Kako M. - Bronca - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kako M. - Bronca

Ella nunca imaginó lo mal ángel y lo esaborío que puede ser el amor
She never imagined how bad an angel and how tasteless love could be.
Él tampoco lo advirtió y se fue al percatarse
Neither did he, and he left when he realized
De que todo lo que antes se regalaban ahora se lo robaban to', sólo hay pedazos
That everything they used to give each other was now stolen, there are only pieces left.
Todo quedó en un mal chiste de esos que sólo hacen gracia a los borrachos
Everything ended up as a bad joke, the kind that only drunks find funny.
Y ya no existe aquel hogar que se quedó en unos planos de servilleta de bar
And the home that was left on some bar napkin plans no longer exists.
Ella quería terraza
She wanted a terrace.
A él le daba igual un coche o una mansión si estaba cerca del bar
He didn't care if it was a car or a mansion, as long as it was near the bar.
Él una tele de plasma a la que adorar
He wanted a plasma TV to worship
Y reprochar el gol del equipo contrario, el sondeo electoral
And to reproach the opposing team's goal, the election poll.
Ella quería otro sofá, él la Play 4
She wanted another sofa, he wanted the Play 4.
Ella quería varios hijos y él otro cuarto de baño pa' no esperar
She wanted several children and he wanted another bathroom so he wouldn't have to wait.
Y salir pronto, pronto, del lugar
And to leave soon, soon, the place.
Cada vez que salía el tema de qué va a pasar
Every time the subject of what was going to happen came up
Y allí se oía bronca, bronca y desilusión
And there you could hear argument, argument and disappointment.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, broncabrón
There you could hear argument, argument, you bastard.
Allí se oía bronca y decepción
There you could hear argument and disappointment.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, broncabrón
There you could hear argument, argument, you bastard.
Y le decían tonta, tonta déjalo
And they would call her stupid, stupid, leave him.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, broncabrón
There you could hear argument, argument, you bastard.
Allí se oía bronca y decepción
There you could hear argument and disappointment.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca
There you could hear argument, argument, argument, argument, argument, argument, argument
Cabrónca, bronca, bronca
You bastard, argument, argument
Cabrónca, bronca, bronca
You bastard, argument, argument
Yo no qué se inventó pa' enre'arla y subirla pal piso, pero de allí no salió
I don't know what he invented to tie her up and take her up to the apartment, but she didn't get out of there.
Él sólo le pudo ofrecer su amor de instalador, de cursillo de INEM
He could only offer her his love as an installer, from an INEM course.
De los del aire en el hombro, escalera y sin arnés, siempre con trampas
From the ones who hang from the air, with a ladder and no harness, always with tricks.
Y es que lo malo del vicio es que hay que ser rico pa' drogarse y no liarla
And the bad thing about vice is that you have to be rich to do drugs and not mess it up.
Y en el sitio eran lo más
And they were the hottest thing in the place.
To' el vecindario se sabía la vida del figura y su estampa
The whole neighborhood knew the life of the figure and his appearance.
Y cuando ella trabajaba
And when she worked
Allí lo que sonaba eran tacones, muelles y ganas, pasión gitana
What you could hear there were heels, springs and desire, gypsy passion.
Follones de amigos de vicios metiéndose rayas en la escritura del piso
Friends from vices messing around, snorting lines on the deed to the apartment.
Y el permiso de obras, ahí muerto de risa
And the building permit, there, dead with laughter.
Reunión de propietarios, na', sin noticias
Owners' meeting, nothing, no news.
Primer punto del día, no se puede dormir!
First point of the day, you can't sleep!
¡Llama a la Guardia Civil!
Call the Civil Guard!
Y allí se oía bronca, bronca y desilusión
And there you could hear argument, argument and disappointment.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, broncabrón
There you could hear argument, argument, you bastard.
Allí se oía bronca y decepción
There you could hear argument and disappointment.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, broncabrón
There you could hear argument, argument, you bastard.
Y le decían tonta, tonta déjalo
And they would call her stupid, stupid, leave him.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, broncabrón
There you could hear argument, argument, you bastard.
Allí se oía bronca y decepción
There you could hear argument and disappointment.
Allí se oía bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca, bronca
There you could hear argument, argument, argument, argument, argument, argument, argument
Cabrónca, bronca, bronca
You bastard, argument, argument
Cabrónca, bronca, bronca
You bastard, argument, argument
Con su mala vida y su poca vergüenza
With his bad life and his shamelessness
Que se cuela en la rendija de esas que vacilan
That sneaks through the crack of those that vacillate.
Que te echan de su puerta y por su ventana te miran con su mala vida
That kick you out of their door and look at you through their window with their bad life
Bendito espécimen, maldito su lío
Blessed specimen, cursed his mess
Anillo de compromiso mal revendi'o, maldita ruina
Badly resold engagement ring, damn ruin
En el compro oro de la esquina con su mala vida
At the pawn shop on the corner with his bad life
Con su mala vida y su poca vergüenza
With his bad life and his shamelessness
Con su mala vida y su poca vergüenza
With his bad life and his shamelessness
Con su mala vida y (Cabrónca, bronca, bron-)
With his bad life and (You bastard, argument, arg-)
Puta mierda 'e canción
Fucking shitty song

Writer(s): José García García, Juan José León Moreno, Rubén Roldán Gámez

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