Kali feat. Miso Biely - Prečo By Som Mal Byť!? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali feat. Miso Biely - Prečo By Som Mal Byť!?

Prečo By Som Mal Byť!?
Why Should I Be!?
Letím tmou a vždy sám sebou,
I fly through the darkness, always myself,
Nič mi nechýba lebo mám to čo mi patrí
I miss nothing because I already have what belongs to me
Letím tmou a vždy sám sebou,
I fly through the darkness, always myself,
Nič mi nechýba lebo mám to čo mi patrí
I miss nothing because I already have what belongs to me
Prečo by som mal byť
Why should I be
Taký ako hovoria, že taký by som mal byť.
Like they say I should be.
Keď sa na nich pozrem nuda mi fakt kandlí
When I look at them, that boredom really gets to me
Ja žijem jak ja chcem aj keď sa za mňa hanbíš.
I live how I want even if you're ashamed of me.
Prečo by som mal byť
Why should I be
Taký ako hovoria že taký by som mal byť
Like they say I should be
35 na krku aj keď nebavia ma šťandy
35 on my neck even though jokes don't amuse me
Stále mám tých 15 a stále sa nehanbím
I still have those 15 and I'm still not ashamed
Ja nechcem byť dospelý
I don't want to be an adult
A byť vzor tým čo hrajú sa na dospelých
And be a role model for those who play adults
Ja sa neomluvam zato kto sme my
I don't apologize for who we are
Tak nás neskúšaj so slobodou rozdeliť
So don't try to divide us with freedom
My nechceme pozerať do steny
We don't want to stare at the wall
A preležať život doma v posteli
And spend our lives lying in bed at home
Ja chcem lietať a fakt nech ma zostrelí
I want to fly and I really want someone to shoot me down
Radšej niekto ako by som mal ísť po zemi
Rather someone than if I had to walk on the ground
Ideme si showky
We're going to shows
Ako keď je hmla a nemáš zapnuté hmlovky
Like when there's fog and you don't have your fog lights on
Vlastne ani svetlá, ideme si do tmy
Actually not even lights, we're going into the darkness
Lebo radi riskujeme, nechceme tie kotvy
Because we like to take risks, we don't want those anchors
Nechceme tu pristaviť, my chceme to more
We don't want to dock here, we want that sea
My chceme to slnko, že radšej by som zhorel
We want that sun, that I'd rather burn
Ako by som mal chlad živiť, je to choré
Than feed the cold, it's sick
Rozhodujem sa sám a nežijem na povel
I make my own decisions and I don't live by command
Letím tmou a vždy sám sebou,
I fly through the darkness, always myself,
Nič mi nechýba lebo mám to čo mi patrí
I miss nothing because I already have what belongs to me
Letím tmou a vždy sám sebou,
I fly through the darkness, always myself,
Nič mi nechýba lebo mám to čo mi patrí
I miss nothing because I already have what belongs to me
Pýtajú sa ma prečo tento smer
They ask me why this direction
Prečo som si vybral tento keď som mal na výber
Why I chose this one when I had a choice
Mohol som si vybrať ten,
I could have chosen that one,
Ktorý všetci a byť len
Which everyone and just be
Jeden z nich, ale ja som chcel mať svoj vlastný tieň
One of them, but I wanted to have my own shadow
A mať svoj vlastný sen,
And have my own dream,
Nebyť klon každý deň,
Not be a clone every day,
Nech si pamätajú meno a nehovoria len ten,
Let them remember the name and not just say that one,
Ktorý patril medzi všetkých z fabriky ako Ken
Who belonged to everyone from the factory like Ken
Ja som nechcel byť pásová výroba
I didn't want to be mass production
A dnes viem že som urobil tie
And today I know I made those
Správne kroky, aj keď ma viedli do tmy
Right steps, even though they led me into darkness
Aj keď sa stalo na začiatku že nebudem
Even though it happened at the beginning that I wouldn't be
Schopný zanechať tu stopy a možno sa utopím
Able to leave footprints here and maybe I'll drown
No vedel som že plameň vo mne ľadovec roztopí
But I knew the flame in me would melt the iceberg
A ako prešli roky, z krokov sa stali skoky
And as the years passed, the steps became leaps
A potom hlase ktorý nechceli bol zrazu dopyt
And then the voices they didn't want were suddenly in demand
Kamarátov kopy, všetci sa chcú fotiť
Lots of friends, everyone wants to take pictures
Všetci čo tu neboli, keď som chodil do roboty
Everyone who wasn't here when I went to work
Malý zázrak sa stal že sa nám
A small miracle happened that we
Splnilo to o čom snívali a čím sme cheli byť
Fulfilled what we dreamed of and what we wanted to be
Ani sám neviem jak,
I don't even know how,
Iba leda žiadny pád zrazu sme sa stali podporou pre iných.
Just no fall, suddenly we became support for others.
Unikát, ktorý ma cestu inú ako dav, po ktorej sa vydal sám ako jediný
A unique, who has a different path than the crowd, which he set out on alone as the only one
Náhoda, Boží plán, hov
Coincidence, God's plan, call it
Or tomu ako chceš ale chlapci prepísali všetky dejiny
It what you want, but the boys rewrote all history
Letíme tmou, dávno nad vecou
We fly through the darkness, long above it all
Nič nam nechýba, lebo máme čo nám patrí
We miss nothing, because we already have what belongs to us
Letíme tmou, dávno nad vecou
We fly through the darkness, long above it all
Nič nam nechýba, lebo máme čo nám patrí
We miss nothing, because we already have what belongs to us

Writer(s): Kali, Marek Surin

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