Kali - Pamätáš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali - Pamätáš

Do you remember
Pamätáš na ten deň
Do you remember that day
Ty, ja a náš malý sen
You, me and our little dream
Že zostarneme spolu a vysmejeme smolu
That we would grow old together and laugh in the face of misfortune
Snáď budeme šťastní
Maybe we'll be happy
pokým jeden z nás dvoch nezaspí
Until one of us falls asleep
Zázrak, že sme sa takto našli
A miracle that we found each other like this
Malo to byť minimálne navždy
It was supposed to be forever, at least
Mali sme kopec plánov
We had a lot of plans
Kostol, obrúčky, naše Áno
The church, the rings, our "Yes"
Chcel som ťa vedľa seba každé ráno
I wanted you by my side every morning
Len ty si mala na mňa návod
You were the only one who had the instructions for me
Že vraj ma nevymeníš nikdy
That you would never trade me for anything
A neurobíš nikdy krok chybný
And you would never take a wrong step
Hah a ja som tomu veril jak malý
Hah, and I believed it like a child
Ty si pravá a ja som ten pravý
You are the one and I am the one
A že si budeme verní, úprimní
And that we would be faithful, sincere
Každý jeden taký vzťah chcel by
Everyone would want such a relationship
Veľmi dokonalá predstava
A very perfect idea
Nájsť šťastie to sa každému nestáva
To find happiness, it doesn't happen to everyone
Žijem len pre teba
I live only for you
Ty pre mňa tak isto
You for me too
Prešli sme rečami
We went through words
Intrigou, závisťou
Intrigue, envy
Ľudí, ktorí chceli nás rozdeliť
People who wanted to break us up
Zatiaľ čo my sme sa im smiali v posteli
While we laughed at them in bed
Mal to byť príbeh o nás dvoch
It was supposed to be a story about the two of us
Dve knihy, spoločný názov
Two books, a common name
V polke rozprávky zmenila si dej
In the middle of the fairy tale, you changed the plot
Zabila si ma a poslala k inej
You killed me and sent me to another
Mal to byť príbeh o nás dvoch
It was supposed to be a story about the two of us
Dve knihy, spoločný názov
Two books, a common name
V polke rozprávky zmenila si dej
In the middle of the fairy tale, you changed the plot
Zabila si ma a poslala k inej
You killed me and sent me to another
Ale niečo sa stalo
But something happened
Niečo čo nečakal nikto z nás
Something that neither of us expected
Aspoň ja ne
At least I didn't
Ale stať sa to malo
But it was meant to happen
Tvoju pravú tvár ukázal čas
Time showed your true face until
Musela si ma milovať moc
You must have loved me very much
Celý život so mnou ti stál za jednu noc
A whole life with me was worth one night to you
S iným, že vraj alkohol
With another, they say alcohol
Teraz to ľutuješ, stalo sa to náhodou
Now you regret it, it happened by chance
Ty si nechcela vtedy, teraz nechcem ja
You didn't want to then, I don't want to now
To čo dával som ti
What I gave you
ti nechcem dať
I don't want to give you anymore
Choď si pripiť na nás
Go toast to us
Že nie sme dvaja
That we are no longer two
Ale na tvoju blbosť
But to your stupidity
Si pripijem aj ja
I'll toast too
Nepros už, pomaly zabúdaj
Don't beg anymore, slowly forget
Ja ti odpustím, ale nezabúdam
I will forgive you, but I won't forget
Jediné, čo môžem pre teba spraviť
The only thing I can do for you
Je že sa usmejem a pekne odzdravím
Is to smile and say goodbye nicely
Mal to byť príbeh o nás dvoch
It was supposed to be a story about the two of us
Dve knihy, spoločný názov
Two books, a common name
V polke rozprávky zmenila si dej
In the middle of the fairy tale, you changed the plot
Zabila si ma a poslala k inej
You killed me and sent me to another
Mal to byť príbeh o nás dvoch
It was supposed to be a story about the two of us
Dve knihy, spoločný názov
Two books, a common name
V polke rozprávky zmenila si dej
In the middle of the fairy tale, you changed the plot
Zabila si ma a poslala k inej
You killed me and sent me to another
Mal to byť príbeh o nás dvoch
It was supposed to be a story about the two of us
Dve knihy, spoločný názov
Two books, a common name
V polke rozprávky zmenila si dej
In the middle of the fairy tale, you changed the plot
Zabila si ma a poslala k inej
You killed me and sent me to another
Mal to byť príbeh o nás dvoch
It was supposed to be a story about the two of us
Dve knihy, spoločný názov
Two books, a common name
V polke rozprávky zmenila si dej
In the middle of the fairy tale, you changed the plot
Zabila si ma a poslala k inej
You killed me and sent me to another
Pozri sa, padá hviezda
Look, a star is falling
Niečo si želaj
Make a wish
Ale mňa ne
But not for me
Ani ten najväčší zázrak ma nevráti späť k tebe
Even the greatest miracle won't bring me back to you
Zbytočne zahodíš prianie
You'll waste your wish in vain
Pozri sa, bolo krásne nám aj, nehovorím že ne
Look, it was beautiful for us too, I'm not saying it wasn't
Ale za tých pár rokov všetko sa zmenilo a patrím k inej žene
But in those few years, everything has changed and I belong to another woman now
Hah, pamätáš na ten deň
Hah, do you remember that day
Ty, ja a náš malý sen
You, me and our little dream
Že zostarneme spolu a vysmejeme smolu
That we would grow old together and laugh in the face of misfortune
Hah ale smola ťa vysmiala
Hah, but misfortune laughed at you
Povedz mi teraz, čo si tým získala
Tell me now, what did you gain from this
A bolo to len tvojou vinou
And it was all your fault
Ja som dnes šťastný, že zaspávam s inou
I'm happy today that I fall asleep with another

Writer(s): Peter Macko

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