No sense of decency publicly expresses selfish desires, saying that without impeccable beauty it's like a famine
說沒有貢獻全軟禁 都不管身分不愧是流氓 絕代流氓
Says there's no contribution from the poor, and all should be locked up and forgotten, regardless of status, this person is without a doubt a hooligan, an absolute hooligan
No sense of shame and speaks openly about money, saying without captivating wealth one's marriage will fail
Dares to ridicule the poor and their struggles
都不講公理不愧是狂人 絕代狂人
Has no regard for justice, this person is without a doubt a madman, an absolute madman
你這嘴巴太髒太粗 你這狗口亂吐垃圾 令偉大價值破壞美善亦淪為俗套
Your mouth is so dirty and vulgar, your dog’s mouth spits out garbage, your actions destroy virtuous values, and all that is good becomes a vulgar cliché
在教壞細路 人見人怒
Misleading children, and enraging all who see it
沒有惻隱心只講三餐 更沒有心比心不管慘不慘
No compassion, only concerned with personal desires, and has no sense of empathy, regardless of the circumstances
說誓要庸才無法懶 不生產通通趕到犯人欄 賤盡人寰
Says they're determined to eliminate the talentless and lazy, and all non-producers should be thrown in jail, completely heartless
Your mouth needs to be fixed by a veterinarian
But I despise you, so I curse you, your time in hell is coming
亦教壞細路 和你同路
Also misleading children, and making them like you
你口爽完理得心安癲得很喪 你敢想都真的夠膽講
You've spoken your mind and feel at ease, your madness is truly insane, you dare to think about it and you actually have the guts to say it
你不爽時懶得管大家怎麼看 懶得包裝攤開一肚骯髒
When you're not happy, you don't care what others think, and you don't bother to package up your dirty thoughts
偽君子悶得冤枉 不屑真小人無恥得夠放
Hypocrites are unjustly stifled, but shameless villains are free to do as they please
能夠冒犯都一次過冒犯 誰及你在行 誰在仰望
If you're going to offend, do it all at once, who can do it as well as you, who deserves such admiration
沒有羞恥心世界淪亡 也沒有惻隱心不該講都講
No sense of shame, the world is falling apart, no compassion, and you say whatever you want
And you have no fear of dying alone
見話兒便講有話兒便講 我用人話去罵人或比你更骯髒
Say whatever you want, whatever comes to mind, I'll use human language to scold you, or maybe I'll be even dirtier than you
禁忌全曝光製造歧視爽 我亦歧視粗鄙的你咒詛你很爽
Expose all taboos and create discrimination, and I'll also discriminate against you and curse you
禁地隨便闖煽動仇恨爽 我恨你但我臉皮薄很快會走光
Trespass on forbidden territory and incite hatred, I hate you but my skin is thin and it will soon fade
見話兒便講有話兒便講 假設認同這種歪理你我會怎講
Say whatever you want, whatever comes to mind, if you agree with this歪理 what can I say
你說謊不說謊也不應見光 賤格也是格你也當風光
You lie or not lie, it shouldn’t be seen, and your cheap character is also seen as glorious
You've spoken your mind and feel at ease, your madness is truly insane, and every night you still sleep soundly
你不爽時懶得管大家怎麼看 親手劏開你滿肚骯髒
When you're not happy, you don't care what others think, and you cut open your dirty belly with your own hands
道德低地開演講 不愧真小人無恥得氣壯
Delivering a speech in a moral low ground, as expected of a true villain, shameless and imposing
能放大內心陰暗與慾望 "這種歪理你我會怎講" 誰及你在行
Can magnify the darkness and desires of your heart, with your歪理 what can I say, who can do it better than you
No sense of shame, and the world is falling apart, and no compassion, and you say whatever you want
You have no fear of dying alone
都不管恰不恰當 都不管好不好看 竟不想千世流芳
Regardless of whether it's appropriate or not, regardless of whether it looks good or not, I just don't want to be remembered forever
禽獸來揭露 人性從未 崇高
Beasts come to expose the never lofty nature of humanity
誰博誰叫好 聲討老粗
Who provokes and who applauds, denouncing the louts
Secretly envious
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