Karel Plíhal - Amnestie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Karel Plíhal - Amnestie

Vnikl mi do bytu orangutan
An orangutan broke into my apartment
Ukrad' mi vařič na propanbutan
He stole my propane stove
Čeho se člověk dnes nedožije
What a strange world we live in
V ZOO je od rána amnestie
The zoo has declared an amnesty today
Koukám, jak v prádelním koši lama
I see a llama in my laundry basket
Probírá se mýma košilama
Going through my shirts
Na WC mýval si pracky myje
A raccoon is washing its paws in the toilet
V ZOO je od rána amnestie
The zoo has declared an amnesty today
V kuchyni huláká chameleon
A chameleon is yelling in the kitchen
Že kávu pro všechny namele on
Saying that he's going to grind the coffee for everyone
Tapíři ničí tapiserie
Tapirs are destroying the tapestries
V ZOO je od rána amnestie
The zoo has declared an amnesty today
Je celkem zbytečné zamykat se
There's no point in locking the door
Když letí sem zubr jak kamikadze
When a bison is flying in like a kamikaze
Tohohle zas někdo zneužije
Someone is going to take advantage of this
Že v ZOO je od rána amnestie
The zoo has declared an amnesty today
Piraně ve vaně z tety Majky
Piranhas in the bathtub with Aunt May
Robia si narýchlo piraňajky
They're making piranha steaks
Budou z rodinné relikvie
They'll be family heirlooms
V ZOO je od rána amnestie
The zoo has declared an amnesty today
V ložnici válí se osm šelem
There are eight beasts rolling around in the bedroom
Propuštěných spolu s ředitelem
Released along with the director
On kňučí a žadoní o prémie
He's whining and begging for a bonus
V ZOO je od rána amnestie
The zoo has declared an amnesty today
S panterem v zádech a v ostrým sprintu
With a panther at my back and a sharp sprint
Nějak jsem zapomněl na pointu
I've somehow forgotten the punchline
Abych vás nesklamal, tak tady je:
So that I don't disappoint you, here it is:
V ZOO je od rána amnestie
The zoo has declared an amnesty today

Writer(s): karel plihal

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