Juno - Profu' - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Juno - Profu'

Eu am alt fel de școală, profu'
I have a different kind of school, teacher
Nu învăța nimeni cum îmi câștig locul
No one teaches me how to earn my spot
Si mai stiu ca banii nu sunt totul
I also know that money is not everything
Oricum o sa ii fac de parca as fi tras lozul
Anyways, I will make it as if I won the lottery
Succesul vine din umbra
Success comes from the dark
Din vocea de pe hol
From the voice in the hallway
Din stres si din probleme
From stress and problems
Ce nu te lasa sa dormi
It keeps you up at night
Din lucruri pe care nu le-ntelegi
From things you do not understand
Si nu stii din ce cauza
And you do not know the reason
Asa-i in scoala vietii
That is how it is in the school of life
Nu prea se suna de pauza
It does not have a bell for breaks
Am incercat de multe ori sa fiu ca restu'
I have tried many times to be like the others
Da' sufletul meu daca nu e real, va pica testu'
But if my soul is not genuine, I fail the test
Si pentru toti cei ce spuneau ca ce fac e foarte greu
And for those who said that what I do is very difficult
Ati avut dreptate, da' o fac in felul meu
You were right, but I do it my way
Eu am alt fel de scoala, profu'
I have a different kind of school, teacher
Nu ma invata nimeni cum sa imi castig locul
No one teaches me how to earn my spot
Si mai stiu ca banii nu sunt totul
I also know that money is not everything
Oricum o sa ii fac de parca as fi tras lozul
Anyways, I will make it as if I won the lottery
Fiindca am alt fel de scoala, profu'
Because I have a different kind of school, teacher
Nu ma invata nimeni cum sa imi castig locul
No one teaches me how to earn my spot
Si mai stiu ca banii nu sunt totul
I also know that money is not everything
Oricum o sa ii fac de parca as fi tras lozul
Anyways, I will make it as if I won the lottery
Cand toti sunt schimbati dupa model
When everyone has changed to follow the model
Eu raman, raman mereu la fel
I remain the same, I always remain the same
Ma opun cand vrei sa fiu robot
I object when you want me to be a robot
Asa sunt, nu ma schimb deloc
I am like this, I will not change at all
Ca am propriile reguli, bro, propriul meu joc
I have my own rules, bro, my own game
Ca e propria mea viata si am propriul meu scop
It is my own life and I have my own purpose
Ma certa profu' de mate, ma scotea pe coridor
The math teacher told me off, threw me out of the classroom
Si-acum ma vede la televizor
And now he sees me on TV
Eu am alt fel de scoala, profu'
I have a different kind of school, teacher
Nu ma invata nimeni cum sa imi castig locul
No one teaches me how to earn my place
Si mai stiu ca banii nu sunt totul
I also know that money is not everything
Oricum o sa ii fac de parca as fi tras lozul
Anyways, I will make it as if I won the lottery
Fiindca am alt fel de scoala, profu'
Because I have a different kind of school, teacher
Nu ma invata nimeni cum sa imi castig locul
No one teaches me how to earn my place
Si mai stiu ca banii nu sunt totul
I also know that money is not everything
Oricum o sa ii fac de parca as fi tras lozul...
Anyways, I will make it as if I won the lottery...

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