Kali feat. Dawe White - Nemáš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali feat. Dawe White - Nemáš

You Ain't Got It
Keď nemáš seba kritiku nikam to nedotiahneš,
If you lack self-criticism, you won't get far,
Keď žere sám seba aj keď si na piču tak lahneš,
If you're self-destructive, you'll just lie down when things get hard,
Keď budeš na dne keď tam padneš a máš pocit, že furt vladneš,
If you're at rock bottom, yet think you're still in charge,
Tak sa niečo dojebalo v tvojej hlave prázdnej,
Then something's messed up in your empty head, it's bizarre,
Keď dávaš ruky hore aj keď nedáš góóól,
When you throw your hands up even when you don't score a goal,
Nediv sa že myslia si o tebe, že si vóól,
Don't be surprised they think you're a fool, out of control,
Jak debil na mól život ťa ma za fóor,
Life's got you on a leash, like a puppet on a stroll,
V tej gebuli si nosíš dojebaný semafóóor,
In that mouth of yours, you carry a broken traffic light, that's your role,
Si mentál na betón asi treba megafón,
You're mentally stuck, maybe you need a megaphone,
Aby ti to docvaklo, že si dávno z kola von,
To finally realize you're out of the game, all alone,
Hra posledný zvon pochop už, že nie si on,
The last bell's ringing, understand you're not the one on the throne,
Ten čo určuje smer jeb na redku, tóč sa na Iphone,
The one who sets the course, screw the queue, spin on your iPhone,
Nemáš to čo by si mal mať si na piču jak Zayo,
You ain't got what you should have, you're messed up like Zayo,
Nej som karma, ľudia karma, si tak zbytočný jako farma,
I ain't karma, people are karma, you're as useless as that farm, yo,
Toto máš zdarma odomňa zdarmáá,
This is for free, from me, for nothing at all,
Ty si nikdy nemal na to aby si dostal máá,
You never had what it takes to get mine, to stand tall,
Keď nemáš vajcáá, nemôžeš chcieť robiť decká,
If you ain't got the balls, you can't make babies, that's the rule,
Máš v sebe vyjebanca preto máš prázdne vrecka,
You've got a screw-up inside, that's why your pockets are always full of fool,
Keď nemáš gule na tom správnom mieste starý,
If you ain't got the guts in the right place, old man, it's true,
Nemôžeš sa čudovať tomu, že sa nedarí,
You can't be surprised that things just don't work out for you,
Chápem tvoje stavy, komplex ťa uvaril,
I understand your state, your complex has got you stewing,
Tvariš sa, že jebeš ale furt si pojebaný,
You act like you're on top, but you're still screwed, that's the truth I'm spewing,
Keď si tak posadnutý druhými, že nevieš spávať,
If you're so obsessed with others that you can't sleep at night,
Keď nevieš prijať prehru tak nemôžeš chcieť vyhrávať,
If you can't accept defeat, then you can't win the fight,
Keď nevieš ako bolí boj tak nevieš čo je sláva,
If you don't know the pain of struggle, you don't know what glory is like,
Keď nevieš kdo si tak tie dvere k moci neotváraj,
If you don't know who you are, then don't open the doors to might,
Stále ti nejde do hlavy, že prečo sa kolegom darí a tebe ne,
You still can't figure out why your colleagues succeed and you don't, it's a mystery,
Dokážeš cítiť tu krivdu aj keď obidve ruky máš drevené,
You can feel the injustice even with both hands made of wood, it's history,
Nechceš si priznať, že to je len tvoja chýba, že nesvietia zelené,
You don't want to admit it's your own fault the lights ain't green, you see,
Na krížovatkách svetlá pretože kdo nechce dávať nebere,
At the crossroads of life, because those who don't give, don't receive, that's the key,
Láka ťa nadvláda zarábať na pána,
Domination entices you, earning like a boss, that's the dream,
Dav klamať mať práva jak kraľ a hrad stávať,
Deceive the crowd, have rights like a king, build a castle, it would seem,
Máš plán jak mat dávať maska na tvár panák zas padáš,
You have a plan to give, a mask on your face, a shot, you fall again, it's extreme,
Nemôže ti ani armáda,
