Throughout my extensive childhood, things were in their places
عندها كان للصبح شمس نعرفها وضوء
Back then, the morning had a sun we knew and light
وقبلها فجر وبعدها ظهيرا
And before it, there was dawn and after it, midday
كانت الصبح صبح والجسم جسم والشجر شجرة والميت ميت والحي حي والظهير ظهير والنجمة نجمة والليل ليل والنوم نوم والحلم حلم
Morning was morning, and the body was a body, and the tree was a tree, and the dead was dead, and the living was living, and midday was midday, and the star was a star, and the night was night, and sleep was sleep, and the dream was a dream
في طفولتي الطويلة
Throughout my extensive childhood
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