Jurko - Vieščorobíjurkokeďhoríles? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jurko - Vieščorobíjurkokeďhoríles?

What Does Jurko Do When the Forest Burns?
Moje druhé ja sa chová ako HAL 9000
My other self acts like HAL 9000, baby
Cítim sa jak vlasy Britney Spears, v roku 2007
I feel like Britney Spears' hair, in 2007, darling
Revem, synthetic leben, nič neviem
I'm roaring, synthetic life, I know nothing, sweetheart
Na zlatom podnose mi prines odpovede
Bring me the answers on a golden platter, honey
Ale bojím sa že pravdy nebudú moc honosné
But I'm afraid the truths won't be very grand, my love
Ponesem so sebou všetku špinu ako metla
I'll carry all the dirt with me like a broom, precious
Chcem utiecť do iného sveta
I want to escape to another world, beautiful
No zároveň nechcem sa vyhýbať realite
But at the same time, I don't want to avoid reality, dear
Ako Metaverse
Like the Metaverse, my dear
Ach, zalejem čaj, medíkom osladím life
Oh, I'll pour some tea, sweeten life with honey, my love
Vypijem ho na pár dúškov
I'll drink it in a few sips, sweetheart
Keď mi ostane prázdna šálka
When I have an empty cup, honey
Môžem sa zase ísť hrať vonku s puškou
I can go play outside with a gun again, precious
Život luskol a zrazu vidím ako sa trieštim na milión kúskov
Life snapped, and suddenly I see myself shattering into a million pieces, my dear
Letím časom ako Doktor Kto
I'm flying through time like Doctor Who, darling
Podkol som sa o plot
I tripped over a fence, baby
Dvojmetrový ako Shaq
Two meters tall like Shaq, sweetheart
Trafil ma šľak
A stroke hit me, honey
Padol som na riť a nedobádam spôsob
I fell on my ass and I can't figure out how, precious
Akým pogo stickom mám plot preskočiť
To jump over the fence with a pogo stick, my love
Shit fuck, fuck shit
Shit fuck, fuck shit, darling
Barbarstvo, Jánošík
Barbarism, Jánošík, baby
Žiadny barber nedokáže spraviť taký fade
No barber can make such a fade, sweetheart
Aký zažívam emočne
As I'm experiencing emotionally, honey
Som narušený, prepáčte
I'm disturbed, I'm sorry, precious
Neospravedlňujem sa vám, ale nám
I'm not apologizing to you, but to us, my love
Schyzofriends, dear
Cik cak, meander
Zigzag, meander, darling
Môj rap spice, koriander
My rap is spice, coriander, baby
Život chutí ako voda, nepi, nevyčítam z pier
Life tastes like water, don't drink, I won't read from your lips, sweetheart
Musíš sa pozrieť za periférie ľudských kamier
You have to look beyond the periphery of human cameras, honey
Radšej zamier na mier, viacej dávaj ako ber
Rather aim for peace, give more than you take, precious
Sivý strop, sivé steny
Gray ceiling, gray walls, my love
Imvi dishármonia, na tri doby
Immense disharmony, in three beats, dear
Zomriem ako otrok, nie ako Dobby
I'll die as a slave, not like Dobby, darling
Sám seba sa pýtam, hej, čo to kurva robíš
I ask myself, hey, what the fuck are you doing, baby
Jurko Mráz signing in, alebo signing off
Jurko Mráz signing in, or signing off, sweetheart
Fifty-fifty ako to či padne hlava a či chvost
Fifty-fifty like whether it's heads or tails, honey
Môžem byť neviem aký silný
I can be as strong as I want, precious
Ale nikdy to nebude sto percent, ale tak osemdesiat ako Stroh
But it will never be one hundred percent, but like eighty like Stroh, my love
Jurko Mráz signing in, alebo signing off
Jurko Mráz signing in, or signing off, dear
Fifty-fifty ako to či padne hlava a či chvost
Fifty-fifty like whether it's heads or tails, darling
Môžem byť neviem aký silný
I can be as strong as I want, baby
Ale nikdy to nebude sto percent, ale tak osemdesiat ako Stroh
But it will never be one hundred percent, but like eighty like Stroh, sweetheart
Oh my god, honey

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