KEN THE 390 - 気にしない - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction KEN THE 390 - 気にしない

Don't Care
なんで俺ばっかり なんで私ばっかり
Why is it always me? Why is it always me?
うまくいかないがっかり ついてないなやっぱり
Things don't go my way, I'm disappointed, I'm unlucky, it's the same old story
I feel like the whole world is laughing at me
The reflection in the window, my self-confidence is low, I'm depressed
ギリギリで乗れない電車 私だけならない電話
I just miss the train, I'm the only one who doesn't get a call
なぜか反応しないセンサー よくないことばかりリメンバー
For some reason, the sensor doesn't respond, I only remember the bad things
確か先週もこう だけど前向いてこう
It was like this last week, but I'll keep moving forward
降り止まない雨の中でも ok I don't care
Even in the pouring rain, ok I don't care
いつも逆に向かう流れも ok I don't care
Even when the current is flowing against me, ok I don't care
彼と彼は楽しそうでも ok I don't care
Even when he and he are having fun, ok I don't care
私は私 それ以外のこと ok I don't care
I am who I am, nothing else matters, ok I don't care
窓の外は五月雨 未だここで諦めるには
The rain is still falling outside, it's too early to give up
I tell myself and tomorrow
誰も彼もmoney & moneyで目の色を変えビジネス
Everyone is obsessed with money, changing their eyes for business
The sound of rain is the background music, closing my eyes gently
また誰と誰が揉め事? 続く誰が止めても
Who's having a fight again? Who's going to stop it?
揉めることは仕方ないが ダサいやつは見たくない
Arguing is inevitable, but I don't want to see anyone being mean
外野からの口出し 情報戦の打ち出し
Outsiders are talking, information is being spread
くだらないな 自分のスタンスは 自分で決めるだけだろ
It's all nonsense, I'll decide my own stance
Just because he and he are having a fight, I have to distance myself
Just because he and he are having a fight, you have to distance yourself
いい歳こいて 悪い意味でそれじゃ未だ子供で
This is childish, even at our age
中身なしでスカスカ 薄っぺらなところてん
Empty and hollow, like thin agar
たとえ 仮にハブられてても ok I don't care
Even if I'm ostracized, ok I don't care
たとえ 一人になったとしても ok I don't care
Even if I'm left alone, ok I don't care
誰と彼が揉めたとしても ok I don't care
Even if he and he have a fight, ok I don't care
自分で見てきたこと以外は ok I don't care
I only care about what I see myself
世界は広い 社会も広い そこだけがすべてじゃない
The world is big, society is big, that's not all there is
いる努力といらない努力 耐えるだけがすべじゃない
There are efforts that are worth it and efforts that are not, but enduring is not the only way
そこのしょうもない奴に つぶさせんな可能性
Don't let those losers crush your potential
そんな消耗戦 こっちは興味ねーし ok I don't care
I'm not interested in this war of attrition, ok I don't care
どうでもいいよ もう 他のことはそう いつも通り
I don't care about anything else, just the usual
一度きりのライフならばgo ハミ出そう
If life is a one-time thing, then go for it
出る杭は打たれる 逆に出なきゃ打たれない
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down, but if you don't stick out, you won't get hammered down
どっちがいいって そりゃもちろん 前者で比べようもない
Which is better? Obviously the former, there's no comparison
自分の名前でかけるサーチ 溢れかえるネットのパンチ
Searching for my name, the internet is flooded with attacks
喰らい過ぎのドランカー 見てらんないよ そこで止まんな
I've had too much to drink, I can't stand it, don't stop there
名前が書いてあるだけマシさ マジで聞き流す話さ
At least my name is out there, seriously, it's just gossip
むしろ何もないと悲しさ 自分がやってきてる証さ
In fact, it's sad when nothing is said, it's a testament to what I've done
妬み陰口 ok I don't care
Jealousy and rumors, ok I don't care
僻み 嫉みも ok I don't care
Envy and resentment, ok I don't care
やることやってそれ以外のこと ok I don't care
Do what you have to do and don't worry about anything else, ok I don't care
時に吐き出すべき 言いたいこと ok I don't care
Sometimes you have to speak your mind, ok I don't care
俺は俺でそれでいいし 君は君でそれでいい
I'm fine being myself, and you're fine being yourself
I only care about what people I trust have to say
疲れちゃうよ そうでなくても ライフはややこしい
I'm exhausted, life is complicated enough
だから余計なものはいらない ok I don't care
So I don't need anything extra, ok I don't care

Writer(s): Jazadocumant, Ken The 390

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