Jurko - Imvipolis - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jurko - Imvipolis

V polospánku lapem po dychu
In half-sleep, I gasp for breath, my love
Pri každom nádychu cítim ľadovú čepel tisnúc sa o steny môjho šťastia
With every inhale, I feel an icy blade pressing against the walls of my happiness
Bože pomôž, bože pomôž
God help me, God help me
Skutok-nárek, skutok-nárek
Action-lament, action-lament
Živé sny, nekomfort zarytý pod kožou
Vivid dreams, discomfort etched beneath my skin
Lucidny sen, neznáma skutočnosť
Lucid dream, unknown reality
S viečkami padnutými nadol sa pomaly začínam strácať v tej hmle
With eyelids falling, I slowly begin to lose myself in the fog
Nehľadaj kľúče, otvor oči a zistíš že to je všetko rovnaké
Don't look for the keys, open your eyes and you'll find it's all the same
Imviland, imvipolis
Imviland, Imvipolis
Nezabúdaj kto sme boli
Don't forget who we were
V údolí Diabolo
In the valley of Diabolo
Ovládni to čo ťa bolí
Control what hurts you
Exteroreceptory, vanish ako v zime kvety
Exteroreceptors, vanish like flowers in winter
Varíš ma, moja chuť - vanilla
You're cooking me, my flavor - vanilla
Ako vzduch, odveje ma na púšť
Like the wind, it will blow me to the desert
Plnú hladujúcich úst, hľadajúce zopár súst
Full of starving mouths, searching for a few crumbs
Na počesť mojich minulých krokov
In honor of my past steps
Premením sa na dust, future sivý dážď
I'll turn to dust, future gray rain
Imviland, imvipolis
Imviland, Imvipolis
Nezabúdaj kto sme boli
Don't forget who we were
V údolí Diabolo
In the valley of Diabolo
Ovládni to čo ťa bolí
Control what hurts you
Ne-nezabúdam na to čo bolo
I-I don't forget what was
Zabúdam na čo to bolo
I'm forgetting what it was for
V mojej hlave iba ako, keby, prečo, ledabolo
In my head only how, if, why, carelessly
Povedz mi čo by bolo, keby okolo nebolo nikoho
Tell me what would it be like if there was no one around
Mesto riadené sivým manifestom
A city ruled by a gray manifesto
Zalievam sivú čiernym pressom
I'm watering the gray with black espresso
Blúdim, ako
I'm wandering, like
Prázdny, vessel
An empty vessel
Radšej by som zablúdil
I'd rather get lost
V najhlbšom lese
In the deepest forest
Tu netušíš kde si
Here you don't know where you are
Ani nevieš byť stratený
You don't even know how to be lost
Iba plávaš priestorom
Just floating through space
Čas vybuchol jak dynamit
Time exploded like dynamite
Nepozerám si pod nohy
I'm not looking at my feet
Nepozerám pred seba
I'm not looking ahead
Nič sa nezmenilo
Nothing has changed
Cesta je rovnako kľukatá
The road is just as winding
Daj mi najesť, vyplujem to
Feed me, I'll spit it out
Daj mi napiť, utopím sa
Give me a drink, I'll drown
Čierny havran, v detskej izbe
Black raven, in a child's room
sa strácam v mojej prosbe
I'm already lost in my plea
Preplávam more popola
I'll swim across a sea of ash
Zle numero v tombole
Wrong number in the raffle
Som opustená osoba
I'm an abandoned person
Čo ma všetko pri sebe
Who has everything with them
Nepochopíš môjmu svetu
You won't understand my world
Tu farba uteká svetlu
Here color runs from light
Asi fajn že som sám
It's probably good that I'm alone
Chcem byť divný
I want to be strange
Chcem sa na mňa pozrieť v správnom svetle
I want to look at myself in the right light
Svieti red led, fucking crackhead
Red led shining, fucking crackhead
Náhoda jak blackjack
Random like blackjack
Rozdaj mi karty, be right back
Deal me cards, be right back
Večná noc počas ktorej ožívaju sivé telesá
Eternal night during which gray bodies come alive
Ktoré pôjdu do krvy za kus, surového mäsa
Who will go for blood for a piece of raw meat
Bezduchý chladnokrvný duchovia
Soulless cold-blooded ghosts
Šepkajú sivý manifest, priamo do ucha
Whispering a gray manifesto, directly into my ear
Imviland, imvipolis
Imviland, Imvipolis
Nezabúdaj kto sme boli
Don't forget who we were
V údolí Diabolo
In the valley of Diabolo
Ovládni to čo ťa bolí
Control what hurts you
Exteroreceptory, vanish ako v zime kvety
Exteroreceptors, vanish like flowers in winter
Varíš ma, moja chuť - vanilla
You're cooking me, my flavor - vanilla
Ako vzduch, odveje ma na púšť
Like the wind, it will blow me to the desert
Plnú hladujúcich úst, hľadajúce zopár súst
Full of starving mouths, searching for a few crumbs
Na počesť mojich minulých krokov
In honor of my past steps
Premením sa na dust, future sivý dážď
I'll turn to dust, future gray rain
Je to fucking fajn
It's fucking fine
Je to fucking fresh
It's fucking fresh
Zobudiť sa a nespoznať okolie
To wake up and not recognize the surroundings
Okolo mňa pompeje
Pompeii around me
Je to tak, je to jedno
It's like that, it doesn't matter
Žialbohu, bohužial
Unfortunately, alas
Čerpám nesprávne pramene
I draw from the wrong springs
Na - na tejto doméne
On - on this domain
Prosím uhas tie plamene
Please extinguish these flames
Ľadové kamene na mojom mene
Ice stones on my name
Imviland, imvipolis
Imviland, Imvipolis
Nezabúdaj kto sme boli
Don't forget who we were
V údolí Diabolo
In the valley of Diabolo
Ovládni to čo ťa bolí
Control what hurts you
Ne-nezabúdam na to čo bolo
I-I don't forget what was
Zabúdam na čo to bolo
I'm forgetting what it was for
V mojej hlave iba ako, keby, prečo, ledabolo
In my head only how, if, why, carelessly
Povedz mi čo by bolo, keby okolo nebolo nikoho
Tell me what would it be like if there was no one around
Mesto riadené sivým manifestom
A city ruled by a gray manifesto
Zalievam sivú čiernym pressom
I'm watering the gray with black espresso

Writer(s): Juraj Mraz

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