K Dub Shine - ILL STREET BLUES(DJ MASTERKEY featuring K DUB SHINE) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction K Dub Shine - ILL STREET BLUES(DJ MASTERKEY featuring K DUB SHINE)

駅前のマジでっかい交差点 とぼけたのメチャクチャいそうだぜ
Seriously big intersection in front of the train station, seems like a place where airheads gather in droves
ハスラープレイヤージャンキーアル中 ギャル多いセンター街にあとマル9
Hustlers, players, junkies, alcoholics, and there are quite a few ladies at Center Street and Mar9
ここどんなジャンルのヤツでも来る かっこつけどいつも都会モンぶる
Any kind of person comes to this place, You try to act cool, but you always pretend to be a city slicker
ウラハラB-BOYにあとギャル男 ブチ飲んでセックスもやるよ
Behind you there are B-Boys and Gyaruo, they party hard and have sex
毎日家と渋谷の往復 レアなスニーカー レコード 洋服
Everyday it's just back and forth between home and Shibuya, rare sneakers, music, and clothes
それさえあればもう超幸福 見事にカリスマになりすます
If you have those things you're happy, you pretend to be a charisma
エラそうな店員にお願いをし ゲットしたレアモンそれが命
You beg the haughty store clerk, and you get that rare item, that's all that matters
髪型もイケメン風に仕上げ 顔もニヤけ へんなもみあげ
You copy the trendy hairstyle, and you make this weird smiley face, and you grow your sideburns long
あと ヤンママたちもすごい格好 厚底に金髪 赤ん坊抱っこ
The young mothers are fashionable too, big heels, blonde hair, holding a baby
乱れに乱れる 週末の夜 人々の記憶に空白残す
The weekend nights are wild and crazy, no one can remember what went down
誰が倒れてても来る夜明け この街で勝負クソ命がけ
If someone collapses just wait until sunrise, a game of life and death goes on in this town
生き残れるのはホンモンだけ ILL STREET BLUES お前の負け
Only the real ones can stay in the game ILL STREET BLUES you're done for
ブギタウン蒲田 マスターキー ガタイ良く いかつく 逞しい
Boogie Town Kamata Masterkey, Big, strong, and muscular
頭振る都会のサグたち BIG UP ワングラムにマスターピース
Lots of cool urban guys move their heads, BIG UP Onegram to Masterpiece
渋谷 蒲田 坊主頭 ヒップホップジャンキーでジム仲間
Shibuya, Kamata, shaved head, hip hop junkies and we go to the gym together
探すロイエアーズなギャルサーチン 今年も本気 オレとヤーチン
We are looking for Roy Ayers ladies, this year we're serious, me and Yachin
金髪 茶髪 ヅラ ストレート それとシスタ風 エクステブレード
Blond, brown, wigs, straight hair, sistah style, extension braids
ヘソに爪先 タトゥー 鼻ピー ちょっとビッチっぽいのがまたイイ
Tattoos from belly to toe, nose piercings, I like the ones that look a little naughty
細長えウデ でけえムネ ネイルサロン行かずにうめえ爪
Skinny arms, big breasts, no manicures, but pretty nails
こっち見てるクセに前を素通り Tバックすけすけ 無防備
She looks at you but pretends to walk past, thong peeking out, unprotected behind
What do you expect me to do baby
で、声のかけ方 何気に丁寧
She is polite when she approaches
知的な会話が常日頃 地元じゃ有名なカサノバ・ジゴロ
She always has intelligent conversation, she's well known around here, a Casanova Gigolo
誰が倒れてても来る夜明け この街で勝負クソ命がけ
If someone collapses just wait until sunrise, a game of life and death goes on in this town
生き残れるのはホンモンだけ ILL STREET BLUES お前の負け
Only the real ones can stay in the game ILL STREET BLUES you're done for
どっから見てもホットな場所 夜中んなるとここ もっとヤバそう
It's a hot spot no matter where you look, at night it's even more dangerous
東京で一番 治安 悪い現場 イヤホンした私服 軽いテンパー
The worst security in Tokyo, plainclothes cops with ear buds, short tempers
無線使わずに ケイタイ連絡 車種やナンバー 速効 伝達
They don't use radios, they call with their cell phones, car models, license plate numbers, colors, they pass on info fast
毎日職質してる危険地帯 曲がったとこに ライト消した2台
Everyday they check IDs in dangerous areas, Right around the corner, two cars with their lights off
すぐ集まってくる 制服とチャリ 出てきちゃったみたい注射器
Uniforms and bikes come swarming in, and then syringes start showing up
シャバでだけはやめとけ もしやんなら 生命保険だけはかけとけ YO
Don't do it out in the open, if you must, make sure you have life insurance YO
オレも連れつれて 街パトロール テレビより早く 事件のあと通る
I take my posse and patrol the streets, we get there faster than the news, after something goes down
独自の情報収集力 優秀 報道されない裏ネタも入手
We have excellent intel gathering skills, we get inside info that doesn't make the news
デコスケのやり方 露骨に姑息 クソワンパターン 楽にその次予測
Decosuke's methods are blatant and underhanded, It's always the same old routine, easy to predict
ウラ渋谷 このへん 悪山町 それと道玄坂上 サグな場所
The back streets, around here, Akuyamachō, and Dōgenzaka, are dangerous places
誰が倒れてても来る夜明け この街で勝負クソ命がけ
If someone collapses just wait until sunrise, a game of life and death goes on in this town
生き残れるのはホンモンだけ ILL STREET BLUES お前の負け
Only the real ones can stay in the game ILL STREET BLUES you're done for

Writer(s): K.kagami, M.yazawa, k.kagami, m.yazawa

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