Kamnouze - J'accuse ces mots - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kamnouze - J'accuse ces mots

J'accuse ces mots
I Accuse These Words
Ecrire c... pff, magique! Quand j′ai commenc? crire, j'ai d? couvert que je faisais plus que de raconter une histoire. Tu vois,? crire c une arme, une arme plus puissante que n′importe quel coup de point.
Writing, damn... it's magic! When I started writing, I discovered that I was doing more than just telling a story. You see, writing is a weapon, a weapon more powerful than any punch.
Apr? s la connaissance du r? sultat de l'impact d'une balle dans le bide. Apres une m? re qui regarde les yeux de son fils dans le vide. Apres un pointeur excit? qui brise sauvagement une enfance.
After witnessing the impact of a bullet in the gut. After a mother staring into the void of her son's eyes. After a twisted mind brutally shatters a childhood.
L′homme a su cr? er le mot souffrance.
Man created the word suffering.
Une dose pour apaiser aux proses pour confesser. De la d? pendance des substances, t′es poss? d?. Tant dans un but, si agressif, cherche, on kiffe, au pif.
A dose to soothe, prose to confess. From substance dependence, you're possessed. So much purpose, so aggressive, seek, we indulge, blindly.
L'homme a su cr? er le mot nocif
Man created the word harmful.
Perdus dans ces tas de taudis, tu sais ce qu′on dit? Ici c le scandale chez certaines familles, il en existe encore aujourd'hui perdus dans ces squattes lugubres!
Lost in these piles of slums, you know what they say? Here it's scandalous, in certain families, they still exist today, lost in these dismal squats!
L′homme a su cr? er le mot insalubre.
Man created the word unhealthy.
Tromp? s par ces jolis mots qui repr? sentent ce pays. Trahis par tant de promesses,? aimer les gens qui nous ha? ssent. Quand j'entends voter pour moi, changer tout sages et songes.
Deceived by these pretty words that represent this country. Betrayed by so many promises, loving the people who hate us. When I hear "vote for me," change all wisdom and dreams.
L′homme a su cr? er le mot mensonge.
Man created the word lie.
Les jeunes qui cherchent la merde quand ils savent pas quoi faire, alors que certains cherchent? fuir tous ces pays en guerre. Si t'es un bonhomme et si tu veux dire bonjour aux anges.
Young people looking for trouble when they don't know what to do, while others seek to flee all these countries at war. If you're a good man and you want to say hello to the angels.
L'homme a su cr? er le mot? change.
Man created the word exchange.
Des cicatrices psychologiques, aux marques physiques, du sang terreux, les sciences m? dicales et leurs pratiques. Des petites guenipes frappent et t′es trait? comme un porc mis? rable.
From psychological scars to physical marks, earthly blood, medical sciences and their practices. Little brats hit and you're treated like a miserable pig.
L′homme a su cr? er le mot coupable.
Man created the word guilty.
Compter les punitions inflig? es par d? lit de sa gueule. Combien d'hypocrites, dans un regard, font comprendre se qu′ils veulent? Des clones d'Hitler,? parpill? s dans tout le globe.
Counting the punishments inflicted for the crime of his mouth. How many hypocrites, in one glance, make it clear what they want? Hitler clones, scattered all over the globe.
L′homme a su cr? er le mot x? nophobe.
Man created the word xenophobe.
Depuis tous ces d? bats o? on peut partager ces propos. Et que les gens ne savent plus? viter un quiproquo.Ca part dans tout les sens, pour qu'en final r? sulte.
Since all these debates where we can share these words. And people no longer know how to avoid a misunderstanding. It goes in all directions, so that in the end results.
L′homme a su cr? er le mot insulte.
Man created the word insult.
Y'a des parents qui baissent les bras devant leurs gosses. Seuls baissent les bras quand les choses se corsent. Quand c trop dur, on se d? barrasse et demande pardon.
There are parents who give up on their kids. Only give up when things get tough. When it's too hard, we get rid of it and ask for forgiveness.
L'homme a su cr? er le mot abandon.
Man created the word abandonment.
Laiss? all? vers le fond, vers le ciel, persuad? s qu′ici on a plu de r? le essentiel. Par? s pour le grand saut, aujourd′hui se d? cide.
Let go towards the bottom, towards the sky, convinced that here we have no more essential role. Ready for the big jump, today is decided.
L'homme a su cr? er le mot suicide.
Man created the word suicide.
Dingue d′elle, trop fier de regarder, soit, mais t'es dingue d′elle. Tu te sens chelou, en mm tps tu te sens mortel. T'as beau? tre bad-boy, elle t′a pris de court.
Crazy about her, too proud to look, so be it, but you're crazy about her. You feel weird, at the same time you feel deadly. You might be a bad boy, she caught you off guard.
L'homme a su cr? er le mot amour.
Man created the word love.
D? u par la v? rit? tu tombes de haut. T'as tout donn?, on s′est servi, apr? s tchao. Les autres s′en foutent, style ils te disent que t'as pas de veine.
Disappointed by the truth, you fall from high. You gave everything, we used it, then bye. Others don't care, like they tell you you have no luck.
L′homme a su cr? er le mot haine.
Man created the word hate.
L? d'o? partent les r? glements de comptes qui d? g? n? rent, l? d′o? partent les g? nocides, d'o? partent les guerres. Plus rien? foutre de rien. Mais, fait gaffe? demain.
Where the settling of scores that degenerate starts, where the genocides start, where the wars start. Don't give a damn about anything. But, watch out for tomorrow.
Car l′homme a su cr? er le mot fin.
Because man created the word end.
Bombard? s par tous ces mots, y'en a pleins le dico, que g eu sur mon concept, c'est un truc qui donne chaud, mec! Ainsi comme l′homme a su cr? er tt ces mots, et moi j′ai su cr? er ce morceau: j'accuse ces mots, j′accuse ces mots!
Bombarded by all these words, the dictionary is full of them, that I got on my concept, it's something that gives you chills, man! Just as man knew how to create all these words, and I knew how to create this song: I accuse these words, I accuse these words!
(Merci? sophie pour cettes paroles)
(Thanks to Sophie for these lyrics)

Writer(s): kamnouze, dj dyna

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