Kali - Nejsom Ten Pravý - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali - Nejsom Ten Pravý

Nejsom Ten Pravý
I'm Not the One
DJ Peter Pann, Kali
DJ Peter Pann, Kali
Štúdio Laboratory
Studio Laboratory
Bol to TOP večer ako každý
It was a top evening like any other
Keď sa rozhodneme so svojimi, že nejdeme do kina
When we decided with our friends not to go to the cinema
Máme čas, noc je naša, love sú, tak že neni očom, dnes to bude jazda povinná
We have time, the night is ours, there's love, so there's nothing to worry about, tonight will be a mandatory ride
Iba chalani a bar, žiadný pár, bude fajn, kým sa nezjavila ona nevinná
Just guys and a bar, no couples, it will be fine, until she appeared, innocent
Stojí tam, kuká kam
Standing there, looking where
Sadne si, aj keď je tma, v celom bare žiari ako jediná
She sits down, even though it's dark, she shines like the only one in the whole bar
Vyzerá to, ako by zastavil čas
It seems like time has stopped
Na sekundu prestala hrať hudba, neni počuť hlas
For a second the music stopped playing, no voice can be heard
Vytriezvel aj ten, ktorý bol pod obraz
Even the one who was already drunk sobered up
Keď ju videl, henté očí a prdel a ten pás
When he saw her, those eyes and that ass and that waist
Chalani hovoria o takej som sníval
Guys are saying I dreamed of one like that
Každý ju v predstavách vo svadobných dvíha
Everyone already lifts her in their imagination in wedding dresses
A nese si ju cez prah bytu, v ktorom býva
And carries her over the threshold of the apartment where he lives
A mení sa na korisť a chlapi na to zvíra
And she turns into prey and those guys into animals
UU, nananananananana prosím ťa
UU, nananananananana please
Neposielaj mi tie správy, ja nepovím hej
Don't send me those messages, I won't say yes
Nananananananana ja nejsom ten pravý pre teba, sa k sebe nehodíme.
Nananananananana I'm not the one for you, we don't fit together.
Z kludnej noci preteky
From a quiet night it's already a race
Každy, ktorý sedel v klude zrazu nesedí
Everyone who sat quietly is suddenly not sitting
90% klubu pitie nese ti
90% of the club brings you drinks
Ale ja to vidím, že ty nejsi pre svätých
But I can see that you are not for saints
Že ty nejsi tá, ktorá bude tomu verná
That you are not the one who will be faithful to it
Celý život jednemu, ty si tá, čo cieľ
To one all your life, you are the one who has a goal
Rozumy od mamky máš, na Bali zober ma
You have wits from your mom, take me to Bali
A potom pošlem k vode toho chlapca, ktorý chcel ma
And then I'll send the guy who wanted me to the water
Ale máš to premyslené hore palec
But you have it figured out, thumbs up
Nič si nespravila a chlapi idú na vec
You haven't done anything and the guys are already getting down to business
A to ešte nevytiahla svoj povestný tanec
And she hasn't even pulled out her famous dance yet
Ktorému podľahne aj ten, ktorý je znalec
Even the one who is already an expert will succumb to it
A ja cítim, že si došla, lebo lebo tu som
And I feel that you came because because I'm here
Vidím jak sa tváriš a čo robíš tou pusou
I see how you look and what you do with your mouth
Keď sa na mňa pozeráš, chceš aby som klusom
When you look at me, you want me to trot
Došiel za tebou a zobral ťa odtial to preč a ne busom
Come to you and take you away from there and not by bus
Nananananananana prosím ťa neposielaj mi tie správy, ja nepovím hej
Nananananananana please don't send me those messages, I won't say yes
Nananananananana ja nejsom ten pravý pre teba, sa k sebe nehodíme
Nananananananana I'm not the one for you, we don't fit together
Jedného dňa muselo to dojsť
One day it had to come
Niekdo sa musel nájsť, bolo toho dosť
Someone had to be found, it was enough
Ty sa cítiš na velikú, tebe patrí boss
You feel big, the boss belongs to you
A ja som len obyčajný chlapec, nemám hore nos
And I'm just an ordinary guy, I don't have my nose up
Nemám povahu postaviť k tvojmu brehu most
I don't have the nature to build a bridge to your shore
Ani náladu na jednú noc pre radosť
Nor the mood for one night for fun
Nebudem jak pes, čo ti bude nosiť kosť
I will not be like a dog that will bring you a bone
Nájdi si koreňa, ktorý j*be na hrdosť
Find a root who doesn't give a f*ck about pride
Ja mám tú, ktorá ma bude chcieť aj keď hviezda nadomnou zhasne
I have the one who will want me even when the star above me goes out
A verím že aj ty ked nebudeš je*nutá, jedného dňa nájdeš šťastie
And I believe that you too, when you're not f*cked up, will find happiness one day
Skús to pochopiť, že vzťah neni o mene, o peniazoch, ale láske
Try to understand that a relationship is not about a name, about money, but about love
No dokým ti to nedocvakne, tak takým, ako som ja, budeš len na smiech
But until it dawns on you, you will just be a laughing stock to people like me
UU, nananananananana prosím ťa
UU, nananananananana please
Neposielaj mi tie správy ja nepovím hej
Don't send me those messages I won't say yes
Nananananananana ja nejsom ten pravý pre teba sa k sebe nehodíme
Nananananananana I'm not the one for you we don't fit together

Writer(s): Kali, Peter Pann

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