No, I'm not depressed, I just want to have everyone
Ďaleko od seba, tak ma nechaj letieť z klietky,
Far away from me for a while, so let me fly out of the cage,
Som taký jak predtým a viacej nepoviem ti a nestaraj sa neotravuj s tamtým a s hentým
I'm the same as before and I won't tell you anything more, and don't worry, don't bother me with this and that
Sú dni ked sa uzatvaram, nechuti mi strava.
There are days when I close myself off, I don't feel like eating.
Iba ciga iba kava iba zla životospráva, neviem či do prava
- lava, hlava mimo zaostava.
Just a cigarette, just coffee, just bad lifestyle, I don't know if I'm going right or left, my head is lagging behind.
To sa stava, ked mam dni kedy sa s nikym nerozpravam.
That happens when I have days when I don't talk to anyone.
Telefon vyzvana z rana hned, no dneska to nedavam.
The phone rings right away in the morning, but today I can't handle it.
Je jedno či Tána, Dana, Hana Lubna Panna na mna neplatí žiadna správa
It doesn't matter if it's Tána, Dana, Hana, Lubna, Panna, no message works on me
Fotka jak si to rozdáva sama s dildom
A picture of how she's doing it herself with a dildo
Ani pravá dáma čo sa chce len porozprávať, YES!
Not even a real lady who just wants to talk, YES!
Proste sú dni keď som tak mimo,
There are just days when I'm so out of it,
že by sa patrilo aby sa zapilo to jak som nakrivo, nič ma netrápi a netrápilo.
that it would be appropriate to drink to how crooked I am, nothing bothers me and never did.
Budem piť na život, ne na depky to by ma zabilo, YES!
I'll drink to life, not to depression, that would kill me, YES!
Proste su dni ako dnes, som jak zatúlany pes, chodím cez mesto bez toho že by som chcel jesť.
There are just days like today, I'm like a lost dog, walking through the city without wanting to eat.
V hlave stres ktorý mi chce mysel zjesť.
Stress in my head that wants to eat my thoughts.
TAK MA NECHAJ SA UNIESŤ! (proste sú také dni)
SO LET ME GET CARRIED AWAY! (there are just days like this)
Ne nemam depky, len chvilu chcem mat všetkých daleko od seba, tak ma nechaj letiet z klietky, som taky jak predtym a viacej nepoviem ti a nestaraj sa neotravuj s tamtym a s hentým.
No, I'm not depressed, I just want to have everyone far away from me for a while, so let me fly out of the cage, I'm the same as before and I won't tell you anything more, and don't worry, don't bother me with this and that.
Sú dni, kedy nemám chuť ja na nikoho.
There are days when I don't feel like talking to anyone.
Pohodovo relaxovat nepovedať ani slovo,
Relaxing comfortably, not saying a word,
Nerozmýšlat ako bude,
Not thinking about how it will be,
Nehodnotiť ako bolo.
Not evaluating how it was.
Tak mal Boro,
So Boro did,
Nedvihal ten telefon príliš skoro.
He didn't pick up the phone too soon.
Len tak jazdím autom vychutnávam muziku. Na to nemam praktiku tie dni plné krásy sú,
Just driving the car, enjoying the music. I don't have the practice for that, those days full of beauty are,
Naša cerba hudbu tak jak to mam vo zvyku,
Our crew does music the way I usually do,
Sám sebou to fakty sú.
By myself, those are the facts.
Nech si kazdý čo chce porozpráva,
Let everyone talk about what they want,
U mna stála rovnováha.
I have a constant balance.
To je moja jasná správa, Preto sa mi dobre stáva, preto sa mi dobre spáva.
Sám sebe si robím pána netreba mi depresie. Stále sa mi dobre žije, selekcie ked som sám, pravý stávať mimo zmyje
. Poznáš svet a vieš aký je není iba plný hien STÁLE PLATÝ posilný ťa len to čo ta nezabije!
I'm my own master, I don't need depression. I'm still living well, selections when I'm alone, the right ones stay away from the wrong ones. You know the world and you know what it's like, it's not just full of hyenas, STILL VALID, only what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
Ne nemam depky, len chvilu chcem mať všetkých daleko od seba, tak ma nechaj letiet z klietky,
No, I'm not depressed, I just want to have everyone far away from me for a while, so let me fly out of the cage,
Som taky ak predtym a viacej nepoviem ti a nestaraj sa neotravuj s tamtym a s hentym.
I'm the same as before and I won't tell you anything more, and don't worry, don't bother me with this and that.
Ne nemam depky, len chvilu chcem mať všetkých daleko od seba, tak ma nechaj letiet z klietky,
No, I'm not depressed, I just want to have everyone far away from me for a while, so let me fly out of the cage,
Som taky ak predtym a viacej nepoviem ti a nestaraj sa neotravuj s tamtym a s hentym.
I'm the same as before and I won't tell you anything more, and don't worry, don't bother me with this and that.
(Aha tak tak) SLIPO KALI POVEDALI NA ROVINU VŽDYCKY JAK SA VECI MALI (tak) (proste su take dni)
(Aha, right, right) SLIPO KALI ALWAYS TOLD IT STRAIGHT HOW THINGS WERE (right) (there are just days like this)
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