Delia Rus feat. Karo & Doddy - Tot Mai Departe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Delia Rus feat. Karo & Doddy - Tot Mai Departe

Tot Mai Departe
Further and Further Away
Sunt pe drum dar nu stiu unde sa ajung
I'm on my way but I don't know where I'm going
Si nici de ce dar sunt aici mergand tot mai departe
And I don't know why, but I'm here, going further and further away
Tot mai departe.
Further and further away.
Am crescut inconjurat de natura
I grew up surrounded by nature
Toata ziua bateam mingea pe batatura
I used to play ball all day on the beaten ground
Pana cand soarta a devenit mai dura
Until fate became harder
Si a trebuit sa plec spre o viata mai buna
And I had to leave for a better life
La oras, cu visele in portbagaj
To the city, with my dreams in the trunk
Ai nevoie de curaj
You need courage
Sa faci ceea ce iti place
To do what you love
Cand nimeni nu te crede in stare
When no one believes you can
Si stai ca pe ace
And you're on pins and needles
Caci vremea trece, chirie, inghesuiala
Because time passes, rent, crowding
Si orice ai face se aduna bara la bara
And whatever you do, it adds up bar by bar
Probleme pentru care altii-s pe afara
Problems for which others are abroad
Pana le rezolva si se-ntorc in tara
Until they solve them and return to the country
Rapid, ca astea-s facute sa te puna la zid
Quickly, because these are made to put you against the wall
Dar nu te pot opri sa fii fericit
But they can't stop you from being happy
Stiu ca drumul e lung dar pe toate le-alung
I know the road is long, but I chase them all away
Sunt pe drum dar nu stiu unde sa ajung
I'm on my way but I don't know where I'm going
Si nici de ce dar sunt aici mergand tot mai departe
And I don't know why, but I'm here, going further and further away
Tot mai departe
Further and further away
Nu rezolv problemele ci le-alung
I don't solve problems, I just chase them away
Si nu stiu de ce dar sunt aici mergand tot mai departe
And I don't know why, but I'm here, going further and further away
Tot mai departe spre nu stiu unde
Further and further away to I don't know where
Spre nu stiu unde.
To I don't know where.
Tot mai departe
Further and further away
Spre nu stiu unde.
To I don't know where.
Ai mei ma-ntreaba de ce ma tot recreez
My folks ask me why I keep recreating myself
Am zis am timp o viata intreaga sa lucrez
I said I have a whole life to work
Sunt constient ca si-aici tu nu crezi pana nu vezi
I'm aware that even here you don't believe until you see
Dar lasa-ma sa fac ce vreau si o sa-ti demonstrez
But let me do what I want and I'll show you
Ca eu pot sa fac salturi peste orice bariere
That I can jump over any barriers
Eu pot sa stau la rand in goana asta dupa avere
I can stand in line in this race for wealth
Eu pot sa zic poftim urmat mereu de cu placere
I can say here you go, always followed by with pleasure
Pe vremurile astea in care toata lumea-ti cere
In these times when everyone asks you
Stiu ca stiu ca nu-i usor si banii se castiga greu
I know that I know it's not easy and money is hard to come by
Stiu ca eu am misiune sa alerg dupa ei mereu
I know that I have a mission to always run after it
Dar inca-s tanar, n-am probleme sa-ti enumar
But I'm still young, I have no problems to list
N-am copii sau datorii care se imping umar la umar
I don't have children or debts that push shoulder to shoulder
Am doar prieteni buni care-s gata sa m-asculte
I just have good friends who are ready to listen to me
Gata sa petreaca multe clipe absolute
Ready to spend many absolute moments
Am doar prieteni buni care-s gata sa m-ajute
I just have good friends who are ready to help me
Rupte-s multe si.
Many are broken and.
Sunt pe drum dar nu stiu unde sa ajung
I'm on my way but I don't know where I'm going
Si nici de ce dar sunt aici mergand tot mai departe
And I don't know why, but I'm here, going further and further away
Tot mai departe
Further and further away
Nu rezolv problemele ci le-alung
I don't solve problems, I just chase them away
Si nu stiu de ce dar sunt aici mergand tot mai departe
And I don't know why, but I'm here, going further and further away
Tot mai departe spre nu stiu unde
Further and further away to I don't know where
Spre nu stiu unde.
To I don't know where.
Tot mai departe
Further and further away
Spre nu stiu unde.
To I don't know where.
Tot mai departe
Further and further away
Spre nu stiu unde...
To I don't know where...

Writer(s): Radu Gabriel Baisan, Nicolae Stan, Dumitru Claudiu Polk, Alexandru Dragos Damsa

Delia Rus feat. Karo & Doddy - Tot mai departe (Radio Edit)
Tot mai departe (Radio Edit)
date de sortie

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