Kara - Orion - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kara - Orion

この渋滞抜ければ もうすぐお別れね
Once we're through this traffic, it's almost time to say goodbye.
It means we won't see each other
会えない日々が続くだなんて いやだよ
for a while again... I don't want that.
ハンドル握る きみの細い腕
Your slender arms grip the steering wheel.
Visible from the window
is the beautiful Orion we gazed at together.
Like this night sky,
I want us to stay the same forever.
いま きみの瞳には どんな未来が見えてるの?
What kind of future do you see in your eyes right now?
遠く離れても 会えない時でも
Even when we're far apart, even when we can't meet,
I want to feel you close.
わがままだって 言われてもいい
Even if you call me selfish, it's okay.
この手を 離したくないの
I don't want to let go of this hand.
"I want to be strong," I say.
"It'll be alright," you smile, but
また会える日まで ちゃんと待ってるから
I'll be waiting for you until the day we meet again.
I can't quite put it into words...
"I love you."
きみの町は今夜 雨が降ってるみたい
It seems like it's raining in your town tonight.
In the past, I never felt
胸が痛んだり 強く思うこと なかった
this kind of heartache or such strong emotions.
This distance that feels unreachable
teaches me things too.
でも きみのその手で 溢れ出すこの涙 拭ってよ
But please, wipe away these overflowing tears with your hand.
遠回りしても 季節が巡っても
Even if we take detours, even as the seasons change,
we'll be together, right?
切れかかる電話 かすむきみの声
The call is about to cut off, your voice fading away.
お願い まだこうしていたいの
Please, I want to stay like this a little longer.
伝えたいことは 星の数あるの
There are so many things I want to tell you,
but the more they build up,
言えなくなるよ 会いたくなるよ
the less I can say them. I miss you so much.
Warm me up with your embrace soon.
遠く離れても 会えない時でも
Even when we're far apart, even when we can't meet,
I want to feel you close.
手を伸ばすたびに 手にする寂しさ
Every time I reach out, all I grasp is loneliness.
The night sky gives me no answers.
"I want to be strong," I wish upon a star,
so please keep smiling.
また会える日まで ちゃんと待ってるから
I'll be waiting for you until the day we meet again.
何度も 何度でも伝えたい
Over and over, I want to tell you
"I love you."
"I love you."

Writer(s): Saimon Isogai

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