KEN THE 390 feat. MINT, R-shitei & Erone - Goddem - OSAKA ver. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction KEN THE 390 feat. MINT, R-shitei & Erone - Goddem - OSAKA ver.

Goddem - OSAKA ver.
Goddem - OSAKA ver.
蹴飛ばすOld Schoolな価値基準打破
I'll kick out the outdated values
産み出すNew Style ベートーベンにバッハ
I will create a new style like Beethoven and Bach
バカは決まって言う あいつは違うって
Fools always say that he is different
逆にThank You一緒にされちゃガッデム!!
On the contrary, thank you for putting me in the same category as them, Goddem!!
It won't help you at all to blame others
I have values that no one can imitate
他は圧倒 Bad Boyだけじゃないやり方みせるDREAM BOY
I am a DREAM BOY who will show you a way that is not just Bad Boy, but will overwhelm others
No one has ever experienced real success
そこマネちゃ アウチ 見るぜ痛い目
If you copy that, ouch, you will suffer
二代目目指して イニミニマニモー?
Do you want to be a second-generation? Eeny, meeny, miny, moe?
誰についてもくれない きびだんご
No one will give me dumplings
I will fight the demons alone
Even without wild dogs, monkeys, or pheasants, I am outstanding
Although I look like this, my heart is strong
既存のやり方 塗り替えてくガッテム!
I will repaint the existing ways, Goddem!
ベテランて言っちゃダメ! ねー、いまの誰!?
Don't call me a veteran! Hey, who is that now!?
それ褒めてんの? 黙れハゲ!!
Are you complimenting me? Shut up, baldy!!
YoungでFreshめちゃヤベー ほんとマジパねー あのJK読モとタメ
Young, fresh, and funky! It's totally groovy, man! I'm the same age as that JK reader model
イェーイ 永遠の17歳 マルキューで買い物 週7回
Yeah! I'm an eternal 17-year-old! I shop at Marukyu seven times a week
ラップで日本中からかい バレるウソつく、理由ならない
I make fun of all of Japan with rap, I tell obvious lies, it's not a reason
どーせダメ元 決して誰とも分かり合えない 待てども待てども
Anyway, it doesn't matter. I will never understand anyone, no matter how long I wait
ぼっち さげぽよ 腫れ物だけども たまに混ぜろよ やめろよ真似事
I'm a loner, a loser, a sore loser, but sometimes let me join. Stop it, your imitation
まー、テキトーにチャラップ あげぽよ たまにオレのも褒めてあげろよ
Well, talk to me casually, loser. Sometimes praise me too
それだけで笑顔になんだって そのためにひつこく頑張ってる
Just that makes me smile, that's why I keep trying so hard
From now on, individuality and pride will be sacrificed, and funky monkey shows will become popular
Or maybe it's because it's an era where "easy to meet" girls will take the lead
You are all like expired La France pears
You can't rank up
そもそも感謝率少なめ 共感度低め 毒気多め スキル高め
In the first place, your appreciation rate is low, your empathy is low, your toxicity is high, and your skills are high
That's not what teenage girls want to hear
(Oh~ Shit!) なら好きにやんぜ
(Oh~ Shit!) Then do whatever you want
You'll start to care about it soon
いざとなりゃアンプラグド アンプ無しで演奏
When the time comes, unplug it and play without an amp
アコギな商売揺らすBody And Soul
Acoustic business shakes Body And Soul
United government of rhyme, flow, and punchline
Now you too can feel this vibration
Even Renho can't avoid vaginal spasms
If you are not satisfied with the current situation, there are many things you can do
Get On The MicでYesもNoも聞かず地獄叩き落とすガッデム!!
Get On The Mic and say yes or no, and Goddem will send you to hell!!
Don't compare me to that
Look at it, it's very boring.
I can't keep up with this nasty movement
それでMC? 教える Who′s Men
Are you an MC? Who's Men?
With a little bit of Fame
What's so funny about going around like that?
ほんまに あんたね
Really, you
ええ加減 やんなんで
You'd better stop it
Anyway, that's a dead end.
I'm going to open the Playboy book
Anyway, let's finish the promotional campaign
AM FM デジタル ワンセグ
AM FM digital One Seg
Match your channel to mine
損はさせへん 聞かせるアンセム
I won't let you down

Writer(s): Dj Watari, Ken The 390

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