else's opinion
Baga timp, baga bani, daca chiar iti doresti
Put in the time, put in the money, if that's what you really want
Eu simt ca esti pe aproape, n-ai de ce sa te opresti.
I feel like you're close, there's no reason to stop.
Refren x 2
Chorus x 2
Inima ta, inima ta e un pic dezorienta
Your heart, your heart is a little disoriented
Nu stie ce sa faca
It doesn't know what to do
Inima ta, inima ta nu are cum sa taca
Your heart, your heart, it can't be silent
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Inima ta, inima ta e un pic dezorienta
Your heart, your heart is a little disoriented
Nu stie ce sa faca
It doesn't know what to do
Inima ta, inima ta nu are cum sa taca
Your heart, your heart, it can't be silent
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom
Bum Bu-bu-Bum Bum Bum
Boom Buh-buh-Boom Boom Boom

Writer(s): Marius Alexandru Mirica, George Dorin Hora, Marian Florian Chiosea, Adina Camelia Hora

Junior High feat. Kamélia - Inima Ta
Inima Ta
date de sortie

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