Kako M. - Perfecto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kako M. - Perfecto

Siempre fui un estorbo,
I was always a nuisance,
Porque todo lo queria perfecto
Because I wanted everything to be perfect
Odio al que me mira mal, quien me hace el minimo gesto de incordia
I hate the one who looks at me wrong, who makes the slightest gesture of annoyance
Es porque va contra mi,
It's because it goes against me,
La vida es un tornado sin fin y yo me siento un insecto
Life is an endless tornado and I feel like an insect
Yo solo quiero poder encajar
I just want to be able to fit in
Pero no puedo pues nada es perfecto...
But I can't because nothing is perfect...
Desde mi infancia persigiendome la obsesion
Since my childhood, obsession has been chasing me
Y el ancia por la perfección
And the longing for perfection
Y el orden a mi alrededor en la soledad mas cruel y mania
And the order around me in the cruelest loneliness and mania
Acabe por la anciedad
I ended up with anxiety
Por buscar geometria hasta en la olas del mar
For looking for geometry even in the waves of the sea
Por tener mi persebcion caotica
For having my chaotic perception
Por creer que la vida es simetrica
For believing that life is symmetrical
Por pensar que nada compensa la inperfeccion
For thinking that nothing compensates for imperfection
Que dios nos creo con precision milimetrica
That God created us with millimeter precision
Bucaba armonisar las realidad
I was looking to harmonize reality
Pizar solo las rallas blancas
Step only on the white lines
En el paso de cebras
At the zebra crossing
Avanzar cubriendo mi espalda
Move forward covering my back
Simpre me sentia que alguien me seguia el andar
I always felt like someone was following me
Y yo era el Casat de Qatar
And I was the Qatari Casat
Yo sabia que el cuerpo es una imperfecta maquina
I knew that the body is an imperfect machine
Que automedicaa al primer sintoma
That self-medicates at the first symptom
Sin contar la parte contraproducente
Without counting the counterproductive part
Es como suicidarce por mieda ala muerte
It's like committing suicide for fear of death
Porque es perfecto
Because it's perfect
El mundo que me cree y nunca pude pisar
The world that believes me and I could never step on
Solo rozar con el píe porque es perfecto
Just graze with my foot because it's perfect
Y un paso hacia la imperfeccion
And one step towards imperfection
Son dos pasos hacia lo imperfecto
Are two steps towards the imperfect
Quería un cuerpo perfecto
I wanted a perfect body
Una cara perfecta
A perfect face
Unos amigos perfectos
Perfect friends
Un hogar perfecto
A perfect home
Quería un mundo perfecto
I wanted a perfect world
Una pareja perfecta
A perfect partner
Un sino recto
A straight fate
No soporta mas que nada sea perfecto
Can't stand more than anything to be perfect
Que el mundo es un papel arrugado
That the world is a crumpled paper
El escombro nauciabundo que deja un sueño
The nauseating debris left by a dream
Cuando es acabado
When it's finished
Ese pez atrapado en la red infinita del universo deforme
That fish trapped in the infinite net of the deformed universe
Por eso mi obsecion por el orden
That's why my obsession with order
Porque todo este simpre donde lo deje en la estantería
Because everything is always where I left it on the shelf
No mover objetos
Don't move objects
No perder la simetría
Don't lose symmetry
Habrir y cerrar la puerta tres veces antes de entrar
Open and close the door three times before entering
Comprobar cada hora la llave del gas
Check the gas key every hour
Lavar mi cuerpo al milimetro con escrupulo
Wash my body to the millimeter with scruple
Creeme el mundo esta lleno de germenes
Believe me the world is full of germs
Preveer que una inminente guerra se acerca
Foresee that an imminent war is approaching
Ahorrarlo todo no disfrutarlo por si empiesa
Save it all don't enjoy it in case it starts
Y en cien piesas estallara mi cielo
And my sky will explode into a hundred pieces
Me bacune de todo virus menos del virus del miedo,
I got vaccinated against every virus except the fear virus,
Nunca crei en la amistad
I never believed in friendship
Porque el final feliz
Because the happy ending
Es la bulgaridad del guionista,
It's the screenwriter's vulgarity,
Por eso lo odio a el porque soy su alfombra
That's why I hate him because I'm his rug
Y se que no me ve bien porque estoy cada vez mas gorda
And I know he doesn't see me well because I'm getting fatter and fatter
Y quien sera esa zorra a l que aer saludo
And who will be that bitch I'll wave to
Note la atraccion cada gesto lo estudie a milimetros
Note the attraction every gesture I studied to the millimeter
Que crees nunca confie en el es un mierda
What do you think never trust him he's a shit
Le obligo que me lleve de su fijo si me suelta
I force him to take me from his landline if he lets go of me
Para que asi entienda que no es libre
So that he understands that he is not free
Y no usar su libertad para joderme
And don't use your freedom to fuck me
A mi me pretenecera esa cerda.
That sow will belong to me.
Lose mi cuerpo es cada vez mas deforme
I know my body is more and more deformed
No puedo perde mi garganta si man para mis dedos
I can't lose my throat if my hand for my fingers
Ves, mira como se rie y se divierte putas
See, look how she laughs and has fun bitches
Si no disfruta conmigo por eso son mis enemigos
If you don't enjoy with me that's why they are my enemies
Si familia, sus amigos dignos
Yes family, his worthy friends
Solo quiero undirlos
I just want to sink them
Yo soy su dueña enterense
I'm their owner, get in
Y me siento una zorra
And I feel like a fox
Porque,. me acuesto con hombres indignos
Because... I sleep with unworthy men
Porque pienso que el hace lo mismo
Because I think he does the same

Writer(s): Manuel Sanchez Rodriguez, Juan Jose Moreno Leon

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