Kali feat. Majself - Čo S Nimi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali feat. Majself - Čo S Nimi

Čo S Nimi
What About Them
ani neviem či mi tie vyjebané reči lezú na nervy, alebo ich potrebujem k životu.
I don't even know anymore if those fucked up talks get on my nerves or if I need them to live.
Čo, čo, čo, čo?!
What, what, what, what?!
Čo s nimi, háveď čo stará sa do toho, do čoho by sa nemali.
What about them, the vermin who meddle in things they shouldn't.
Čo s nimi, čo s tými, čo si to meno do huby tak radi furt brali?
What about them, those who so readily took that name in their mouths?
Čo s nimi, s tými, čo sedeli, kecali o tom čo nové Kali.
What about them, those who sat and talked about what's new with Kali.
Čo robí, kam chodí, s kým jebe, čo vraví a spravil a spraví tak toto ich páli?
What he does, where he goes, who he fucks, what he says and did and will do, so this burns them?
Čo s nimi, s tými čo vravia, že chodil som o šance prosiť,
What about them, those who say that I went begging for chances,
Prosím ťa, povedz mi čo s nimi robiť?
Please, tell me what to do with them?
Vravia, že schýzu mám po nociach, ulicou chodievam bosý, kto si?
They say I have schizophrenia at night, I walk barefoot down the street, who are you?
Do huby vidiš ma, sklo sa ti rosi, prosím?
You see me in the mouth, the glass is fogging up for you, please?
Pozbieraj charakter z hoven a prestaň tu masku na tvári nosiť a nerev!
Pick up your character from the shit and stop wearing that mask on your face and don't cry!
Prestaň si brať to meno Pána nadarmo do úst!
Stop taking the name of the Lord in vain!
Čo ak si zabudnem dať jeden deň tablu ktorú.
What if I forget to take that pill one day that.
Mi predpísali doktori nech nemám hlavu chorú.
The doctors prescribed me so I wouldn't have a sick head.
A náhodou ťa nájdem a dostaneš sa mi do rúk.
And I happen to find you and you get into my hands.
Prosím ťa, povedz mi čo s tými stavmi?
Please, tell me what to do with these states?
Hlasy mi hovoria, odrež im káre a do papule im ich narvi.
The voices tell me, cut off their squares and stuff them in their mouths.
A zavri tie kanály navždy, počujem tie alármy.
And close those channels forever, I can already hear those alarms.
Asi som naozaj chorý a preto mám tak blízko k Pirát Army.
I guess I'm really sick and that's why I'm so close to the Pirate Army.
Nedonášam na nikoho ako vyjebaný hajzel, nechápem čo ťa na tom baví. (Starý!)
I don't snitch on anyone like a fucking asshole, I don't understand what you enjoy about it. (Old man!)
Neni moja chyba, že si dojebaný zo života a, že sa ti dokola nedarí. (Starý!)
It's not my fault that you're fucked up from life and that you're not doing well over and over again. (Old man!)
Nedá sa to pochopiť a verím, ale nikdy sa mi nedostaneš do hlavy ani.
It's impossible to understand and I believe, but you will never get into my head or.
Do života preto, lebo taký ako ty ma iba baví a nemôže ma zabiť.
Into my life because someone like you just amuses me and can't kill me.
Povedz mi čo s nimi?!
Tell me what about them?!
Prosím ťa povedz mi, že čo s nimi urobiť mám?
Please tell me what to do with them?
Či sa schovať a chovať, že nejsom doma.
Whether to hide and pretend that I'm not home.
Ignorovať stále znova a znova, do kedy poraď.
Ignore again and again, until when, advise.
Povedz mi čo s nimi?!
Tell me what about them?!
Prosím ťa povedz mi, že čo s nimi urobiť mám.
Please tell me what to do with them.
Či ich na kríž prikovať, benzínom obliať a zdola sa pozerať jak horia, prosím ťa poraď.
Whether to nail them to the cross, douse them with gasoline and watch them burn from below, please advise.
Povedz či som mŕtvy alebo čo je to čo cítim?
Tell me if I'm dead or what is it that I feel?
Vstal som z mŕtvych, oni ma zhodili z výšin zmrdi.
I rose from the dead, they threw me down from the heights, you bastards.
Oči mám červené tak jak Rubín, alergia na drblých ľudí.
My eyes are red like a Ruby, allergy to stupid people.
Nebaví ma mať v pľúcach Dusík viac, dusík viac.
I'm tired of having more Nitrogen in my lungs, more nitrogen.
Počujem hlasy z mojej hlavy, hlavne vtedy keď sme sami.
I hear voices from my head, especially when we are alone.
Vtedy spálim kilogramy, všetko padá ako dážď.
That's when I burn kilograms, everything falls like rain.
Čo robiť s tým, jak sa mám odpojiť keď nie som Krym?
What to do with it, how can I disconnect when I'm not Crimea?
Po nociach večeri fúkavam dym, dym, dym fúkavam dym.
At night, I blow smoke after dinner, smoke, smoke, I blow smoke.
Ja, nedokážem pochopiť, že prečo vám to jebe.
I, I can't understand why you're fucking up.
Prečo padáte do zeme ako keby bola Jeseň?
Why are you falling to the ground as if it were Autumn?
Ale berem to tak ako keby hovoríte naposledy.
But I take it as if you're speaking for the last time.
Dovidenia v pekle, maj sa, ahh!
Goodbye in hell, take care, ahh!
Keď chceš, tak skús viac pridať.
If you want me, try to add more.
Skús kúsať mam pulz jak ryba.
Try biting my pulse like a fish.
Klik-Klak, Šach-Mat, parchant k zemi.
Click-Clack, Checkmate, bastard down.
Chceš ma srať, tak poď som ready.
You want to shit on me, so here I am, ready.
Rolety pred očami bang-bang.
Blinds in front of my eyes, bang-bang.
Idem jak John Wick, John Wick, mou.
I'm going like John Wick, John Wick, mou.
Prepálená hlava ako CD.
Burnt head like a CD.
Ostaneš potichu na konci je len tma.
You'll remain silent, at the end there's only darkness.
Na konci je len tma.
At the end there's only darkness.
Na konci je len tma.
At the end there's only darkness.
Na konci je len tma, tma, tma, tma, tmá!
At the end there's only darkness, darkness, darkness, darkness, darkness!
Povedz mi čo s nimi?!
Tell me what about them?!
Prosím ťa povedz mi, že čo s nimi urobiť mám?
Please tell me what to do with them?
Či sa schovať a chovať, že nejsom doma,
Whether to hide and pretend that I'm not home,
Ignorovať stále znova a znova do kedy poraď.
Ignore again and again, until when, advise.
Povedz mi čo s nimi?
Tell me what about them?
Prosím ťa povedz mi, že čo s nimi urobiť mám.
Please tell me what to do with them.
Či ich na kríž prikovať, benzínom obliať a zdola sa pozerať jak horia, prosím ťa poraď.
Whether to nail them to the cross, douse them with gasoline and watch them burn from below, please advise.
Povedz mi čo s nimi?!
Tell me what about them?!

Writer(s): Infinit', Kali

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