Kali feat. Čis T - Uvolni Sa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali feat. Čis T - Uvolni Sa

Uvolni Sa
Vím, že sa chcú oni pred niečim skrývať
I know they want to hide from something
A preto ukazujú všeckým, ako im je fajn
And that's why they show everyone how fine they are
Ten, ktorý má, nebude na teba kývať
The one who has, won't wave at you
Ale bude si užívať v pokoji ten raj
But will enjoy that paradise in peace
A presne to, o čom ten chlapec len sníva
And exactly what that boy only dreams of
Ti dáva, že to, no nemá to
She gives you, that she has it, but she doesn't
Maj to na mysli, že pes, ktorý len šteká
Keep in mind that the dog that only barks
Tak nekuše, ale chcel by len od teba like
Doesn't bite, but just wants a like from you
Brácho, mne je jedno, na akom sa vozíš
Brother, I don't care what you ride
Na akom aute chodíš pre tie kurvy
What car you drive to pick up those girls
Je mi jedno, v akom podniku tie ženy lovíš
I don't care in which club you hunt those women
Tvoj život ma nezajíma, tak mi prosím uhni
Your life doesn't interest me, so please move aside
Ja mám inú cestu a ty v nej mi stojíš, tak
I have a different path and you're standing in it, so move
Aj tak tvoj život len ruiny
Your life is just ruins anyway
Aj tak sa pod prístup pohľadu len bojíš
You're still afraid of the approach
Sa uvoľni a kus z toho šťastia si urvi
Relax and snatch a piece of that happiness
Koľko úsilia stálo, kým máš to, čo máš
How much effort did it take to get what you have
Za to cítiš sa viac, než my
That's why you feel more than us
Aj keď máš pozornosť
Even though you have that attention
Môžeš robiť všetko, tak stále si nervózny
You can do anything, but you're still nervous
Keby nikto nevedel, jak si dobrý
If no one knew how good you are
A nehovoril ti to, si nešťastný
And didn't tell you that, you'd be unhappy
Ži svoje sny, nehaj tie hry
Live your dreams, leave those games
Odlož masku a sa uvoľni
Take off the mask and relax
Prečo máš potrebu niekomu dokazovať
Why do you need to prove to someone
Že si taký šťastný
That you're so happy
Nestačí ti, že to vedia tvoji vlastní
Isn't it enough that your own people know it
Musíš dávať insta
You have to post on Instagram
Prečo nemôžeš byť top
Why can't you be at the top
V kľude užívať si svet a nechcieť byť pán
Enjoying the world in peace and not wanting to be the boss
Načo je ti pocit, že ovládaš svet
Why do you need the feeling that you control the world
Aj keď všetci vedia, že to není tak
Even though everyone knows it's not like that
Nezajíma ma, koľko máš lóve
I don't care how much money you have
Koľko ich uvaril, koľko dal dole
How much you cooked, how much you took down
Koľko si minul a čo máš na stole
How much you spent and what you have on the table
Koľko ich dal si, čo bolo na móle
How many you got, what was on the catwalk
Starý, uvoľni sa (éj)
Dude, relax (hey)
Uvoľni sa (éj)
Relax (hey)
Uvoľni sa (óu)
Relax (oh)
Starý, uvoľni košeľu, uvoľni kravatu, uvoľni sako
Dude, loosen your shirt, loosen your tie, loosen your jacket
Nemusím sa tváriť, že máš na to aj keď nemáš na to
You don't have to pretend you have it even if you don't
Jeb na to, brácho
Fuck it, brother
Ten, kto ťa rád, uvidí v tom blate to zlato
The one who loves you will see the gold in that mud
Aj bez rečí, cháp to
Even without words, understand that
Koľko úsilia stálo, kým máš to, čo máš
How much effort did it take to get what you have
Za to cítiš sa viac, než my
That's why you feel more than us
Aj keď máš pozornosť
Even though you have that attention
Môžeš robiť všetko, tak stále si nervózny
You can do anything, but you're still nervous
Keby nikto nevedel, jak si dobrý
If no one knew how good you are
A nehovoril ti to, si nešťastný
And didn't tell you that, you'd be unhappy
Ži svoje sny, nehaj tie hry
Live your dreams, leave those games
Odlož masku a sa uvoľni
Take off the mask and relax
Jeb na tie ohúrovačské reči, kamoško
Fuck those flashy words, girl
A radšej sa uvoľni
And just relax
Všetci rešpektujú, aký si frajer
Everyone respects what a dude you are
A na akej si úrovni
And what level you're on
Akurát tuna nikoho netrápia mindráky
Just nobody here cares about complexes
Sme duševne slobodní
We are mentally free
Miesto dokazovania, že Boh si
Instead of proving that you're God
Buď ticho a rád, že si spokojný
Be quiet and be glad that you're satisfied
Koľko úsilia stálo, kým máš to, čo máš
How much effort did it take to get what you have
Za to cítiš sa viac, než my
That's why you feel more than us
Aj keď máš pozornosť
Even though you have that attention
Môžeš robiť všetko, tak stále si nervózny
You can do anything, but you're still nervous
Keby nikto nevedel, jak si dobrý
If no one knew how good you are
A nehovoril ti to, si nešťastný
And didn't tell you that, you'd be unhappy
Ži svoje sny, nehaj tie hry
Live your dreams, leave those games
Odlož masku a sa uvoľni
Take off the mask and relax
Koľko úsilia stálo, kým máš to, čo máš
How much effort did it take to get what you have
Za to cítiš sa viac, než my
That's why you feel more than us
Aj keď máš pozornosť
Even though you have that attention
Môžeš robiť všetko, tak stále si nervózny
You can do anything, but you're still nervous
Keby nikto nevedel, jak si dobrý
If no one knew how good you are
A nehovoril ti to, si nešťastný
And didn't tell you that, you'd be unhappy
Ži svoje sny, nehaj tie hry
Live your dreams, leave those games
Odlož masku a sa uvoľni
Take off the mask and relax

Writer(s): peter pann

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