K Dub Shine - オレはオレ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais K Dub Shine - オレはオレ

I Am Who I Am
ATOMIC BOMB Shibuya Connection
くだらねえ影響なんて受けねえ 他人をコントロールしようなんてあめえだろう
I won't let stupid things affect me Controlling others, how nonsensical can that be?
K DUB SHINE 言いてえ事言わしてもらうぜ
K DUB SHINE Let me say what I have to say
誰もオレからオレを奪えねえ 絶対オレよりオレを使えねえ
No one can take me away from me No one can use me better than me
自分以外の誰かに支配されてはいない その違いを理解
I'm not controlled by anyone else Understand that difference
一見うまくいってそう最近 前よりましだとは言っても
Things may seem to be going well recently They may be better than before
なんの保証もねえこの先 それも戦争ってことだし
But there's no guarantee for the future That's what war is all about
ただこの周り見るあたり かなり俺誘惑してくるもんばかり
Just look around you The world is full of temptations
誰にでも普通よくある物欲 思い出す過去味わった屈辱
Material desires that most people have Thoughts of past humiliations
Before you know it, you lose track of what makes you happy
金か力か 服か車か いろんなやつ笑顔で来る中
Money, power, clothes, cars In the midst of all these smiling faces
どいつがリアルかなんて どうやって判定すりゃいいんだかわかんねえ
How do I know who's genuine? How can I tell?
勘頼り 変なノリのやつから身守り 完全に居直り
I rely on my intuition To protect myself from weirdos And to be myself unapologetically
ただ自分のままでい続ける 言いてえ事曲にぶつける
I just want to be myself and express my feelings through music
文句とか言われるの怖くて オレポップなのやるほど弱くねえ
I'm not weak enough to make pop music because I'm afraid of criticism
誰もオレからオレを奪えねえ 絶対オレよりオレを使えねえ
No one can take me away from me No one can use me better than me
自分以外の誰かに支配されてはいない その違いを理解
I'm not controlled by anyone else Understand that difference
誰もオレからオレを奪えねえ 絶対オレよりオレを使えねえ
No one can take me away from me No one can use me better than me
自分以外の誰かに支配されてはいない その違いを理解
I'm not controlled by anyone else Understand that difference
オレただラップがしたいだけ でも音楽業界は嫌いだね
I just want to rap But I hate the music industry
Even people who mean nothing to me, I have to greet them because that's how you survive in this business
自分に葛藤 どこからどこ基準に活動してれば避けれんのか自己嫌悪
I struggle with myself Not knowing where to draw the line to avoid self-loathing
そのうえ誰もがリコメンド と認めんの無理 こっちには不利
On top of that, everyone has their own opinion and won't acknowledge yours It's not fair
だってオレ正直なのが売り そのぶんリスクだってすごくでかい
Because I'm an honest rapper, but that comes with great risk
でも自分にだけは嘘付けない 生きていくうえで守る基本事項
But I can't lie to myself That's a basic principle I live by
自分が誰かを自問自答 いったいオレは何がしてえんだ
I ask myself who I am What do I really want to do?
このままでどこがいけねんだ とたまに前のこと振り返り反省
Sometimes I look back and reflect on my past mistakes
昔の罪繰り返し 懺悔 過去の償いこれがそれ 忘れるわけねえオレはオレ
Repeating my old sins Confessing and atoning for the past I can't forget who I am
誰もオレからオレを奪えねえ 絶対オレよりオレを使えねえ
No one can take me away from me No one can use me better than me
自分以外の誰かに支配されてはいない その違いを理解
I'm not controlled by anyone else Understand that difference
誰もオレからオレを奪えねえ 絶対オレよりオレを使えねえ
No one can take me away from me No one can use me better than me
自分以外の誰かに支配されてはいない その違いを理解
I'm not controlled by anyone else Understand that difference
If you have something to say about my lyrics, then write your own answer song
またメディア言いたがる好き勝手 でもそんなやつらとも付き合って
The media loves to talk trash But I have to interact with them
行かなきゃくたばるぜこの業界 シビアなもんだぜこの商売
Or else I'll die in this industry It's a brutal business
自分を保つだけで精一杯 代償高すぎ ゲーム1回
Just trying to stay true to myself is hard The cost is too high For a single game
いつでも競争勝ち負け そんな人生になんて価値がねえ
Always competing, winning and losing There's no value in that kind of life
金に目がくらむ ほんとマジだせぇ なくたって オレの方がましだぜ
オレはオレ以外の誰でもなく いいライム妨害されても書く
I'm not anyone but myself I'll keep writing good lyrics no matter what
自分が自分であること誇る そういうやつが最後に残る
I'm proud to be who I am Those who are themselves will last
誰もオレからオレを奪えねえ 絶対オレよりオレを使えねえ
No one can take me away from me No one can use me better than me
自分以外の誰かに支配されてはいない その違いを理解
I'm not controlled by anyone else Understand that difference
誰もオレからオレを奪えねえ 絶対オレよりオレを使えねえ
No one can take me away from me No one can use me better than me
自分以外の誰かに支配されてはいない その違いを理解
I'm not controlled by anyone else Understand that difference
2003 世界遺産 渋谷ビッグコッタ THE KING OF TOKYO
2003 World Heritage Shibuya Big Cotta THE KING OF TOKYO
ATOMIC BOMB ストリート代表 オレはオレ以外の誰でもねえ
ATOMIC BOMB Street Representative I am who I am and no one else

Writer(s): K.kagami, D.originu, k.kagami, d.originu

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