Kardeş Türküler - Şah-ı Merdan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kardeş Türküler - Şah-ı Merdan

Şah-ı Merdan
Shah-i Merdan
Kün deyince var eyledi on sekiz bin âlemi
When He said "Be", the eighteen thousand worlds sprang into existence
Âlemi yâr âlemi
The world is beloved, the world
Şah-ı Merdan cüşa geldi sırrın aşikâr eyledi
Shah-i Merdan came with delight and revealed the secret
Yağmuru yağdıran benim deyi Ömer'e söyledi
"I am the One who sends down rain," he told Omar
Söyledi yâr söyledi
My beloved tells, my beloved tells
Ol demde şimşek balkıyıp yedi sema gürledi
At that moment, lightning flashed and the seven heavens thundered
Gürledi yâr gürledi, can gürledi
My beloved thundered, my beloved thundered, my soul thundered
Hem sakidir hem bakidir nur-ı Rahman'ım Ali
I am both the Eternal and the Immutable, I am Ali, the Light of God
Yetiş carımıza kurtar meded mürüvvet ya Ali
Come to my aid, save me, help me, grace me, O Ali
Ya Ali yâr ya Ali, yâr ya Ali
O Ali, my beloved, O Ali, my beloved, O Ali
Ömer vardı Hak Muhammed katına dedi
Omar went to God and Muhammad and said
Eyle beyan Hz. Ali midir ol arşa gürleyan?
"Tell me, is it Ali who thunders on the Throne?"
Gürleyan yâr gürleyan, gürleyan
My beloved who thunders, who thunders, who thunders
Çarh-ı Gerdunun elinden sırr-ı hikmet eyleyen
He who holds the mysteries of wisdom in his hand, the celestial sphere
Eyleyen yâr eyleyen
My beloved does, my beloved does
Hem sakidir hem bakidir nur-ı Rahman'ım Ali
I am both the Eternal and the Immutable, I am Ali, the Light of God
Yetiş carımıza kurtar meded mürüvvet ya Ali
Come to my aid, save me, help me, grace me, O Ali
Ya Ali yâr ya Ali, yâr ya Ali
O Ali, my beloved, O Ali, my beloved, O Ali
Hak Muhammed buyurdu ki Yektir Ali bir dedi
God and Muhammad answered, "Ali is One, He is one"
Bir dedi yâr bir dedi
My beloved is one, my beloved is one
Hem evveli hem ahiri her şeye kadir dedi
He is the First and the Last, He has power over all things
Ali'ye şirk koşanlar mutlaka kâfir dedi
Those who associate others with Ali are surely infidels
Hem sakidir hem bakidir nur-ı Rahman'ım Ali
I am both the Eternal and the Immutable, I am Ali, the Light of God
Yetiş carımıza kurtar meded mürüvvet ya Ali
Come to my aid, save me, help me, grace me, O Ali
Ya Ali yâr ya Ali, yâr ya Ali
O Ali, my beloved, O Ali, my beloved, O Ali

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