Kali feat. Gipsy Čáve & Peter Pann - Nechce sa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Nechce sa - Kali , Peter Pann traduction en anglais

Nechce sa
I Don't Feel Like It
V zedraných teplákoch čumím na skákací hrad
I'm staring at the bouncy castle in my worn-out sweatpants
Čo som nehal na záhrade postaviť
That I let them set up in the yard
Vlajková loď, čo vyzerá jak vrak
A flagship that looks like a wreck
Neholil som sa týždeň, nechce sa mi
I haven't shaved in a week, I don't feel like it
V tom istom tričku od pondelka do piatku
In the same t-shirt from Monday to Friday
Nad všetkým, čo musím, myknem len plecami
I just shrug at everything I have to do
Muchy sadajú na mňa jak na hovno
Flies are landing on me like on shit
No nevadí, nehasím to, čo ma nepáli
But it's okay, I'm not putting out what doesn't burn me
Priberám, priberám, priberám
I'm gaining weight, gaining weight, gaining weight
Za tieto dva roky som asi desinu v pluse
I've probably gained ten kilos in these two years
Vyberám, vyberám, vyberám
I'm picking, picking, picking
Ladničku o jednej ráno, žral by som v kuse
A fridge at one in the morning, I could eat all the time
Formičku na toto leto nestihnem opäť
I won't be able to get in shape for this summer again
Aj tak sa nechystám k moru
I'm not going to the sea anyway
Žalúzie dole, tma ako v horore
Blinds down, dark like in a horror movie
Gaučík, Netflix, ovládač do rúk
Couch, Netflix, controller in my hands
Je vám málo, je vám málo
It's not enough for you, it's not enough for you
sa mi vážne nechce nič
I seriously don't feel like doing anything anymore
Stále málo, stále málo
Still not enough, still not enough
Nechaj ma, čávo, žiť
Leave me alone, honey, let me live
Je vám málo, je vám málo
It's not enough for you, it's not enough for you
sa mi vážne nechce nič
I seriously don't feel like doing anything anymore
Stále málo, stále málo
Still not enough, still not enough
Nechaj ma, čávo, žiť
Leave me alone, honey, let me live
cestu na hajzel beriem ako výlet
I already consider the trip to the toilet an excursion
Každý krok navyše je pre mňa veľa
Every extra step is too much for me
Zlenivel som jak hovado hnilé
I've become as lazy as a rotten cow
Nejdem von aj keby ma Zendaya chcela
I wouldn't go out even if Zendaya wanted me to
Včera som si chcel dať kliky a drepy
Yesterday I wanted to do push-ups and squats
A brucho a večer, že pôjdem zabehať
And abs and in the evening I thought I would go for a run
No jak som bol v kliku, som ľahol a zaspal
But when I was in the push-up, I fell asleep
To bol pondelok a dneska je streda
That was Monday and today is Wednesday
Prestal som riešiť veci, nikto ma nezajíma
I stopped dealing with things, nobody interests me
Volajú - poď na deci - mňa z toho napína
They call - come for a drink - it makes me tense
Nechcem byť, kde všetci, ten dav ma zabíja
I don't want to be where everyone is, that crowd kills me
Tak radšej sám jak medzi nimi doma som
So I'd rather be alone than among them, I'm at home
Je vám málo, je vám málo
It's not enough for you, it's not enough for you
sa mi vážne nechce nič
I seriously don't feel like doing anything anymore
Stále málo, stále málo
Still not enough, still not enough
Nechaj ma, čávo, žiť
Leave me alone, honey, let me live
Je vám málo, je vám málo
It's not enough for you, it's not enough for you
sa mi vážne nechce nič
I seriously don't feel like doing anything anymore
Stále málo, stále málo
Still not enough, still not enough
Nechaj ma, čávo, žiť
Leave me alone, honey, let me live
Je vám málo, je vám málo
It's not enough for you, it's not enough for you
sa mi vážne nechce nič
I seriously don't feel like doing anything anymore
Stále málo, stále málo
Still not enough, still not enough
Nechaj ma, čávo, žiť
Leave me alone, honey, let me live
Je vám málo, je vám málo
It's not enough for you, it's not enough for you
sa mi vážne nechce nič
I seriously don't feel like doing anything anymore
Stále málo, stále málo
Still not enough, still not enough
Nechaj ma, čávo, žiť
Leave me alone, honey, let me live

Writer(s): Koloman Magyary, Peter Macko, Radovan Bartos

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