From the moment I turned around and met you, I felt the snow beneath my feet would give off the smell of gasoline.
從親嘴那刻 閉著眼 都記得 這舌尖充滿了泡泡浴香氣
From the moment we kissed, I closed my eyes and remembered the tip of your tongue filled with the scent of bubble bath.
右角的燈柱折射你 面目神秘 卻不怕下個旅程同赴生與死
The lamppost on the right refracted you, your face mysterious, but I'm not afraid to embark on the next journey with you, to live and to die.
那整晚談話還未及兩句 跌了三根煙蒂融化了四周禁地
That night we talked less than two sentences and dropped three cigarette butts, melting the forbidden ground around us.
成功應趁早 我願意 手挽手 闖進教堂哪裡要策劃場地
Success should come early, I'm willing to link our arms and rush into the church, where do we plan the venue?
成家應趁早 你願意 別逃避 不要等苦澀吃夠了才有喜
Family should come early, are you willing? Don't avoid it, don't wait until you've suffered enough before you find joy.
孕婦裝宿舍裡示眾 嘩聲四起 哪一對踏上這步似這種年紀
In the maternity ward dormitory, there were gasps all around. Which couple at this age has taken this step?
你將要成為全大學最美 你我不必太長命也可目擊到鑽禧
You will become the most beautiful in the whole university, we don't have to live too long to witness the diamond jubilee.
仍未知 的滋味 先可對抗乏味
The yet-to-be-known pleasures can first fight off the boredom.
In this hasty life, we must quickly switch scenes.
Why should we, at the age of eighteen, care about looking back at our eighties?
We must fulfill the expectations of the majority of the world.
襯托你我這極少數 活得猖狂
To set off this extremely small minority of you and me, living outrageously.
能痛快釐定對錯要儘早變大人那樣 別人便肯鬆綁
To be able to quickly determine right from wrong, we must become adults as soon as possible, so that others will loosen their grip.
前路一早綻放 我們獨有的風光
The road ahead has already blossomed, our unique scenery.
Only the mediocre have no vision to see what fame is.
It's reckless to do anything with you too soon.
It's only by meeting you quickly that we can live strong.
唯有你能令每秒也冒出更動人血汗 夠浪漫才流芳
Only you can make every second burst forth with even more moving blood and sweat, being romantic enough to leave a lasting fragrance.
花開不必富貴 要從庸俗下解放 青春故意怒放
Flowers don't have to be rich and noble, they must be liberated from vulgarity, youth intentionally blooming in anger.
回想起那天 抱著你 手太濕 彷似緊張到懶理腳踏何地
Thinking back to that day, holding you in my arms, my hands were too wet, as if I was too nervous to care where my feet were stepping.
回想於旅館 愛定你 的那刻 知你彷彿姓李姓戴或性起
Thinking back to the hotel, falling in love with you at that moment, knowing that your surname was probably Lee or Dai, or that you were sexually aroused.
亦已知當晚那核爆 將生至死
I also knew that the nuclear explosion that night would last from birth to death.
Become so quickly beautiful and so frivolous.
你跟我如瀕危動物嘆氣 要趁早開花然後結果是我們權利
You and I are like endangered animals sighing, it's our right to bloom early and then bear fruit.
仍未知 的滋味 先可對抗乏味
The yet-to-be-known pleasures can first fight off the boredom.
In this hasty life, we must quickly switch scenes.
Why should we, at the age of eighteen, care about looking back at our eighties?
We must fulfill the expectations of the majority of the world.
襯托你我這極少數 活得猖狂
To set off this extremely small minority of you and me, living outrageously.
能痛快釐定對錯要儘早變大人那樣 別人便肯鬆綁
To be able to quickly determine right from wrong, we must become adults as soon as possible, so that others will loosen their grip.
前路一早綻放 我們獨有的風光
The road ahead has already blossomed, our unique scenery.
Only the mediocre have no vision to see what fame is.
It's reckless to do anything with you too soon.
It's only by meeting you quickly that we can live strong.
唯有你能令每秒也冒出更動人血汗 夠浪漫才流芳
Only you can make every second burst forth with even more moving blood and sweat, being romantic enough to leave a lasting fragrance.
花開不必富貴 要從庸俗下解放 青春故意怒放
Flowers don't have to be rich and noble, they must be liberated from vulgarity, youth intentionally blooming in anger.
We promised to go to Chernobyl in the future to have an adventure.
Of course my heart skipped a beat and I broke out in a sweat.
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