KOHEI JAPAN - コーヘイジャパンの夢は夜ひらく - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction KOHEI JAPAN - コーヘイジャパンの夢は夜ひらく

KOHEI JAPAN's Dream Opens at Night
十数枚の諭吉福沢 手にしたトコロで修羅場は修羅場
A few ten-thousand-yen notes in my hand, but the battleground is still a battleground
支払いへと飛んで行きました 夢は夜ひらく
They all flew away to pay the bills, my dream opens at night
残りわずかの英世野口を 使い切ってまでお酒呑む人
I'll use up the rest of my one-thousand-yen notes and drink until I pass out
まったく 俺のスゴさに誰も気づかねぇ... 夢は夜ひらく
Really, no one notices how amazing I am... my dream opens at night
22時 日雇い現場に集合 片側通行 歩行者を誘導
10pm, gathering at the day labor site, controlling traffic and guiding pedestrians
コンパ帰りの学生さん 赤ちょうちん帰りのサラリーマン
College students returning from a drinking party, salarymen returning from an izakaya
すれ違う瞬間にオレをチラ見 無言で通り過ぎる足早に
They glance at me as they pass by, silently walking away quickly
伝染したろか? オレの毛ジラミ 夢は夜ひらく
Should I spread it? My pubic lice, my dream opens at night
紙きれより心に財産 今のところ取れてねぇ採算
Wealth in my heart, not in paper, I haven't been able to make a profit
Tonight, I'll vent my frustrations...
紙きれより心に財産 今のところ取れてねぇ採算
Wealth in my heart, not in paper, I haven't been able to make a profit
今宵も一人拭う股間の不快感... 夢は夜ひらく
Tonight, I'll wipe away the discomfort in my crotch alone... my dream opens at night
錆びたポスト開ければ今日も ピザ屋のメニューと借金の催促状と
When I open my rusty mailbox, today there's a pizza menu, a debt collection notice,
デリヘルのチラシが挟まってて 夢は夜ひらく
And a flyer for a delivery service, my dream opens at night
たまにゃ生身のオンナ抱きてぇと 昨日稼いだ諭吉使おうと
Sometimes I want to hold a real woman in my arms, so I'll use the ten-thousand-yen note I earned yesterday
欲に負けてく自分の弱さと 嗚呼 男の愚かさよ
I succumb to temptation, my own weakness, and the foolishness of a man
どこの誰だか興味ねぇけど 大人をからかうもんじゃねぇぞ
I don't care who or where you are, don't mess with an adult
オメェのオッパイなんざ味気ねぇ 幼稚なテクニックじゃまじイケねぇ
Your boobs are boring, your childish techniques are really no good
「男なら誰もが若い娘好き」ってふざけんじゃねぇ! 悪ィけどチェンジ
Don't tell me "all men like young girls", that's ridiculous! Sorry, but change
まぁ 別にタダなら抱いてやってもイイんだぜ 夢は夜ひらく
Well, if it's free, I'll sleep with you, my dream opens at night
紙きれより心に財産 今のところ取れてねぇ採算
Wealth in my heart, not in paper, I haven't been able to make a profit
Tonight, I'll vent my frustrations...
紙きれより心に財産 今のところ取れてねぇ採算
Wealth in my heart, not in paper, I haven't been able to make a profit
今宵も一人拭う股間の不快感... 夢は夜ひらく
Tonight, I'll wipe away the discomfort in my crotch alone... my dream opens at night
大事にしてたギター 24回払い ローン半ばでやむなく売っぱらい
The guitar I cherished, 24 installments, I had to sell it halfway through the loan
かき鳴らす"絶望"のイントロダクション 夢は夜ひらく
Plucking out the introduction of "despair", my dream opens at night
田舎から上京したあの時のように わずかな荷物をカバンに詰め込み
Just like when I moved to Tokyo from the countryside, I packed my meager belongings in my bag
どこに 夜逃げしたって地獄は地獄? 夢は夜ひらく
Where can I run away to? Hell is hell, my dream opens at night
アパートの一階にあるスナックじゃ ヨレたオヤジが焼酎かっくらい
In the snack bar on the first floor of my apartment, a haggard old man sips shochu
厚化粧の萎びたママとダンス カラオケ画面に酒と唾飛ばす
He dances with the withered, heavily made-up mama, spitting sake and saliva at the karaoke screen
五月蝿え! 部屋にガンガン洩れてくるエコーの効いた演歌が
It's so loud! The echoey enka music leaks into my room
今夜は やけに骨身にしみるじゃねえか馬鹿野郎! 夢は夜ひらく
Tonight, it really gets to me, you bastard! My dream opens at night
紙きれより心に財産 今のところ取れてねぇ採算
Wealth in my heart, not in paper, I haven't been able to make a profit
Tonight, I'll vent my frustrations...
紙きれより心に財産 今のところ取れてねぇ採算
Wealth in my heart, not in paper, I haven't been able to make a profit
今宵も一人拭う股間の不快感... 夢は夜ひらく
Tonight, I'll wipe away the discomfort in my crotch alone... my dream opens at night

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