Kapelle Josef Menzl - S' boarische Bier - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kapelle Josef Menzl - S' boarische Bier

S' boarische Bier
The Bavarian Beer
Grüaß Gott ihr liabn Leitln
Greetings, my dear ladies,
Mir habn euch was gebracht
We've brought you something special,
Was mir uns in da Fremd draußt
Something we put together
Zusammen haben gemacht
While we were far from home.
Es is a neues Liadl
It's a brand new song,
Mit am frischen Humor
With a fresh sense of humor,
Es klingt oan ja beim Singa
It sounds, as you sing along,
Ganz boarisch ins Ohr
Truly Bavarian to the ear.
Überall is uns guat ganga
Everywhere we went, things were fine,
Nur eines gfehlt hat mir
But one thing we truly missed,
Des war des
It was that
Guate echte
Good, genuine,
Süffige gschmackige
Smooth, tasty,
Ewige boarische Bier
Eternal Bavarian beer.
Des war des
It was that
Guate echte
Good, genuine,
Süffige gschmackige
Smooth, tasty,
Ewige boarische Bier
Eternal Bavarian beer.
Der Wein der stärkt die Glieder
Wine strengthens the limbs, they say,
Der Schampus steigt in Kopf
Champagne goes straight to your head,
Der Punsch der wirft di nieder
Punch knocks you right off your feet,
Der Schnaps nimmt di beim Schopf
Schnapps grabs you by the scruff of your neck.
Der Tee der macht oan Hitzn
Tea makes you feel hot all over,
Der Kaffee der regt oan auf
Coffee gets you all worked up,
Am Glühwein muaß ma schwitzn
Mulled wine makes you sweat like a pig,
Koa Wasser mag ma drauf
And water, well, we don't care for that much.
Auf alle die Getränke
All these drinks, my dear,
Recht gern verzichten wir
We gladly do without,
Bringts uns a
Just bring us a
Masserl guates
Large glass of good,
Echtes süffiges
Genuine, smooth,
Boarisches Bier
Bavarian beer.
Bringts uns a
Just bring us a
Masserl guates
Large glass of good,
Echtes süffiges
Genuine, smooth,
Boarisches Bier
Bavarian beer.
Und wenn da Altboar krank is
And when the old Bavarian is sick,
Na liegt er halt so drin
Well, he just lies there in bed,
Er will ja gar nix wissen
He doesn't want to know a thing
Von einer Medizin
About any medicine.
Er bringts einfach net runter
He simply can't keep it down,
Es passt net in sein Magn
It doesn't agree with his stomach,
Weil er scho so vui gsuffa hat
Because he's already drunk so much,
Konn er nix mehr vertragn
He can't tolerate anything else.
Wenn er amoi am Sterbbett liegt
When he's lying on his deathbed,
Ruft er noch voll Begier
He calls out with all his desire,
Bringts ma an halben
Bring me half a
Eimer guates
Bucket of good,
Echtes süffiges
Genuine, smooth,
Boarisches Bier
Bavarian beer.
Bringts ma an halben
Bring me half a
Eimer guates
Bucket of good,
Echtes süffiges
Genuine, smooth,
Boarisches Bier
Bavarian beer.

Writer(s): Traditional

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