K-Clique - Merais - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction K-Clique - Merais

Ku merais, ku kumpul semula
I'm freezing, I'm gathering myself
Perlu ais, kami hit the Bando
Need some ice, we hit the Bando
Ku ekspres, bukan stereotaip
I express, not stereotype
Ini kes, kami hit the Bando
This is the case, we hit the Bando
Ku merais, ku kumpul semula
I'm freezing, I'm gathering myself
Perlu ais, kami hit the Bando, oh
Need some ice, we hit the Bando, oh
Ku ekspres, bukan stereotaip
I express, not stereotype
Ini kes, kami hit the Bando, oh
This is the case, we hit the Bando, oh
Kami merais kau pula meraikan
We're freezing, you're celebrating
Rolling dice, ku tak kesah apa ancaman
Rolling dice, I don't care about threats
Ku kejutkan, buat letupan setiap aliran
I awaken, make explosions with every flow
Ku tak layan, panggilan kurang seruan
I don't entertain, calls with little excitement
Sini kan singa takkan termakan kata serigala
Here, lions won't be eaten by wolves
Terserlah lu gila mengejar bintang di alam semesta
It's clear you're crazy chasing stars in the universe
Aku menggali mencari hasil untuk keluarga
I dig to find results for my family
Nak jadi penghalang bukan kat sini boleh tolong blah (Shh)
If you want to be an obstacle, get out of here (Shh)
Pecutan statik menaik ke atas
Static acceleration rising upwards
Paras bahaya yang tiada siapa boleh dapat cantas
Dangerous levels that no one can stop
Pergerakkan pantas gerak tempur dari bawah tiada pintas
Fast movements, combat moves from below, no shortcuts
Rendah diri ke bawah impian ku terbang ke atas (sah)
Humble down below, my dreams fly up (true)
Angkasa lepas
Outer space
I'm all the way up!
I'm all the way up!
Ku naik ke atas
I rise to the top
Takkan ku lepas selagi bernafas (Ooh)
I won't let go as long as I breathe (Ooh)
Fakta ku lafaz
Facts I pronounce
Kerja ku keras insyaAllah rezeki ku luas
My work is hard, God willing, my sustenance will be vast
Aku definisi hasil bukti dari bermimpi
I am the definition of results, proof from dreaming
Cita cita ku tinggi (Woo)
My aspirations are high (Woo)
Sampai mati aku daki
Until I die, I climb
Ludah flakka flow (Woo)
Spit flakka flow (Woo)
Zip zap hit enemy yang toxic
Zip zap hit toxic enemies
Bagi kejutan electro hingga paralyze lu stuck masih static
Give electro shock until you're paralyzed, stuck, still static
Enemy spot ku execute 'bouta get slice meh silakan baris
Enemy spot I execute 'bout to get sliced, come on, line up
Dari dulu iri hati tak jemu jemu bye peace!
Been envious since forever, bye peace!
Ku bawa heat bars bazooka set a bomb mix up lirikal assassin
I bring heat bars, bazooka, set a bomb, mix up lyrical assassin
Pembunuh bersiri ku dilabel undefeated
Serial killer, I'm labeled undefeated
Ku defeat 'em venemous kill 'em all in ah
I defeat 'em, venomous, kill 'em all in ah
Yes sir yes sir!
Yes sir yes sir!
Pecut pandu laju tiada go back
Sprint, drive fast, no going back
Terlebih move sampai dah tak boleh brake
Too much movement, can't brake anymore
Middle finger slide right, call the phoney now
Middle finger slide right, call the phoney now
Load the Glock gonna hit your Bando
Load the Glock gonna hit your Bando
I see got a new gang in town
I see got a new gang in town
Get a ghost, get the coast, press involved
Get a ghost, get the coast, press involved
Oh play 'em oh play 'em like a banjo
Oh play 'em oh play 'em like a banjo
Kumpul 'em kumpulan on the dance floor
Gather 'em, group up on the dance floor
Kita shootin' ais 'em (Freeze)
We shootin' ice 'em (Freeze)
Kita move in, slice them (Jeez)
We move in, slice them (Jeez)
Beraja di mata putera di hati
King in the eyes, prince in the heart
Patah keris alamatnya sah tu mati
Broken keris, a sign of certain death
Ya lady love my ice (Bro)
Ya lady love my ice (Bro)
Stereotypin' (So)
Stereotypin' (So)
Malay archipelago (Though)
Malay archipelago (Though)
Gimme beg gimme that MA63
Gimme beg gimme that MA63
Flow 4 Terrorized them
Flow 4 Terrorized them
Kombinasi, tengok sini, testimoni, evolusi
Combination, look here, testimony, evolution
KC kasi paralyzed them
