Karlo feat. Gedz - Elysium (feat. Gedz) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Karlo feat. Gedz - Elysium (feat. Gedz)

Elysium (feat. Gedz)
Elysium (feat. Gedz)
Vidím čoraz menej detí hrať sa na dvore,
I see less and less children playing outside,
čoraz viacej ľudí s telefónmi pri stole,
more and more people with phones at the table,
V škole nás naučia nevedieť, tak nič nevieme,
In school, we're taught to unknow, so we know nothing,
Uvedomujeme si dobré, keď o to prídeme.
We realize what's good when we lose it.
Straty, nálezy, stále niečo hľadáme,
Losses, finds, we're always looking for something,
Spomienky, nápady, bez úcty pochované,
Memories, ideas, buried without respect,
Dvere za niekym príliš rýchlo zatvárame,
We close the door behind someone too quickly,
A keď nezaklope znova, tak sa sklameme.
And only when they don't knock again do we get disappointed.
keď nezaklope znova...
Only when they don't knock again...
keď nezaklope znova...
Only when they don't knock again...
keď nezaklope znova...
Only when they don't knock again...
keď nezaklope znova...
Only when they don't knock again...
keď nezaklope znova...
Only when they don't knock again...
keď nezaklope...
Only when they don't knock...
Nemôžeme to mať, o to viacej po tom túžime,
We can't have it, so we crave it even more,
A o tom potom mega raz rozprávame o sebe,
And then we tell this big story about ourselves,
A hľadať cestu ako runway väčšinou len túžime,
And we mostly just dream about finding a way like a runway,
Je pozde sadiť nové stromy keď sa raz les vyrúbe.
It's too late to plant new trees when the forest has been cut down.
Zo včera na dnes a z pred včera na včera,
From yesterday to today and from the day before yesterday to yesterday,
čo sa dialo neviem, zrazu je nedeľa,
I don't know what happened, it's suddenly Sunday,
Týždeň prešiel ako keby prešiel deň,
The week passed by as if it were a day,
Neviem zastať, neviem zaspať, naháňam svoj sen.
I can't stop, I can't sleep, I'm chasing my dream.
Čím rýchlejšie, tým rýchlejšie sa stráca cit,
The faster it goes, the faster the feeling goes,
Dvíhaš telefón čoraz ťažšie, deadlift,
You lift the phone with more and more difficulty, deadlift,
čím rýchlejšie, tým rýchlejšie sa stráca cit,
The faster it goes, the faster the feeling goes,
Dvíhaš telefón čoraz ťažšie, deadlift.
You lift the phone with more and more difficulty, deadlift.
Empatia, deficit,
Empathy, deficit,
Apatia, explicit,
Apathy, explicit,
Empatia, deficit,
Empathy, deficit,
Apatia, explicit.
Apathy, explicit.
(Nie wiem bardzo dobrze po polsku.)
(I don't know Polish very well.)
Vidím čoraz menej detí hrať sa na dvore,
I see less and less children playing outside,
čoraz viacej ľudí s telefónmi pri stole,
more and more people with phones at the table,
V škole nás naučia nevedieť, tak nič nevieme,
In school, we're taught to unknow, so we know nothing,
Uvedomujeme si dobré, keď o to prídeme.
We realize what's good when we lose it.

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