Kandžija - Kičma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kandžija - Kičma

Spinal Column
Dok ti glumiš da si ganster
While you pretend to be a gangster
Ja sam sebi master
I'm my own master
Kolko god nosili te maske
No matter how many masks you wear
Ja sam samo svoj još više i jače
I'm just myself, even more and stronger
Dok ti glumiš da si ganster
While you pretend to be a gangster
Ja sam sebi master
I'm my own master
Kolko god nosili te maske
No matter how many masks you wear
Ja sam samo svoj još više i jače
I'm just myself, even more and stronger
Šljakam kao Beyonce,
I work like Beyoncé,
Kroz šiber čuješ Wind of change - Scorpionsi
You hear "Wind of Change" by the Scorpions through the vents
150 konja a ti konj si, cugovi nam konjski, repići na konjski
150 horses, and you're a horse, our drinks are for horses, our ponytails are for horses
Slušaš zapis tonski
You listen to a sound recording
U ovo stavljam život, nije mi samo poso
I put my life into this, it's not just a job for me
Puno bendova je bilo, ovaj moj je osto
There have been many bands, but this one of mine is the one that stays
Ovo pumpa iz svakog Golfa, Corse, Astre
This pumps from every Golf, Corsa, Astra
Hamdija u kući - nemam rješene katastre
Hamdija in the house, I don't have my real estate settled
Gole žene sviraju Fendere, mene ne, ubrajaj u igrače nego i u trenere
Naked women play Fenders, I don't, count me as a player and a coach
Došao spasit klub, sklizak teren je, nekad sam briso parket
I came to save the club, the terrain is slippery, I used to wipe the parquet
Išao kod Drage u market
I went to Draga's market
Slušao šta je repo Target
Listened to what Target was rapping about
Nikada kopiro zagreb
Never copied Zagreb
A neš vjerovat al neki to dan danas rade
You won't believe it, but some people still do that today
A u tom i cijela poanta
And that's the whole point
Da budeš kakav god jesi
To be whoever you are
A ne glumit nekog iz Blackouta ili iz Splita ili Bg- a
And not pretend to be someone from Blackout or Split or Belgrade
Ili koje god pripizdine osim svoje, jea
Or any other damn place except your own, yeah
Zato su tu gdje jesu
That's why they are where they are
Ja predstavljam Osijek ko Đapic u košarskom dresu
I represent Osijek like Đapic in a basketball jersey
S par šlaufa
With a few hoses
NIzak sam al sam višlji sam od Alfa
I'm short, but I'm taller than Alpha
Lega, omega i alfa
Leg, omega, and alpha
Jebo Konzum, jebo Lidl, jebo Kaufland
Screw Konzum, screw Lidl, screw Kaufland
Aaa ček da se zalaufam
Aaa, wait, let me get into it
Dok ti glumiš da si ganster
While you pretend to be a gangster
Ja sam sebi master
I'm my own master
Kolko god nosili te maske
No matter how many masks you wear
Ja sam samo svoj još više i jače
I'm just myself, even more and stronger
Dok ti glumiš da si ganster
While you pretend to be a gangster
Ja sam sebi master
I'm my own master
Kolko god nosili te maske
No matter how many masks you wear
Ja sam samo svoj idem više i jače
I'm just myself, I go further and stronger
Kao imaš svijet, a mi nismo svijet, mi smo kopija
You have the world, and we're not the world, we're a copy
Rihanna je američka verzija Cobya
Rihanna is the American version of Cobya
Smanjit spiku jednostavno odbijam
I simply refuse to lower the bar
Bez obzira kakva kmetovska potražnja ponuda
No matter what the peasant demand and supply
Namjerno pričam da sam seljak
I'm intentionally saying I'm a peasant
Jer ovdje svako s 3 lipe više, od drugih smatra se boljima
Because here, anyone with 3 cents more than others considers themselves better
Ok, nek sam seljak
Okay, let me be a peasant
Valjda zato sam bolji u svim poljima
Maybe that's why I'm better in all fields
Nisam glas generacije i te šeme
I'm not the voice of the generation and those schemes
Ova generacija nema glasa, ja sam meme ja sam mim
This generation has no voice, I'm a meme, I'm a mim
Stari reperi su legende al legendo naporan si s tim
Old rappers are legends, but legend, you're being annoying with that
Mali reperi su sretni kad dobiju bespla patike i speed
Young rappers are happy when they get free shoes and speed
Nije nam isti cilj, nemam se igrat s kim
We don't have the same goal, I have no one to play with
Natječem se samo protiv sebe
I only compete against myself
Natječem se da mi bezveze, ne prođe vrijeme
I compete so that my time doesn't pass idly
Stari mi otišao, nezadovoljan, pošten i umoran
My old man passed away, dissatisfied, honest, and tired
Imao je godina
He had years
Naučio sam valjda nešto
I must have learned something
Hoću da mi svaka sekunda bude pobjeda
I want every second to be a victory for me
Volit život, volit ljudi i sve oko sebe
To love life, love people, and everything around me
Jer nema boljeg od ovoga
Because there's nothing better than this
Ostavlja se duša i kičma
You leave your soul and your spinal column
A ako nisi sretan ne vrijedi ti ništa
And if you're not happy, nothing is worth it
Dok ti glumiš da si ganster
While you pretend to be a gangster
Ja sam sebi master
I'm my own master
Kolko god nosili te maske
No matter how many masks you wear
Ja sam samo svoj još više i jače
I'm just myself, even more and stronger
Dok ti glumiš da si ganster
While you pretend to be a gangster
Ja sam sebi master
I'm my own master
Kolko god nosili te maske
No matter how many masks you wear
Ja sam samo svoj idem više i jače
I'm just myself, I go further and stronger
Kolko god kolko god
No matter how, no matter how
Još više
Even more
Kolko god kolko god
No matter how, no matter how
Još jače
Even stronger
Kolko god kolko god
No matter how, no matter how
Još više, još više
Even more, even more
Kolko god kolko god
No matter how, no matter how
Još jače
Even stronger
Još više
Even more
Još jače
Even stronger
Još više, još više
Even more, even more
Još jače
Even stronger

Writer(s): Stjepko Galovic, Matej Huljev, Luka Tralic

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