Kandžija - Previše - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kandžija - Previše

Too Much
Je je je jeee
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Previše previše
Too much too much
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Previše previše previše previše previše
Too much too much too much too much too much
Kušin mi je bina (bina)
My stage is a cushion (cushion)
Ja sam Kandžija iz grupe Rage against the veš mašina (veš mašina)
I'm Kandžija from the Rage against the washing machine group (washing machine)
Glupa limuzina
Stupid limousine
Nemoš ju parkirat bočno (bočno)
You can't park it sideways (sideways)
Čak i kada lažem (ne lažem)
Even when I lie (I don't lie)
Zvuči jako moćno (moćno)
It sounds very powerful (powerful)
Previše brojite lajkove (previše)
You count likes too much (too much)
Premalo novce (premalo)
Too little money (too little)
Ako Škoro postane predsjednik onda sam ja Beyonce (bijonce)
If Škoro becomes president then I'm Beyoncé (Beyoncé)
Cijeli dan sam bildo (bildo)
I've been lifting all day (lifting)
Al nije da trbuh mi ravan je (ravan je)
But it's not like my stomach is flat (flat)
Moja škemba - sex simbol (simbol)
My belly - sex symbol (symbol)
Makni se kvariš mi kadrove (kvariš mi kadrove)
Move away, you're ruining my shots (you're ruining my shots)
Pijemo samo craft (pijemo samo craft)
We only drink craft (we only drink craft)
Slušamo sam punk (slušamo samo punk)
We only listen to punk (we only listen to punk)
I to brate daft (daft)
And that brother is daft (daft)
A to što pričaš, iskreno ne zanima me
And what you're talking about, honestly, I don't care
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Pre pre previše sam dobro
Too too too much I'm good
Svi me gledaju pitaju šta je s tobom
Everyone is looking at me asking what's wrong with you
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Pre pre previše sam dobro
Too too too much I'm good
Svi me gledaju pitaju šta je s tobom
Everyone is looking at me asking what's wrong with you
Razbio se jučer (mordor)
I crashed yesterday (Mordor)
Teški mordor (auuu)
Heavy Mordor (auuu)
Al previše sam dobro (dobro)
But I'm too good (good)
Ako ne prodamo milijun mp3ija (mp3ija)
If we don't sell a million mp3s (mp3s)
Odo dostavljat za Glovo
I'm going to deliver for Glovo
Dok se vi svadjate sa sobom
While you're arguing with yourself
Gole žene mi rade sendviče
Naked women are making me sandwiches
Kontam uložit u zemljište
I'm thinking about investing in land
Al da ne košta previše
But it shouldn't cost too much
Pjevam balade rokamo sentiše
I sing ballads, we rock sentiments
Pijemo gemište
We drink gemište
Za Moju domovinu radimo remixe
We're making remixes for my homeland
(Moja do...)
(My home...)
Ne seri da pratimo trendove (trendove)
Don't bullshit me that we're following trends (trends)
Pratimo taj fashion (fashion)
We're following that fashion (fashion)
Pa neću valjda bit baba (baba)
I'm not going to be a granny (granny)
Što sjedi i čeka svoj pension (penšn)
Who sits and waits for her pension (pension)
Sve što kažemo je hit (hit)
Everything we say is a hit (hit)
Cijele godine ljeto (ljeto)
Summer all year (summer)
Uvijek je na nama svjetlo čak i kad šetamo adventom (ljeto)
There's always light on us even when we walk through Advent (summer)
Pogled u daljinu, izgledam sjetno
A look into the distance, I look wistful
Prije su prigovarali jedno,
They used to complain about one thing,
Sad nešto treće, četvrto, peto
Now something else, third, fourth, fifth
Želim im samo - sretno
I just wish them - good luck
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Pre pre previše sam dobro
Too too too much I'm good
Svi me gledaju pitaju šta je s tobom
Everyone is looking at me asking what's wrong with you
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Previše previše previše
Too much too much too much
Ne zanima me pre pre previše sam dobro
I don't care too too too much I'm good
Svi me gledaju pitaju šta je s tobom
Everyone is looking at me asking what's wrong with you
... Svi me gledaju pitaju šta je s tobom
... Everyone is looking at me asking what's wrong with you

Writer(s): Stjepko Galovic, Matej Huljev, Denis Mevlja

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