Ilmandi leggja þær garða og torg undir fót, fagnandi laugast þær kossheitum morgunblæ þegar sólin dansar og skín
They lend their sweet perfume to the gardens and to the squares on foot, happy are they, they await the passionate kisses of the morning glow when the sun dances and shines
Og spinnur geislaþræði endalaust
And spins it's threads of sunbeams endlesly
Brosandi taka þær kveðju elskhuga sinna, hlæjandi snúa þær við þeim baki, njóta sín á vori og sumri, en falla næsta haust
Smiling they accept the greetings of their beloved, laughing they turn their backs on them, enjoying themselves in spring and summer, but falling the following autumn
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