KUKU$ - Sao Kuku$ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction KUKU$ - Sao Kuku$

Sao Kuku$
Sao Kuku$
Refren(Goca R.I.P.):
Chorus (Goca R.I.P.):
I Nikad nisam brio da ću imat sve ovo
I never thought I'd have all this
Al sad kad imam ne čini se ko ništa novo
But now that I do, it doesn't feel new
Pili smo bambus sad pijem viski sa kolom
We used to drink bamboo, now I drink whiskey with cola
Tu na kvartu uvijek sve je pod kontrolom
Here on the block, everything's always under control
I sve šta radim radim samo za bandu
And everything I do, I do for the crew
Radim svaki dan napravili smo sve u danu
Working every day, we made it all happen in a day
I neću se zahvalit nikom, ne
And I won't thank anyone, no
Sve dugujem KUKU$ klanu
I owe it all to the KUKU$ Clan
Goca R.I.P.:
Goca R.I.P.:
I fakat nisam brio da ću imat pare
And I really didn't think I'd have money
Al sad ih ipak imam
But now I do, anyway
Mlade kmice došle od nikud a je
Young chicks came out of nowhere, but hey
E e e e e e
E e e e e e
Nisam htio bit slavan braco ne ne ne ne
I didn't want to be famous, bro, no no no no
Sad svuda oko sebe čujem pogle ga daj ga pogle
Now I hear all around me, "Look at him, check him out"
Ekipa još u depresiji hip hop je umro
The crew is still depressed, hip hop is dead
Nemreš bacit dve poštene zato kaj si ih ukro
You can't drop two honest tracks because you stole them
Neboderi su sivi al su pare šarene
The skyscrapers are gray, but the money is colorful
I nemoj mene krivit kaj si propo davnih dana
And don't blame me because you failed long ago
Jer ja sam iz KUKU$ Klana
Because I'm from the KUKU$ Clan
I došli smo tu do vrha direkno sam dna
And we got to the top straight from the bottom
Nije bitno dal me znaš bitno da znaš ko smo
It doesn't matter if you know me, what matters is that you know who we are
Ima nas samo trojca osto je ko je osto e e
There are only three of us, the rest are who they are, e e
Refren(Goca R.I.P.):
Chorus (Goca R.I.P.):
I Nikad nisam brio da ću imat sve ovo
I never thought I'd have all this
Al sad kad imam ne čini se ko ništa novo
But now that I do, it doesn't feel new
Pili smo bambus sad pijem viski sa kolom
We used to drink bamboo, now I drink whiskey with cola
Tu na kvartu uvijek sve je pod kontrolom
Here on the block, everything's always under control
I sve šta radim radim samo za bandu
And everything I do, I do for the crew
Radim svaki dan napravili smo sve u danu
Working every day, we made it all happen in a day
I neću se zahvalit nikom, ne
And I won't thank anyone, no
Sve dugujem KUKU$ klanu
I owe it all to the KUKU$ Clan
Hilj$on Mandela:
Hilj$on Mandela:
I tu živci mnogo rade pa nas droge moraju smirit
And the nerves work a lot here, so drugs have to calm us down
Mi koristimo sve šanse da se malo bolje živi
We take every chance to live a little better
A na meni teške boje jer su neboderi sivi
And on me, the heavy colors because the skyscrapers are gray
Ak se briješ grčit završićeš u Knjizi mrtvih caki
If you shave your beard, you'll end up in the Book of the Dead, man
Kako siješ tako ćeš i brat brate pazi
As you sow, so shall you reap, brother, brother, watch out
Mnogi ljudi puni su laži izdali bi te zbog parice
Many people are full of lies, they'd betray you for a couple of cents
Ja sam Ken sve briju da su Barbike
I'm Ken, they all think they're Barbies
I di su plavi nek uhapse me
And where are the blue ones, let them arrest me
I bio sam na sudu već 2 put ranije
And I've been in court twice before
BMK meni je samo do paprike
BMK is nothing but paprika to me
Refren(Goca R.I.P.):
Chorus (Goca R.I.P.):
I Nikad nisam brio da ću imat sve ovo
I never thought I'd have all this
Al sad kad imam ne čini se ko ništa novo
But now that I do, it doesn't feel new
Pili smo bambus sad pijem viski sa kolom
We used to drink bamboo, now I drink whiskey with cola
Tu na kvartu uvijek sve je pod kontrolom
Here on the block, everything's always under control
I sve šta radim radim samo za bandu
And everything I do, I do for the crew
Radim svaki dan napravili smo sve u danu
Working every day, we made it all happen in a day
I neću se zahvalit nikom, ne
And I won't thank anyone, no
Sve dugujem KUKU$ klanu
I owe it all to the KUKU$ Clan
Outro(Hilj$on Mandela & Goca R.I.P.)
Outro (Hilj$on Mandela & Goca R.I.P.)
Sada svi znaju ko je KUKU$ Klan
Now everyone knows who the KUKU$ Clan is
Sada brojim keki frende, bacim moonwalk Michael Jackson pogle me
Now I'm counting stacks, homie, busting out the moonwalk, Michael Jackson, look at me
I zato slavim tu sa svojim ljudima
And that's why I'm celebrating here with my people
Debilu gle ovo prstenje nekad me vozila gudra sad BMW
Look at this ring, idiot, I used to ride in a hood, now it's a BMW
Jer danas tu sam a sutra ko zna
Because I'm here today, but who knows about tomorrow
Zato dajem sve od sebe KUKU$ Klan urbane su legende
That's why I give it my all, KUKU$ Clan, urban legends
Sada svi znaju ko je KUKU$ Klan
Now everyone knows who the KUKU$ Clan is
Mandela, iso miki, Goca R.I.P. možemo popit vops il moeš popit klip
Mandela, iso miki, Goca R.I.P., we can have a drink or you can have a clip

Writer(s): Iso Miki, Goca R.i.p., Hilj$on Mandela, Deepsix Deepsix

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