KC paralyzed them
Ku merais, ku kumpul semula
I'm freezing, I'm gathering myself
Perlu ais, kami hit the Bando, oh
Need some ice, we hit the Bando, oh
Ku ekspres, bukan stereotaip
I express, not stereotype
Ini kes, kami hit the Bando, oh
This is the case, we hit the Bando, oh
Straight up ini fakta bukan auta
Straight up, this is facts, not fiction
Ini clique bukan one hit wonda
This clique is not a one-hit wonder
Jaga kata dengan tata dalam kota jaga takhta
Watch your words and manners in the city, guard the throne
Guna minda jangan cuba kami OD dengan fakta
Use your mind, don't try to OD us with facts
Catur langkah semua arah macam kami buah raja
Strategic moves in all directions, like we're the king piece
Dalam scene ni korang slow wow
In this scene, you guys are slow, wow
Kami macam fast forward korang slow-mo
We're like fast forward, you're slow-mo
Yeah for real, tak perlukan camo
Yeah for real, don't need camo
Watak kami utama, korang cameo
Our characters are main, you guys are cameos
Impaknya macam atom
The impact is like an atom
Bertahun hustle tanpa melancong
Years of hustle without traveling
Kami mendaki tak minta gendong
We climb, don't ask to be carried
Sekarang kota ni kami dukung
Now we carry this city
Siapa kosong?
Who's empty?
Fikir ku badut silakan pancung
Think I'm a clown, go ahead and behead
Kepala gantung?
Hanging head?
Riwayat keramat hikayat kandung
Sacred history, womb story
Berapa banyak hit (Hit, hit)
How many hits (Hit, hit)
Kenapa tak nampak di dalam carta
Why not seen on the charts
K overheat
K overheat
Itu punca ramai terasa haba
That's why many feel the heat
G ni unit
G's this unit
Melangkah jauh lebih kuasa kuda
Step far with more horsepower
Ku tiada limit (Ha?)
I have no limit (Ha?)
Tengok obor api siapa nyala
Look at the torch, whose fire is burning
Masih bawah tanah
Still underground
Siapa bilang kita tinggal lupakan sejarah lama?
Who says we forget old history?
Bagaimana pun bencana tetap lencana yang sama
However the disaster, the badge remains the same
Eyo, eyo, hold up, hold up
Eyo, eyo, hold up, hold up
This is not a hit (Nas, Andre)
This is not a hit (Nas, Andre)
Ini maklumat, mana mak lu mat?
This is information, where's your mom, dude?
Berapa kerat apa syarat tuk jerat lu mat?
How many, what are the conditions to trap you, dude?
Kalau nak sihat, ambik nasihat
If you want to be healthy, take advice
Takut matlamat kau tamat mati bertempat
Fear your goal will end, die in place
Perlu wang, ambil peluang
Need money, take the opportunity
Ku luang masa kau buang
I spend time, you waste it
Siapa gerangan berangan nak perang?
Who is it that dreams of war?
Dalam medan ku serang tanpa pedang
In the field, I attack without a sword
Definisi untuk ego, mementingkan diri
Definition of ego, self-centered
Masa untuk ku kembara (Oh!)
Time for me to travel (Oh!)
Aku kan pergi
I'll go
Dengan hati yang membara
With a burning heart
Semangat terjatuh ku kumpul semula
Fallen spirit, I gather again
Takkan berhenti gerhana melanda
Won't stop, eclipse strikes
Biar sampai hari dini kejora
Let it reach the day of the morning star
Tiap liga aku bongkar
Every league I uncover
Atas bawah ku selongkar
Up and down I rummage
Ku tididit kau sekatan
I tididit your block
Jangan bilang ku yang cabar
Don't say I'm the one who challenges
Sekarang banyak yang berebut
Now many are fighting
Semua mahu tempat kami
Everyone wants our place
Panggil kami revolusi
Call us revolution
Ku merais, ku kumpul semula
I'm freezing, I'm gathering myself
Perlu ais, kami hit the Bando, oh!
Need some ice, we hit the Bando, oh!
Ku ekspres, bukan stereotaip
I express, not stereotype
Ini kes, kami hit the Bando, oh!
This is the case, we hit the Bando, oh!
Ku merais, ku kumpul semula
I'm freezing, I'm gathering myself
Perlu ais, kami hit the Bando, oh
Need some ice, we hit the Bando, oh
Ku ekspres, bukan stereotaip
I express, not stereotype
Ini kes, kami hit the Bando, oh
This is the case, we hit the Bando, oh

Writer(s): Tuju, Gnello K Clique, Nasty Nas, Somean, Noki K Clique, Sarifin Mohd Syafiq Emir Bin, Mk, Fareed

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