KOHEI JAPAN - The Roses feat. ALI-KICK - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction KOHEI JAPAN - The Roses feat. ALI-KICK

The Roses feat. ALI-KICK
The Roses feat. ALI-KICK
刺さるぜRoses 痛いさRoses
Roses hurt, Roses pain
傷口に沁みる一粒の涙うたう The Roses
A single tear stings the wound, singing the Roses
真っ赤な薔薇がきつく体に絡まる 常に言葉は本音に逆らう
Blood-red roses grow tightly around the body, words always betray the truth
何度も耳にしたような馬鹿な 話しが今夜も酒の肴
The same old stupid story I've heard a million times, tonight's drinking fodder
棘が深く皮膚に刺さってる 鈍い痛みが時をさらってく
The thorns are buried deep in the skin, dull pain stealing time
愚痴なら貯金よりも溜まってる でもまだ笑い方は分かってる
More complaints than savings, but I still know how to laugh
そうみんな知りたいさ 痛みのない方法はないか?
That's what everyone wants to know, isn't there a painless way?
大差ないさライカ個体差 見つけにくいもの それが答えさ
It doesn't matter, my dear, the difference is individual, hard to find, that's the answer
(Hurt so bad) a song about you 傷は見える所だけで30
(Hurt so bad) a song about you, wounds are only visible in 30 places
歌にしたって 痛いのは範疇 The Roses Around you & me
Even if it's turned into a song, it still hurts in the same way, The Roses Around you & me
刺さるぜRoses 痛いさRoses
Roses hurt, Roses pain
傷口に沁みる一粒の涙うたう The Roses
A single tear stings the wound, singing the Roses
俺達は進む 刺々しい棘が続く 曲がりくねった道
We keep going, down a thorny path, through winding roads
傷だらけだけど仕方ねえ よけようがねえ 更にノ―マネー right?
We're all scratched up, but what can we do? We can't avoid it, and we don't have any money, right?
容赦ねえなちったぁ手加減 してよ神様すいません
God, you're so unforgiving, go easy on me, I'm sorry
割と痛みに弱い男子なんです おまえに飲ます薬はねえってか?
I'm a guy who's pretty weak to pain, you don't have any medicine I can take?
ならば唾でもつけとこ 抜け出したい不幸のズンどこ
If not, I'll just spit on it, I want to get out of this unlucky rut
畜生! ウザったい! また刺さってる でもまだ笑い方は分かってる
Damn it! It's annoying! Here it goes again, but I still know how to laugh
傷に沁みてく涙の点滴 またひとつ増えてゆく免疫
Tears trickle down my wounds, another one has been added to my immunity
徐々に強さ増す予防線 愛情ってやつが唯一の処方箋
My defenses grow stronger, love is the only prescription
刺さるぜRoses 痛いさRoses
Roses hurt, Roses pain
傷口に沁みる一粒の涙うたう The Roses
A single tear stings the wound, singing the Roses
貼ってられっか!いちいちバンドエイド 傷は今日だけで何個目?
I can't keep sticking on band-aids! How many wounds have I had today?
探してる俺だけのナイチンゲール 瘡蓋からも血が滲んでる
I'm looking for my one true Nightingale, my wounds are still bleeding
どこのICUも順番待ち 多忙な日々傷放ったらかし
Every ICU has a waiting list, too busy to care for my wounds
やせ我慢無傷気取りただ一人 バラ色の人生に溶かす赤い彩り
Pretending I'm fine, I'm the only one who's bleeding, dissolving into the rosy life
刺さるぜRoses 痛いさRoses
Roses hurt, Roses pain
傷口に沁みる一粒の涙うたう The Roses
A single tear stings the wound, singing the Roses

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