Kali - Pozri Sa Mi Do Očí - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali - Pozri Sa Mi Do Očí

Pozri Sa Mi Do Očí
Look Into My Eyes
Pozri sa mi do očí a povedz že to neni tak,
Look into my eyes and tell me it's not like this,
že to nevidíš ako sme naštartovali ten vlak.
That you don't see how we started this train.
Peter Pann a Kali, mená ktoré nevedeli stáť,
Peter Pan and Kali, names that couldn't stand still,
Ktoré nevedeli spať, ktoré nevedeli byť ako ostatní, a by
That couldn't sleep, that couldn't be like the others, and be
ť dosratí z toho, že dav ich nebere ako ostatních, nen
Damn bothered that the crowd doesn't take them like the others, it doesn't
I podstatný názor ostatních, pr
Even matter the opinion of others, for
Eto dostali sa tam kde iný by chceli byť.
They got to where others would want to be.
Pozri sa mi do očí a povedz že to neni pravda,
Look into my eyes and tell me it's not true,
Povedz že tých desať rokov bola iba sranda,
Tell me that those ten years were just a joke,
že to bola náhoda, že čaroval jak Gandalf.
That it was a coincidence, that he was magic like Gandalf.
Keď robil tie hudby, ktoré rozhýbali dav tak,
When he made those tracks that moved the crowd like that,
Ako texty toho chalana o ktorom napísali vety,
Like the lyrics of that guy they wrote about,
že baví iba tie deti a že to robí
That he only entertains the kids and that he does it
Len pre tých, ktorí by mali brať lieky.
Just for those who should be taking meds.
Pozri sa mi do oči a povedz, že to len smeti.
Look into my eyes and tell me it's all just trash.
Pozri sa mi do očí a konečne mi povedz pravdu,
Look into my eyes and finally tell me the truth,
Neboj sa úprimnosť nespraví ti hanbu,
Don't worry, honesty won't bring you shame,
Nemusíš sa tváriť jak najväčší pán tu.
You don't have to act like the biggest boss here.
Aj keď všetci vieme že si elita.
Even though we all know you're the elite.
Aj tak všetci vedia že si musia chytiť do rúk sánku,
Everyone still knows they have to pick up their jaws,
Naše čísla preberú aj mrtveho zo spánku.
Our numbers will wake even the dead from their sleep.
Zatiaľ čo si šlapali tak mi sme dali parkour
While you were trudging, we did parkour
A povedz že to neni tak.
And tell me it's not like that.
Pozri sa mi do očí a povedz, že by si to nemenil.
Look into my eyes and tell me you wouldn't change it.
Nemenil to s nami, že by si nechcel to čo máme my.
Wouldn't change it with us, that you wouldn't want what we have.
Že by si nechcel byť drevený a vedieť
That you wouldn't want to be wooden and know how to
Premeniť každého klik na milióny tak ako to vieme my.
Turn every click into millions like we do.
Pozri sa mi do oči a povedz je to náhodou, že sa spievajú refrény.
Look into my eyes and tell me it's a coincidence that the choruses are sung.
Pamätám si jak nás dissovali a
I remember how they dissed us and
Milión názorov bolo na naše refrény. A tera
A million opinions were on our choruses. And now
Z melódiu vychytáva každý jeden. A k
Everyone is catching the melody. And
Aždý jeden podáva nám ruku-Čau starý!
Everyone shakes our hand - "Hey, old man!"
Ja im podám ruku ale sa z nich nepojebem,
I'll shake their hand but I won't lose myself,
Aj velikáni oproti nám malí
Even those giants are small compared to us
Plný dom každý víkend je odpoveď na dissy,
A full house every weekend is the answer to the disses,
Mimochodom, ktoré ma zaujímali kedysi.
By the way, which I used to care about.
Pozri sa mi do očí a povedz mi, ž
Look into my eyes and tell me,
E či by si reagoval na tie reči kebysi bol my.
Would you react to those words if you were us.
Pozri sa mi do očí a konečne mi povedz pravdu,
Look into my eyes and finally tell me the truth,
Neboj sa úprimnosť nespraví ti hanbu,
Don't worry, honesty won't bring you shame,
Nemusíš sa tváriť jak najväčší pán tu.
You don't have to act like the biggest boss here.
Aj keď všetci vieme že si elita.
Even though we all know you're the elite.
Aj tak všetci vedia že si musia chytiť do rúk sánku,
Everyone still knows they have to pick up their jaws,
Naše čísla preberú aj mrtveho zo spánku.
Our numbers will wake even the dead from their sleep.
Zatiaľ čo si šlapali tak mi sme dali parkour
While you were trudging, we did parkour
A povedz že to neni tak.
And tell me it's not like that.
Pozri sa mi do očí a povedz že to neni veľké,
Look into my eyes and tell me it's not big,
čo sme dokázali za tie roky.
What we've accomplished over the years.
A teraz nemyslím to, že sme bli v rádiu a v telke,
And now I don't mean that we were on the radio and TV,
Ale to že išli sme ako roboti.
But that we went like robots.
Z roboty do roboty, zo štúdia na pódia,
From work to work, from studio to stage,
Desať rokov v kuse ajtak nás sláva neopila.
Ten years straight, still fame didn't intoxicate us.
do konca aj keby sa naša loď topila,
Until the end, even if our ship was sinking,
Stále spolu rodina, navždy budem spomínať.
Still together, family, I will always remember.
Pozri sa mi do očí a konečne mi povedz pravdu,
Look into my eyes and finally tell me the truth,
Neboj sa úprimnosť nespraví ti hanbu,
Don't worry, honesty won't bring you shame,
Nemusíš sa tváriť jak najväčší pán tu.
You don't have to act like the biggest boss here.
Aj keď všetci vieme že si elita.
Even though we all know you're the elite.
Aj tak všetci vedia že si musia chytiť do rúk sánku,
Everyone still knows they have to pick up their jaws,
Naše čísla preberú aj mrtveho zo spánku.
Our numbers will wake even the dead from their sleep.
Zatiaľ čo si šlapali tak mi sme dali parkour
While you were trudging, we did parkour
A povedz že to neni tak
And tell me it's not like that

Writer(s): Kali, Peter Pann

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