Even that army can't help you, it's a shame,
Pretože nemáš pokoru, nemáš srdce, nemáš prehľad nemáš,
Because you have no humility, no heart, no overview, you lack the frame,
Chýbajú ti veci ktoré potrebuješ na to aby si pokaždé zápas neprehral,
You're missing the things you need to not lose every single game,
Chýba ti ten mozol, pozor nad zdravým rozumom pozor, pozor dostávaš po zuboch,
You're missing that callus, watch out for common sense, beware, you're getting punched in the face, it's a shame,
Pretože nemáš z tých to čo by si mal mať srdce, dušu a mozog,
Because you ain't got what you should have, heart, soul, and brain, it's a disgrace,
Keď nemáš vajcáá, nemôžeš chcieť robiť decká,
If you ain't got the balls, you can't make babies, that's the rule,
Máš v sebe vyjebanca preto máš prázdne vrecka,
You've got a screw-up inside, that's why your pockets are always full of fool,
Keď nemáš gule na tom správnom mieste starý,
If you ain't got the guts in the right place, old man, it's true,
Nemôžeš sa čudovať tomu, že sa nedarí,
You can't be surprised that things just don't work out for you,
Chápem tvoje stavy, komplex ťa uvaril,
I understand your state, your complex has got you stewing,
Tvariš sa, že jebeš ale furt si pojebaný,
You act like you're on top, but you're still screwed, that's the truth I'm spewing,
Dawe White:
Dawe White:
Tu nejde len o rap ide o činy tu karmy vermi,
It's not just about rap, it's about actions, karma's worms are here to stay,
Bude to bolieť vravel Dezert starý nebuď skeptik,
It's gonna hurt, said Dezert, old man, don't be a skeptic, it's the way,
Fľaša sa plní nevládzeš piť preto nečakaj nemôžeš piť,
The bottle is filling up, you can't drink, so don't expect to, don't sway,
Ten čo patrí tam kam nemôžeš žiť,
The one who belongs where you can't live, it's okay,
. Bary a starí kary navarim ti čary a mary,
Bars and oldies are burdens, I'll cook you spells and Mary's sway,
A sa mi sa tvariť nebudem tvariť jak tarifa jebeme na nich,
And I won't pretend, like a fare, we're screwing them, come what may,
Po meste blúdim som nie my hlúpych nechcem,
I wander through the city, I don't want any of the stupid ones, they stray,
Rešpekt . slabý v tej hre blúdi,
Respect... the weak wander in this game, they pay,
Stojím pevno vo mne rozum, pokora, rešpekt, úcta,
I stand firm within me, reason, humility, respect, honor, it's my way,
Cítim len keď vídem naň tak zavreš ústa,
I feel it only when I see you, so shut your mouth, don't you say,
Dávam to tlačítko furt a dávame show a jebeme furt,
I keep pressing that button, and we put on a show, and we screw it all, every day,
Nechápeš robíme hluk čo, strelíme rapy a bucháme bum,
You don't understand, we make noise, what, we shoot raps and boom, we play,
Vravíš chalanom aký si silný,
You tell the guys how strong you are, a charade,
V tatkovom aute za dverami sa ale mýliš,
But in your dad's car, behind the doors, you're mistaken, it's a facade,
Peniaze nie všetko smeje sa ti z izby,
Money isn't everything, he laughs at you from his room, it's sad,
Postav sa na stage ukáž sa alebo zmizni,
Get on stage, show yourself, or disappear, be a lad,
Keď nemáš vajcáá, nemôžeš chcieť robiť decká,
If you ain't got the balls, you can't make babies, that's the rule,
Máš v sebe vyjebanca preto máš prázdne vrecka,
You've got a screw-up inside, that's why your pockets are always full of fool,
Keď nemáš gule na tom správnom mieste starý,
If you ain't got the guts in the right place, old man, it's true,
Nemôžeš sa čudovať tomu, že sa nedarí,
You can't be surprised that things just don't work out for you,
Chápem tvoje stavy, komplex ťa uvaril,
I understand your state, your complex has got you stewing,
Tvariš sa, že jebeš ale furt si pojebaný,
You act like you're on top, but you're still screwed, that's the truth I'm spewing,

Writer(s): kali

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