Jurko - Za Dolinou (Polia) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jurko - Za Dolinou (Polia)

Za Dolinou (Polia)
Beyond the Valley (Fields)
Choroba, vyrchchlal som popol
Sickness, I coughed up ash,
Zapálené dutiny
Inflamed sinuses,
Dunia basy navôkol
The bass is booming around,
Harmonickej doliny
Of the harmonic valley.
Je to opruz
It's a drag,
Ale si dobrovoľne prikovaný
But you're voluntarily chained,
Za dolinou len polia, polia, polia, polia
Beyond the valley are only fields, are fields, are fields, are fields.
Kam zájdeš, kam, kam zájdeš
How far will you go, how far will you go,
Tam dúfam že bude slnko
There I hope there will be sun,
Či mesiac v splne
Or the moon at its fullest,
Splynieš v lúke s trávou
You'll merge in the meadow with the grass,
Ktorá nežne veje
Which gently blows,
Kde na hrudi, to pekne hreje
Where on your chest, it warms nicely,
Rohlík máčaš v obľúbenej nátierke
You dip your roll in your favorite spread.
dlho, pri tom na začiatku
For a long time, at the very beginning,
dlho, pri tom prikrátko
For a long time, too short a time,
dlho unavený
For a long time tired,
Bdiem v posteli
I lie awake in bed,
V podvedomí
In my subconscious,
Pod vekom, odseknutý
Under the covers, cut off,
Snažím sa v dlhšomm súvetí
I try in a longer sentence,
Hľadať koniec vety
To find the end of the sentence.
V mojom odvetví
In my industry,
Odvodení od vecí
Derived from things,
Ktoré vedú mi city
Which guide my feelings,
Vediem sa do temnoty
I'm led into darkness,
Dokopy mám 5,50
I have a total of 5.50,
Kúpim si cigarety
I'll buy cigarettes,
So zvyšnými drobnými
With the remaining change,
Skúsim zachrániť svet
I'll try to save the world.
Komfort nie je len pocit
Comfort is not just a feeling,
Je to miesto, je to duša
It's a place, it's a soul,
Je to to, čo vidíš v noci ligotať sa nad tebou
It's what you see glittering above you at night,
Či ruža na poli, v mojej polymorfóznej vôli
Or a rose in the field, in my polymorphic will.
Nevyrendrované slová
Unrendered words,
Atakujú moje tóny
Attack my tones,
Katarzná katana
A cathartic katana,
Presekáva klony
Cuts through the clones,
Čo mi vravia buď sám
That tell me to be alone,
Zahoď myšlienku aj plán
Discard your thought and plan,
Zabi sa, okolo len planina
Kill yourself, there's only a plain around,
Na horizont nedovidím
I can't see the horizon,
Ale legenda hovorí niečo, čo nechceš pustiť do svojich uší
But the legend says something you don't want to let into your ears,
Pesimista ukáže sa sem tam ako realista
A pessimist shows up now and then as a realist,
Chceš vypadnúť, no nemás kam
You want to leave, but you have nowhere to go,
Za dolinou, len polia, polia, polia, polia
Beyond the valley, are only fields, are fields, are fields, are fields.

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