Kali - Nejsi Jediná - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali - Nejsi Jediná

Nejsi Jediná
You're Not the Only One
Búrka, zotmelo sa odkedy si neni tu, ostal chlad
A storm, it's gotten dark since you're not here, only cold remains
Všetky spomienky nahanaju ma jak sa to mohlo stať
All the memories haunt me, how could this happen?
Vyčítam si to dodnes chcem ťa a mám zbalené
I blame myself to this day, I want you and I'm already packed
Idem za tebou tam kde si, hah ale ne
I'm going to you, to where you are, hah, but no
Hovorili mi že takú nenájdem,
They told me I wouldn't find another like you,
Ja takú nehľadám ja takú nechcem
I'm not looking for another like you, I don't want one
Keď bude ona chcieť sama si ma najde
If she wants, she'll find me herself
Ja ju nehľadám, sa mi nechce
I'm not looking for her anymore, I don't want to
neverím že tu mozaiku raz poskladám
I no longer believe I'll ever put this mosaic together
Vraví sa kto hľadá tak ten to nájde
They say whoever seeks shall find
No a mne sa nechce hľadať uz a preto nehladám
But I don't want to search anymore, and that's why I'm not looking
čo si ma nájsť verím že si ma nájde
What's meant to find me, I believe will find me
Preto si tu ty a tieto tvoje boky
That's why you're here, and these hips of yours
Prosím tancuj mi dokola nech sa v smútku neutopím
Please, dance around me, so I don't drown in sorrow
Nasledujem tvoje kroky vymazávam svoje stopy
I follow your steps, erasing my own tracks
Ktoré nechala mi minulosť vo mne vytancuj mi roky z hlavy poď poď dnes to dáme po strop
The ones the past left in me, dance the years out of my head, come on, let's go all the way tonight
Viem dobre že vďaka tebe dnes urobím pokrok
I know well that thanks to you, I'll make progress today
Dnes tu neni pod sto (stupňov) moja rob to
Today it's not below a hundred (degrees) here, my girl, do it
Ukáž mi že ona bola jedna zo sto a ne jediná
Show me that she was one of a hundred, and not the only one
Asi je naozaj koniec, lebo nemám s tebou tie sny
It's probably really over, because I don't have those dreams with you anymore
Lebo všetci hovoria ona a ty nevravia vy
Because everyone says "her and you" now, they don't say "you two" anymore
Všecko pekné sa stratilo dávno je konec hry
Everything beautiful disappeared long ago, the game is over
A ja vlastne ani netuším že kto vlastne si
And I don't even know who you are anymore
Táto noc bude kedy spravím hrubú čiaru
This night will be the one where I draw a thick line
Idem z baru do baru a stale viacej pod paru
I'm going from bar to bar, and getting more and more drunk
Začínam novú etapu a vymazávam starú
I'm starting a new chapter and erasing the old one
V pravej plný pohár zabúdania a v ľavej cigaru
A full glass of oblivion in my right hand, and a cigar in my left
Tam vzadu
Back there
A oni tancujú tie ženy tancujú, tancujú a všade
And they're dancing, those women are dancing, dancing, and they're everywhere
S bokmi pracujú sukne sa skracujú
They're working their hips, skirts are getting shorter
A ja mám top výhľad sedím v prvej rade
And I have the best view, I'm sitting in the front row
A čím vác je riť biť
And the more that ass shakes,
Tým vác sa mi chce žiť piť
The more I want to live, to drink
A počúvať tie rytmy
And listen to those rhythms
V pokoji tam v prítmi
In peace, there in the darkness
Osobný tanec dík ti
Personal dance, thank you
Hovorí mi mi riť chyť
It tells me "grab my ass"
Telom si ma prikry
Cover me with your body
A spomienky mi vypni
And turn off my memories
A poďme stratiť sekundy minúty možno hodiny,
And let's lose seconds, minutes, maybe hours,
Teraz ma poznáš takže vieš čo dobre robí mi
You know me now, so you know what I like
Rozhovor môžme preskočiť ten neni povinný
We can skip the conversation, it's not mandatory
som pochopil že ona neni jediná.
I've already understood that she's not the only one.
Asi je naozaj koniec lebo nemám s tebou tie sny
It's probably really over, because I don't have those dreams with you anymore
Lebo všetci hovoria ona ty nevravia vy
Because everyone says "her and you" now, they don't say "you two" anymore
Všecko pekné sa stratilo dávno je konec hry
Everything beautiful disappeared long ago, the game is over
A ja vlastne ani netuším že kto vlastne si
And I don't even know who you are anymore
Asi je naozaj koniec, lebo nemám s tebou tie sny
It's probably really over, because I don't have those dreams with you anymore
Lebo všetci hovoria ona a ty nevravia vy
Because everyone says "her and you" now, they don't say "you two" anymore
Všecko pekné sa stratilo dávno je konec hry
Everything beautiful disappeared long ago, the game is over
A ja vlastne ani netuším že kto vlastne si
And I don't even know who you are anymore

Writer(s): Kali, Peter Pann

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