Kali - Som Rád - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kali - Som Rád

Som Rád
I'm Glad
Som rád, že som stihol vlak snov, na
I'm glad I caught the dream train, jumped on
Skočil jak posledný a išiel za snom neskôr odpojil sa a ďalej len
Like the last one and followed the dream, later disconnected and then only
Vlastnou cestou, ktorá doviedla ma sem rád som že som nedal na tie
My own path, which led me here, I'm glad I didn't listen to those
Reči že to žiaden zmysel nemá že sa z mena nestane legenda že nepríde
Talks that it makes no sense, that the name won't become a legend, that it won't come
Zmena v živote, ktorý som viedol vraveli úspech nechce ma som rád že
Change in the life I led, they said success doesn't want me, I'm glad that
Som život prepísal na papier v štyroch stenách som rád že som nedal
I rewrote life on paper within four walls, I'm glad I didn't
Na ten názor že mi musí asi jebať že patrím do spolku bláznov lebo
Listen to the opinion that I must be crazy, that I belong to the club of fools because
Berem úver v banke aby počuli môj názor a
I take a loan from the bank so they can hear my opinion and
Dnes pýtam sa ja ich kto je vlastne blázon?
Today I ask them who is actually crazy?
A áno tak, to je to čo dnes mám úsmev na perách žiadny strach lebo
And yes, that's what I have today, a smile on my lips, no fear because
Zabudol sa báť chlapec život naučil ho a on je za to rád Díky moc.
The boy forgot to be afraid, life taught him and he is grateful for it. Thank you very much.
Som rád za tie všetky ruky hore ktoré tam, t
I'm glad for all those hands up that are there, you are t
Am v tom klube ktorý po príchode zhorel ja som stúpal, stú
Here in that club that burned down after arrival, I was rising, rising
Pal tam hore kde je hviezd celé more som sa kúpal,
Up there where there is a whole sea of stars, I was swimming, swimming
Pal v tých snoch, k
In those dreams, k
Toré splnili ste mi o ktorých som len sníval, iba dúfal.
Which you fulfilled for me, which I only dreamed of, only hoped for.
Som rád že som sa nezamotal do tej siete ktorá sa volá sláva (sláva)
I'm glad I didn't get tangled up in that net called fame (fame)
že mi nezačalo jebať tak ako pánom čo sa nevedia správať (správať) aj
That I didn't start to fuck up like the gentlemen who don't know how to behave (behave) even
Keď lietam som vo veľkých výškach a bral som nezabudol som dávať
Though I fly, I'm at great heights, and I took, I didn't forget to give
(Dávať) som rád že mi srdce stále bilo pre mojich a ustál som ten
(Give) I'm glad my heart still beat for my people and I endured that
Nával ten nával tých emócií keď si sedíš tam zrazu odkiaľ vidíš celý
Rush, that rush of emotions when you're sitting there suddenly from where you see the whole
Svet tak rád sa pozerám spätne na všetky tie plány ktoré dnes splnené
World, I'm so glad to look back at all those plans that are fulfilled today
Mám na tie výhry a tie lety,
I have for those wins and those flights, f
Dy dnes neni kam posunúť sa ostali spomienky a úcta ku každému
Fuck, today there is nowhere to move, only memories and respect for everyone
Ktorý tieto veci nejako ustál tie sústa, kto
Who somehow endured these things, those bites,
došli nám pred ústa a my sme sa vedeli podeliť, zo svojho kus dať.
Which came to our mouths and we were able to share, give from our piece.
Som rád za tie všetky ruky hore ktoré tam, t
I'm glad for all those hands up that are there, you are t
Am v tom klube ktorý po príchode zhorel ja som stúpal, stú
Here in that club that burned down after arrival, I was rising, rising
Pal tam hore kde je hviezd celé more som sa kúpal,
Up there where there is a whole sea of stars, I was swimming, swimming
Pal v tých snoch, k
In those dreams, k
Toré splnili ste mi o ktorých som len sníval, iba dúfal.
Which you fulfilled for me, which I only dreamed of, only hoped for.
Som rád za každú jednu z ciest nech bola akákoľvek, ktorou
I'm glad for every single path, no matter what it was, which
Musel som prejsť všetky formovali moje ja na to čím som dnes, aj k
I had to go through, all of them shaped my self into who I am today, even k
často blúdil som len ako zatúlaný pes ja som rád za každú moju ex
Though I often wandered like a stray dog, I'm glad for every one of my exes
Lebo vďaka nim som dnes pre jednu moju best život naučil
Because thanks to them, today I'm for that one best of mine, life has taught
Ma ako prejsť cez ten test aby som nebol vedený, ale mohol viesť.
Me how to pass that test so that I'm not led, but can lead.
Som rád za tie všetky ruky hore ktoré tam, t
I'm glad for all those hands up that are there, you are t
Am v tom klube ktorý po príchode zhorel ja som stúpal, stú
Here in that club that burned down after arrival, I was rising, rising
Pal tam hore kde je hviezd celé more som sa kúpal,
Up there where there is a whole sea of stars, I was swimming, swimming
Pal v tých snoch, k
In those dreams, k
Toré splnili ste mi o ktorých som len sníval, iba dúfal.
Which you fulfilled for me, which I only dreamed of, only hoped for.

Writer(s): Kali, Tajfun

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